Western media have finally change course. They are now admitting that the much promoted Ukrainian counter-offensive has failed. In fact, the acknowledge that it never had a chance to win in the first place.
The Hill, the Washington Post and CNN now agree that the Ukrainian army will never achieve its aims.
western MSM has a rare encounter with reality!
That makes it difficult for the Biden administration to get Congress approval for $24 billion in additional ‘aid’ to Ukraine. It does not make sense to pay for a cause that is evidently lost.
b seems overly hopeful regarding the rationality of US congress, but i think hes right- why would we throw more money at them, US politicians have made it clear they do not support bringing Ukraine into NATO if they do not win this conflict. of course, US politicians are prone to lying and misleading
Nothing has come from the ‘peace conference’ which Saudi Arabia arranged on Ukraine’s behalf
lol. lmao even. props to big dog MBS for trying
Despite the onslaught of bad news the Ukrainian army is still trying to take Russian positions in the south and east of Ukraine. But it simply does not have enough in men and material to break through the lines.
Even if they would manage to get a local breakthrough there are not enough reserves to push for the necessary follow up. Just one of the NATO trained brigades has still been held back. All others have been mauled in their various deployment zones.
nothing has changed it seems
In the northeast around Kupyansk the Russians have started their own offensive which has the Ukrainians on the run. Ukraine has ordered the evacuation of the area
But Kupyansk is a Russian city and people refuse to leave.
show this to the libs claiming Russians are committing genocide in the regions they capture. curious that these civilians are content with Russian occupation when you believe what western media claims
The Russian campaign is slowly speeding up. As the Ukrainian Strana.news reports (machine translation):
Also in Ukraine, it is recorded that from Kupyansk to Bakhmut, Russia has increased the number of attacks.
"Over the past month, the total number of attacks in the Kupyansk, Limansky and Bakhmut directions has grown significantly. In July, during the week there were 6-6.5 thousand attacks, during the last week-9 thousand attacks, " - said the representative of the National Guard Ruslan Muzychuk.
According to him, the Russian Federation does not experience “shell hunger”.
Aviation is also actively used, and over the past few weeks, more than 50 air attacks have been taking place every day, and sometimes more than 80.
That is bad news for the Ukrainian side which lacks the reserves to counter the Russian onslaught. There are also less weapons coming in from the West. F-16 fighter jets will be delayed for another nine months due to training issues. Tanks and other material are in short supply.
these supply issues sure bode well for the west’s performance in WW3
Strana also report of an interview with a knowledgeable Ukrainian soldier (machine translation):
Continuing the topic of the situation at the front, an interesting interview was given by a Ukrainian sniper fighting near Bakhmut with the call sign “Grandfather”. On the air of political scientist Yuri Romanenko, he was introduced as Konstantin Proshinsky (this is a pseudonym).
The fighter spoke in detail about his vision of the situation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Russian army.
- Mobilization. In his opinion, it is conducted incorrectly. Recruits are sent to the front who have never been trained, and they are often over 50 years old and with a whole bunch of diseases.
- No rotation. The soldier says that “the same brigades” are fighting at the front, and people are not taken out of the front line for six months or more. Whereas by Western standards, they can be kept in a war zone for no more than three months.
- Behavior of mid-and high-level commanders. According to Proshinsky, many of them are trying to arrange a “mini-Stalingrad” on the positions, forcing them to go into frontal assaults on well-fortified Russian positions.
- The Russian Army began to fight better.
- Proshinsky believes that Russia has not yet used much of what it has against Ukraine.
The soldier thinks that the Russians will not move from their positions and that a stalemate peace like in Korea would be the end result.
UAF in real dire times— recruiting the elderly, poor logistics, engaging the enemy at inopportune times, and Russia has yet to waver
I believe that to be wrong. Russia’s aim is to liberate at least the four regions that it has claimed for itself. For political reasons it can not stop before that is done.
Should the Ukraine continue to fight after that, Russia is likely to set new aims and take more land.
more editorializing, but it doesnt seem unreasonable. i thought Russia would stick to its original goal of Donetsk and Luhansk, but if Zaporizhzhia and Kherson are receptive to Russian governance, it would be foolish for Russia to give them up
Mod reports so far:
Reason: Go away tankies with your editorialized commentary
Nate Cox@programming.dev
Reason: propaganda
Hey @jemikwa@lemmy.blahaj.zone and @natecox@programming.dev Why don’t you show up and defend your beliefs in the free marketplace of democracy instead of crying for the authoritarian Stalinist mods to silence everyone you don’t like.
Reason: support of human rights violations
Why don’t you show up and defend your beliefs in the free marketplace of democracy instead of stuffing your complaints in the authoritarian Stalinist mods mailbox?
deleted by creator
If you don’t support fighting to the last Ukrainian, then you are supporting genocide of Ukrainians
support of human rights violations
Hmm maybe we should just report every pro USA comment as this?
Please don’t
Ok 😔
The burden of the left, we’re forced to comport ourselves to a higher standard because our enemies have no sense of responsibility
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Has the programming instance eliminated the commodity form then?
“Mods! mods! Delete this tankie at once.”
They think this is Reddit.
Nate Cox@programming.dev
Reason: Harassment
Nate Cox@programming.dev
Reason: Harassment
Double whammy from @natecox@programming.dev stuffing more hatemail in the modbox. The quicker you either 1) show up and actually try and prove why you’re right and the article is wrong. or 2) stop making false mod reports over opinions you disagree with, the quicker you’ll stop getting pinged for wasting everyone’s time.
@natecox@programming.dev are you really going to keep replying to me via mod reports? Are you really that scared of saying hello or incapable of walking away from an unwinnable event?
@natecox@programming.dev this is getting boring, knock off filling my report box with your replies and we’ll call it even.
Alright @natecox@programming.dev you decided to keep going, not me.
Show me one place the Ukronazis broke through even the first line of Russian defences. I’ll wait, dorks.
I am still astounded by this part, the utter failure of Ukraine to make any substantial gains whatsoever. I never expected the counteroffensive to succeed, but with the Russian evacuations of the combat zone, and the withdrawals in Karhkiv and Kherson, I pretty much expected the UAF to be allowed to reach the 1st line of defense. The utter failure of the UAF to take only a few tiny pockets, despite their force concentration, just shows the utter failure of NATO to identify an effective doctrine.
Now, with Russia on the offensive again, I don’t really see any possibility of Ukrainian gains in the future. If the counteroffensive was supposed to improve Ukraine’s position on the negotiating table, well, this is their high tide.
It doesn’t seem like a big departure from where they’ve been for most of the war. Well before this I recall the general consensus being that Ukraine was sending out waves of unsupported light infantry and Russia was mulching them with massed artillery fire, and then the process repeated until the UA soldiers refused to advance.
NATO doesn’t really seem to have much going in terms of tactics except “lol air superiority”. A lot of their equipment is shitty and has poor mobility, and they haven’t fought any real battles since Vietnam. All they really know is air superiority, gun run, JDAM, bomb civilians, hot chip, and lie."
lol “editorialized”. i counted two instances of b editorializing in this otherwise well cited article. and one of those is barely editorializing, more of a hypothesis based on prior evidence that Ukraine does not have enough reserves to follow up if they happen to break the Russian line. the other is a guess of Russia’s future actions, but again, its a reasonable guess based on the current status of the Russian army and the general sentiment of civilians in Russia-occupied oblasts.
so come @jemikwa@lemmy.blahaj.zone and @natecox@programming.dev. come @lasagna@programming.dev. defend ur claims in the posting arena instead of cowering in the mod reports
comes to an instance commonly defederated because tankies
Sees tankies
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What better way to tell everyone “I don’t know how the block community button works and want to make that the mods and/or admins problem”?
Wtf lmao. Poor admins
Sandi balls
Sandi imp balls
Sandi mormon imp balls
Sandi mormon imp spy balls
Sandi mormon imp spy bubblegum balls
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It’s pretty funny that they use the mod report button like redditors, as if this place wouldn’t have mods that toe the party line completely, rather than some guy who turned himself into a chatbot through the sheer power of propaganda.
Its just so much fucking blood spilled.
I can’t get over how many people are throwing their lives away over some dipshits in their respective capitals putting new lines on a map. Nightmarish to see Ukrainians and Russians alike march to their deaths over this shit.
some Ukrainians are being coerced into serving. libs will call me a Russian bot for this, but i dont think the same can be said for Russia. they have enough active military personnel to avoid drafting; they havent even deployed them all
but yeah, war is depressing. hopefully before we go extinct we will achieve communism and end war
there were tens of thousands of casualties from wagner’s prisoner troops. they recruited a lot out of prisons - how is that not coercion
You’re right of course but it’s a significant degree of coercion away from the way Ukrainian recruiters were grabbing people on the street and throwing them in vans.
tens of thousands of casualties from Wagner alone? that sounds spurious
Bakhmut was a literal meat grinder of human lives, absolutely brutal battle with mass casualties on both sides. Definitely was no where near worth the life lost.
They’re also still fighting in Bakhmut too. Some asshole from my state just got mortared to pieces there about a week ago. Many news stories about him. The dude was maybe fifty, had been rejected from the US military for undisclosed health issues decades earlier, was estranged from his wife, and went to fight in Ukraine because he wanted to help the children 😬
i stand corrected
I mean prigo might be overselling it with 20k+ dead but tens of thousands of casualties seems in line. It was a long and vicious battle.
fair, but also they arent part of the Russian military. and they stopped recruiting prisoners
Does Ukraine really need to coerce people into serving? I was under the impression that the country had huge numbers of bloodthirsty fascists salivating at the thought of killing “RuZZian orcs.”
The Ukrainian leader said all officials responsible for military conscription in each region of the country were dismissed.
Mr Zelenskyy said a probe into military recruitment centres across the nation exposed illegal dealings including bribery.
The investigations also unveiled reports of officials helping men dodge conscription by fleeing across borders.
There is currently a wartime ban on travel for draft-eligible men.
“This system should be run by people who know exactly what war is and why cynicism and bribery during war is treason,” Mr Zelenskyy said on Friday.
‘recruitment’ lmao
Ah, that answers the question.
No they definitely need to conscript. Most people don’t want to give up their lives for some war, no matter their ideology.
There are a huge number of racists in Ukraine but that doesn’t make it a monolith. When you see things like 76% approval for Bandera, some people support him killing Jews but some were genuinely miseducated on him.
Also, a lot of these people have families in places where bombs have fallen, will fall, or are currently falling. In the face of a massive enemy like Russia, even as a Ukrainian reactionary there is a good case to be made to just stay and protect your family since you aren’t going to stop the bombs. Being there to rescue a survivor right after a bomb hits is much more likely to help them than making sure a thermobaric missile kills 17 people instead of 16 on the front lines.
some Ukrainians are being coerced into serving. libs will call me a Russian bot for this,
Nah they can’t, even western news outlets acknowledged that zelenskyyyy banned all working age men from leaving the country, effectively condemning them to die in the war as cannon fodder for NATO.
libs will call me a Russian bot for this, but i dont think the same can be said for Russia.
I think they were talking about libs calling them a bot for saying Russia didn’t have to rely on coercion. I’d still disagree with that though because afaik Russia actually has been (or at least was at one point, correct me if that’s changed) using conscripts in Ukraine.
libs will call me a Russian bot
Everyone who disagrees with me is a lib is great defense. Chuds will disagree with me though
Are you not a liberal? What’s your political views? I wanna hear
I don’t consider myself a lib. Housing should not be an asset for profit. Workers pay should increase based on the value they create. Housing first policy for the homeless. Food prices should not be rising based on corporate profit seeking
I think I’m still pro market economy, but not in a capitalist sense. A market economy can incentivize progress, but workers shouldn’t be forced to participate at minimum wage through the threat of hunger and homelessness.
corporate power lobbying has ruined public infrastructure and that’s bad.
But I’m not backing Russia fully on this invasion thing, so I’m definitely a liberal!
I don’t think anyone here really supports Russia, in the sense that we want them to conquer Ukraine. More that we don’t see prolonging the war as useful for anything but killing more people and selling more weapons. Peace is what we should all aim for here.
Yeah. A Russian victory, or at least a favorabel stalemate, is desirable because it would harm NATO, not because there’s anything good about Russia. There’s some argument to be made that it’s likely better than allowing Ethnic Russian Russian Speaking Ukrainians to fall in to the hands of the Banderites that run Kiev, but that’s kind of up in the air.
This is simply the overture of what will turn out to be the ultimate fight between US and China - the showdown between finance capitalism and industrial capitalism. All the geopolitical events revolve around this fundamental contradiction of capitalism, which is now approaching its zenith.
What is happening in Ukraine today is likely a cakewalk compared to what is to come. Biden truly scares me, being so casually ending European prosperity (it won’t recover for the next half a century) and using monetary and economic policies to engineer famines and poverty across the developing world just to slow the decline of the empire. The interest rates hikes, and the sanctions against Russian agricultural products, are literally impoverishing and killing people in the global south.
He will make sure that America will be the last to go down, even if it means total annihilation in a war against China. The real question is, how will the rest of the world respond to this?
Biden truly scares me, being so casually ending European prosperity
Biden’s a senile puppet. He didn’t do anything aside from sign whatever was put on his desk by staffers and read whatever was on his teleprompter. Europe was ultimately screwed by its own slavish obedience to deindustrialization, a process decades in the making and orchestrated by the forces of finance. This was enhanced by their millennia-old tangled web of bigotries that made it easy for finance to divide and conquer them. They’d have been fucked over in the exact same way regardless of who sat in the oval office or what colour of lawn sign that person had.
I think many people are seriously underestimating the ghoulishness of Biden.
The Biden administration is significantly a step up when it comes to aggressive foreign policy. There was a clip of Trump telling the Europeans that they have to spend 2% of their GDP into defense and the people in the room were just laughing at him. Biden actually made Europe do it for real.
Trump was also very keen on pushing Merkel’s Germany to build this massive LNG terminal to pivot away from Russian gas - the project eventually went nowhere. Biden actually made Europe depends on American gas and spending billions to build those terminals for real.
Trump started a petty trade war with China in 2018, and was reciprocated upon by the Chinese. Biden started a technological sanction against China that has no proportional response. To understand how seriously China sees this issue, you need to read the science fiction novel Three Body Problem, which is extremely popular among the elite and academic circles in China.
Trump likes to talk big and pretends like he is this genius businessman who can make his adversaries yield, but his “achievements” were literally nothing compared to what Biden had accomplished in just 2 years in office.
I don’t think even Obama would dare to cross this line, and Obama was the one who deleted half of the generational wealth of black community overnight, which as Michael Hudson repeatedly reminded us, made him quite possibly the most racist president in the history of the United States.
My point is that even Obama didn’t dare to step this far, while Biden is picking fight with the entire world. If you look at his entire career, Biden is unequivocally a true believer in neoliberalism, a fanatical ideologue (and in my opinion, a lot more so than Obama).
I don’t think even Obama would dare to cross this line, and Obama was the one who deleted half of the generational wealth of black community overnight, which as Michael Hudson repeatedly reminded us, made him quite possibly the most racist president in the history of the United States.
I don’t think Obama is anywhere close to the most racist president in US history, but that speaks more to the quality of his competition than any lack of racism on his part.
I guess the difference is between someone who actively petitions for segregation to prevent black people from renting/buying houses in your neighborhood, and someone who makes the black community so poor that they can never afford to move into your neighborhood.
Obama has probably done more to prevent the future generations of black families from ever becoming homeowners than the racist Republicans could only dream of. He’s the choice candidate for the “smart” racists.
That’s true, but I still don’t think he’s quite on the level of Andrew “Indian Removal Act” Jackson.
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Not an expert on European politics, but the major political parties of the various US client states are always full of empty careerists who are connected in some way to US intelligence. It seems like Trump was never really able to wield the power of the ‘deep state’ because they fucking despised him, whereas with old man Biden their basically running the show now when it comes to foreign policy.
Obama was the one who deleted half of the generational wealth of black community overnight
Wait, what is this referencing?
How Obama Destroyed Black Wealth by Matt Bruenig and Ryan Cooper
That’s so fucking bleak.
The bank bailout where Wall St got their losses on subprime loans covered, and the largely PoC recipients of NINJA loans got foreclosed.
As others have said, much of the personal wealth in America is concentrated in real estate (mortgage debt).
When Obama became president, he could have easily bailed out the 9 million American homeowners (predominantly low income black and Hispanic families), but instead he chose Wall Street, effectively facilitating the largest transfer of wealth from the black community to the private capital in history.
In this sense, Obama has prevented future generations of the black communities from ever becoming homeowners again.
Similar trends are also happening under Biden’s policies today, the so-called “Bidenomics”, where black unemployment has risen much faster than other demographics. These are all austerity measures designed to make poor minorities bear the brunt of the economic impact if only to slow the crumbling of the system itself.
People don’t usually stop being segregationists
I joked yesterday about how I’m not getting the simulated liberalism I was promised but like, I remember someone the other day saying it was simulated too well and to please stop and you said on.
Are you just using this as your normal account now?
Yes you recalled correctly. A comrade has kindly asked the simulation to end because it is triggering their blood pressure (probably just a joke), and so, the simulation ended.
Can we also end the overarching simulation while we’re turning these things off?
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Major spoiler for the Three Body Problem
In the novel, the Trisolarians used super advanced alien tech to screw with particle accelerators on Earth and effectively locking out Earth’s scientific progress, to ensure that when the alien invasion fleet arrives some 400 years later, Earth would not be able to invent and build formidable defenses in the meantime.
This plotline was repeatedly raised in Chinese media last year when Biden decided to lock China out of accessing foreign semiconductor technology. A lot of people took the Trisolarian-Earth conflict to be an allegory of a US-China war in the future.
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There is no proportional response to semiconductor technology sanction from the Chinese side. You can embargo certain raw materials and components that are necessary for semiconductor fabrication, but nothing much beyond that.
China is not going to return to the “Maoist planned economy” stage, the era of planners has long gone. To understand China’s economic philosophy of the past two decades, you need to understand Justin Lin Yifu’s New Structural Economics, which touts the principles of 后发优势 (latecomer’s advantage), meaning that China will let the advanced economies to invest in high tech R&D and use its latecomer’s advantage for mass fabrication on the industrial side. Interestingly, Lin himself was a protege of Theodore Schultz, the co-founder of Chicago school of neoclassical economics together with Milton Friedman. He was in fact the first Chinese PhD graduate in the Chicago school of economics.
It is a great strategy to build wealth and prosperity for the country where people can benefit from, but it comes with consequences.
It needs to be said that this was a deliberate economic strategy that China chose. In 2005, when Taiwan’s TSMC first broke through the 80nm barrier, China’s SMIC was only 1 year behind. The gap was extremely close. However, the deliberate policy back then was to focus on export-oriented consumer goods, where much of the investments eventually went into, and so their semiconductor R&D lagged behind. They were naive enough to think that the US wouldn’t dare to decouple from them if the US depends so much on their industrial products. They first learned this lesson the hard way back in 2018 when Trump started a trade war, and they are now learning the lesson again with Biden.
In other words, you can easily think of an alternative timeline where, starting from 2008 during the great financial crisis, when demands from Western consumers had slumped, China could have pivoted towards a self-sufficient self-reliant economic strategy and invested heavily in domestic high tech R&D, which would have alleviated their semiconductor problem they’re facing today. However, it turns out that weaning off the US consumer base proved to be too difficult, or they were being too optimistic of their relationship with the US, and so they now have to deal with the economic trouble they’re facing today.
Once again, actions and consequences.
made him quite possibly the most racist president in the history of the United States
multiple US presidents were literal slavers.
Agreed. My strongest evidence that Biden is just immensely cruel and an absolute true believer is that he worked as a mountpiece for the Credit Card industry for literal decades and was still, relatively speaking, poor when he became VP. I think his assets with his wife might have been like 2 million, or maybe even 1 million, and I think a lot of that was from Jill’s career. Biden somehow, working for one of the most corrupt sectors of the economy, never managed to make any money off of it in decades of doing their bidding. Only a profoundly weird man or a profoundly stupid man could achieve that.
Probably hundreds of thousands of people dead for the ambitions of a handful of gerontocrat crooks and their cronies.
If you want a really bad thought imagine what the Red Army soldiers from WWII would think finding out that Ukraine and Russia were at war and Banderites had taken control of the government and were leading the charge?
This is really weird. I just read on quora that Russia has almost no tanks left. I’m not joking.
must be some really strong shovels they’re fighting with
There’s enough content on Quora to keep the dunk tank going until the sun explodes.
I remember dozens upon dozens of shitposts on Quora about how Russia was supposedly unable to produce ball bearings because of sanctions. One of the biggest weapons manufacturing powerhouses on the planet.
Every single one of them would end with the phrase: “Sanctions work, just slowly” – i.e. the usual grift from Neoliberals.
Always claim that the big victories are right around the corner, just in reach, just gotta wait a little while longer!! Meanwhile they make off into the distance with whatever spoils they managed to gain during their grift.
I remember dozens upon dozens of shitposts on Quora about how Russia was supposedly unable to produce ball bearings because of sanctions.
Americans seem to have a weird fascination with ball bearings. In WW2 some intel genius figured the German war effort could be crippled by bombing the ball bearing factories in Schweinfurt. The first raid was a desaster; after rebuilding the US Air Forces in Britain for months, they tried again and lost even more bombers. At least Schweinfurt was 98% destroyed.
German motor vehicle production suffered no noticeable impact.
It’s February 2022. Russia has no tanks left etc :ti
Shit wha’ts the doctor manhattan emoji?
Using a combined arms NATO style attack tactic for the counter offensive when Ukraine basically has no air force was certainly a very smart and good idea with no potential problems. Especially when attacking entrenched and mined Russian positions. Great idea from the NATO military commander failsons
I can only imagine the number of dead and wounded Ukrainian soldiers. This didn’t need to happen.
My friend’s Ukrainian husband just got out, but he’s still in some sort of family visa limbo. He’s story from the last two years is just trauma laden with trauma.
So much fucking senseless death and human tragedy just so the US Empire can stave off its encroaching decay a few years more.
And the ironic part is, if anything, this whole event has only accelerated its demise.
See also: the war on terror.
The MIC raked in the dough while the USA suffered several domestic setbacks that they still haven’t recovered from. Good job, guyz!
Even more ironic that the supposed ruler of the empire can’t even comprehend what’s happening because he’s a demented old fuck.
I mean Hitler was probably on as many drugs and zonked out like ol’ Joe after Kursk 1943 (read “Blitzed”, it’s so great) but a dying empire sending 1,000s to their death in minefields or a braindead 80-year old zombie… that’s gotta be a first, right?
Even more ironic that the supposed ruler of the empire can’t even comprehend what’s happening because he’s a demented old fuck.
putin is losing in iraq
Glad he got out. That’s something, at least.
How do you know they don’t have an air force? Our F-35s are stealth fighters you’re not supposed to see them!
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Jesus that’s… This whole situation is fucking awful. : (
Put yeah, propaganda slamming head long in to reality.
Why leopards, though? Are there leopards in Ukraine?
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they didn’t even use smoke screens a lot of the time
My american internet friends got so mad at me when I said at the beginning of all this that there should be an immediate ceasefire and surrender to stop the fighting and I was called an apologist for Putin and that this was an unprovoked invasion and you have to protect yourself. These people never experienced military action near their homes.
Same, I got called a Nazi for saying we shouldn’t send them “lethal aid”, as if flooding a warzone with bullets is how you get less people shot.
“But it will only be the bad people getting shot more”
Need to have more good guys with a gun after all.
…those guys with Swastikas tattoos are the good guys right?
Oh nohoho, patented Slava Ukraini, old slavic symbols!
To Americans, war is no different from a movie or video game.
Every lib I know says this is a genocidal war (despite no proof of any intent to genocide, they just think Putin wants to massacre every Ukrainian ever) and that, responding to that report about crackdowns on draft dodgers, anyone who tries to avoid conscription is a traitor and should be treated as such.
Absolutely deranged the takes one can dig up when one is not threatened in any way.
I think they saw Bucha and were like yep the whole thing is about genocide. Now imagine if they declared a genocide every time the US committed a war crime lol
There’s more evidence ukraine did bucha than Russia anyways.
The only side that wants to “fight to the last Ukrainian” is the NATO side, so it is kind of a genocide just perpetrated by US empire on its puppet state.
- I wouldn’t actually call it that, just making fun of libs who call basically every war now a genocide, unless the US is doing it/or supporting it
They literally admitted to kidnapping children which is genocide by definition.
Genocide is an internationally recognized crime where acts are committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. These acts fall into five categories:
Killing members of the group Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
So every lib you know is correct.
“return the children to the Warzone !!!”
“Ukraine bombing the Donbas region from 2014-2022 to eliminate the ethnicity that lived there, killing civilians and children, is totally not genocide. It’s the people who stepped in to stop them that are the real genociders.”
Based on my experience talking to other libs, this interaction may be the first time they heard about a civil war in the Donbas.
Moving unaccompanied children to a safe place until their parents are located isn’t genocide.
Are libs up to the task of not trivializing genocide? Probably not.
Never have been
As someone who’s been involved in the foster care system in the United States, the vast majority of Americans have no idea what it looks like for a government to shove children through its rusting bureaucratic machine. How do you make sure all of the kids are properly documented? What infrastructure do you have to keep them safe until you can find a more permanent placement? What sources of truth do you have for which parents have which kids? If they conflict, what do you do? How do you make sure the people volunteering or being paid to orchestrate the logistics of this system aren’t joining specifically to have more access to young children who will be hard to get justice for if they’re trafficked? How do you provide resources to the kids so they’re not living in squalor under your care? How do you audit those resources so they’re being used properly?
None of these are easy questions but they are all ones which the US has answered again and again for decades. With immigration policy, with Child Protective Services, with custody disputes, with juvenile detention, with educational discipline. They have been answered over and over again. If you’re curious, the answer tends to be abuse, neglect, and underfunding. It’s not too much of an ask to fuck over families of color, though.
But I’m not surprised that Americans react in horror at seeing what it looks like to relocate large amount of children in the middle of a war. They have no idea that these same problems are happening every single day where they live and that their government is FAILING constantly. These people are the runoff and we’re trained to not pay attention to runoff. And I mean REAL attention, not reading about them in an article or watching a TikTok about them and then immediately putting them from your mind. I love that people care about human suffering. It tears me apart that that empathy is so easily manipulated into supporting destruction.
“If you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine.”
It’s my good fortune to know very little about foster care, but I am a parent. Even with perfect execution, foster care sounds like something very difficult for a child to go through.
The support groups for this stuff are cavalcades of horror stories. I hope for the sake of everyone involved that I’m just too close to the situation personally to see it clearly, but I fully believe the way we treat foster kids in the United States will be remembered much like we now look back on places like
NSFL content
Willowbrook. Legit, the photos of Willowbrook are haunting.
If you want to see what I’m talking about wrt foster care, take a look at the “therapeutic” foster homes who practice something called “Attachment Therapy” or “The Evergreen Model”. Therapeutic foster homes aren’t inherently like this, but the vast majority of deaths and injuries related to this “therapy” have occurred in registered therapeutic homes.
That sounds really stupid, but unfortunately isn’t very surprising.
Okay, now carry this logic further. By this standard, the US is currently in the midst of a much larger and longer-running genocide of refugees on it’s southern border, including forced hysterectomies and untreated outbreaks of disease.
So why should anyone believe such a genocidal government’s claims about it’s enemies?
But the US is the good guys
Our responsible infant border incarcerations vs. their brutal inhumane warzone evacuation kidnappings
What should happen to children in a warzone, when their parents are either dead or cannot be located? Would leaving children in a warzone constitute inflicting conditions of life on them that would be likely to bring about their physical destruction? If so, does every war constitute genocide?
“Dima, leave the kids in the rubble, do you wanna be called a war criminal?”
Ukraine has bragged about using child soldiers many times. That’s probably what they consider ‘not genocide’
Are they really children? Whatsa child really? Im parafrasing but i remember one of the chapo guests responding something similar to a similar question.
That was TrueAnons very own
who talked about his experience with the Kurds against ISIS / Daesh in the levant. The kurds more or less just picked up whatever was left of the villages that Isis was genociding, which included a bunch of 14-17 year olds whose entire families had been wiped out. Brace said that his group had no soldiers younger than 14, but some of the teens were so desperate.
Yes exactly my point. Child soilders are not categorically a reason for condemnation.
deleted by creator
In the piss pig grandad episode
answers to a similar acusation " whats your definition of a child? If its anyone under 14 then no we font have any."
And while i dont like the ypg either the example shows that there are cases were child soilders may be justified
Evacuating kids from an active warzone: genocide
Bombing the fuck out of them with a drone because one person nearby might have been associated to Al Qaeda: just the cost of war
Evacuating children from a warzone, the majority of whom are already Russian speakers is genocide, yeah ok buddy and Britain performed a self-genocide when it evacuated kids to the countryside during the blitz, hey if words don’t have meaning let’s get wild with it
the russian state is motivated by genocidal intent against ukrainians, which is why ukrainian children were evacuated from the warzone and then returned to the country when requested
They are evacuating a warzone. On the other hand the can-adian goverment really is kidnaping syrian children.
Unprovoked invasion is when you let right wing ghouls to ethnically cleanse members of a country’s ethnic majority in a region next door to its border and let NATO use said region as a pressure point.
Putin apologia is when you don’t want to see slavs die for NATO.
You tankies just don't get basic critical thinking smdh my dick head
an unprovoked invasion
NATO expands: I sleep
Donbass Secedes and wants to be Russian to avoid ethnic persecution from Lviv: Real shit
Fun fact: only 3 countries on the list (Hungary, Slovenia and North Macedonia) held a referendum on whether their countries should join NATO. So much for NATO as the defender of democracy I guess. But the Crimean referedum was a total sham, definitely a fake, I know because I am an expert on democracy.
Don’t worry guys, I hear they’re bringing in some dude called Steiner to start another counter-offensive, everything’s still good 👍
He better bring his scout lance of 4 assault mechs.
So Russia’s chances will drastic go down?
only if samoa joe is in the mix
That’s it?
THAT’S the counteroffensive?
This whole fiasco has more than a few similarities to the somme if I can toot my own horn
i don’t understand, its been going bad the entire time, why admit it now? its been 18 months and thousands of lives, wtf
I think that some very pro-Ukraine voices (especially in the media and Dem establishment) are angry that this counteroffensive is not going well… but they aren’t willing to admit that NATO forced Ukraine into it, so they have to just bemoan how bad it is going. Ukraine made a deal with Russia very early into the war, but as soon as NATO found out about it, Boris Johnson arrived in Ukraine for a completely unscheduled visit and told Ukrainian officials that we will fuck them up (their positions in the government and their future employment prospects) if they don’t cancel the deal. The same with this counteroffensive, we told them to do it.
They’ll just drum up some other backwards ass excuse to throw more money at neo-nazis in Ukraine. This war is never going to end anytime soon and frankly your average burger is literally a world away and views it as team sports.
The counter offensive is more than a military maneuver. It’s an idea. Light itself.
Ukrainian intelligence agenets have reportedly captured the following image of Putin’s reaction to the news:
stalin shouldn’t have stopped at berlin
Russia is doing human wave attacks to capture Ukrainian asphalt plants. Of course they’re just going to ruin them. They have no idea how to use this foreign material.
It amazes me that people don’t realize that defending democracy doesn’t end with this battle. If you give up on Ukraine, then next comes Taiwan, South Korea, Poland, etc etc etc fucking etc.
This. Is. An. Investment. In. Democracy.
Edit: hilarious the number of authoritarian disinformation shills and bots freaked the fuck out by my comment. Suck. It. Bitches.
I keep thinking “damn that’s a really good bit” and then I see the username and remember that we’re federated and it’s not a bit. Damn, that really sucks someone really thinks this.
This. Is. A. Pig. That. Has. Pooped. On. Its. Own. Balls.
But it’s hilarious that people like that can’t whine to the mods to suppress posts they disagree with. Federation is going to be fun!
Edit: hilarious the number of authoritarian disinformation shills and bots freaked the fuck out by my comment. Suck. It. Bitches.
When they say bots do they literally mean that they think the comments are AI generated or something? Do they really think that highly of AI like as someone who has worked with it if someone had a script hooked up to gpt replying to all these comments it would be incredibly obvious
On the other hand, perhaps they mean that we’re brainless automatons repeating le outlet propaganda mindlessly without nuance? That has to be the most quintessential example of projection on earth. Literally replying to links and sources with suck. It. Bitches lmfao
I assume they’re pretty young and using it in the same way it’s used in games as an insult. Kind of like how “boomer” used to mean a specific generational cohort and now it just means “person I don’t like”
today I will make authoritarian tankies freak the fuck out
Have you heard that (heh) Xi looks like Winnie the Pooh?
Tankies owned again…
<– live tankie reaction
^ This. Is. Your. Brain. On. Liberalism.
Hard to engage with a liberal when they’re operating on an entirely separate version of reality
I thought it was a bit. I’m not entirely convinced it isnt.
Edit: 3 day old account. Definitely a bit
It’s a pretty funny bit
This. Is. An. Investment. In. Democracy.
Too good
Read that and could have sworn it was Neera
Idealism will do that. 👀
This. Is. An. Investment. In. Democracy.
‘‘DAE le ebic investment??? le line goes le up, amirite???’’
drop a brick on your toes
Lmao you think the West is a democracy.
democracy is when you ban all the opposition parties
It’s the Taiwan method of democracy. Step one is genocide.
Did you coup their democratically elected leader in 2014 for democracy too?
Is that why you sent them weapons to persecute an ethnic cleansing in their borders for eight years? For democracy?
Americans are the most propagandized people in the entire history of the world.
Americans got the right to vote to select the Ukrainian government in 2014 so yes it is a democracy.
And by “Americans” you mean Victoria Nuland.
Hinge Points (Hexbear edition): Ukraine
The events leading to the war in Ukraine did not happen overnight. It was the consequence of a decade of diplomacy failures, and was 100% preventable if only a couple things had gone differently along the entire chain of events.
1 ) The 2013 Maidan coup in Ukraine would never have happened if everyone had just gone with Putin’s suggestion of holding a three-way meeting so they can revise the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement such that European goods could not flood the Russian market without paying for tariffs (due to Ukraine’s existing tariff-free agreement with Russia). Putin did NOT object to Ukraine signing the agreement, simply that they revise the clauses for the tariff-related issues. The EU declined to meet.
Of course, the European imperialists got greedy and wanted to eat into Russia’s market, thinking that Russian economy is too weak to do anything against them and therefore ripe for bullying.
2 ) The 2013 Maidan coup probably would not have happened if EU didn’t force Ukraine to take IMF loans.
Ok, you’re Ukraine, signing the agreement with EU is going to lose you trade revenues with Russia if you don’t revise the clause of tariff, fine, but now you’re being forced to take IMF loans that demand cutting social spending and education as well? That’s just you signing your own slave contract.
Ukraine’s then president, Viktor Yanukovych, whom I assure you was very pro-EU and not a Russian stooge in any way, was stumped by the demands and asked for more time to negotiate with Russia. He did not reject the EU agreement, nor did he take any deal from Moscow. He simply postponed signing the agreement, and that was enough to be couped by the fascists before he could do anything about it.
Of course, the imperialists have always had in their minds the perfect economic warfare against both Russia and Ukraine. They simply couldn’t help not impoverishing the countries at their periphery through their cleverly-devised economic policies.
3 ) The 2014 Ukrainian Civil War would most likely not have happened if the fascist coup regime didn’t ban Russian language in Donbass.
Ok, so the coup happened, you’re now under a new management. Fine, but the fascists couldn’t help themselves by lashing out at the ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine. Literally one of the first things the coup regime did was to ban Russian language in Donbass. Clashes between both sides started to ramp up and the highly tense situation would quickly devolve into the Ukrainian Civil War.
Russia was forced (by design, I should say) into the conflict because the Ukrainian army was being mobilized to fight against the Donbass separatists, a region where ethnic Russians are the majority.
Of course, the imperialists couldn’t help it: they believed that they could cripple Russia’s economy by involving it in two fronts - Syria and Ukraine - at the same time. Surely Russia had no capacity to fight two wars at the same time? Crimea was immediately annexed by Russia for obvious reasons, and I still remember Western pundits laughing at Russia thinking that there’s no way they have the capability to build the Crimean Bridge.
4 ) Implementing the Minsk agreements could have marked the peaceful ending to this conflict.
Ok, the Ukrainian armed forces were defeated by the Donbass militia aided by Russian military in the civil war. A peace deal had been brokered. Russia said: “ok we don’t want to deal with this Donbass shit anymore, can you take them back please? Just promise not to commit genocide or ethnic cleansing in the region. We just want to continue doing business with Europe, we’ve been sanctioned enough and we really don’t want to get bogged down by this shit in Ukraine.”
Minsk was supposed to be the path for a peaceful return of Donbass to Ukraine, but with increased autonomy to the local governments, so that nobody can impose a nation-wide ban on language and culture without regards for the people living in the regions.
However, the fascists couldn’t help it and immediately broke the truce, leading to them being beaten once again. The German chancellor Merkel and the French president Hollande actually had to drag Putin back to the negotiation table and promised to be the guarantors of Minsk II: that Ukraine will really stick to the plan this time.
Interestingly, both Merkel and Hollande have since admitted publicly in 2022 that the Minsk agreements were simply to buy time for Ukraine to be militarized. Why does Ukraine need time to militarize? There really is only one answer to this question: to militarily re-capture Donbass and Crimea instead of implementing the peace plan.
5 ) NATO arming Ukraine exacerbated Russia’s security concerns
Ok, so you have a peace plan, but instead of start holding talks toward a concrete resolution, what Russia saw was Ukraine being armed and trained by NATO over 7 years.
Once again, Russia proved to be the idiot in this conflict by actually believing that Ukraine was ever going to implement Minsk agreement. And yes, Putin is an idiot. Surely his good friend Angela Merkel would never lie to him?
Of course, the Western imperialists truly believe in the supremacy of NATO military equipments and tactics that if you have a fully NATO-trained Ukrainian army, they would be able to beat Russia’s obsolete military quite easily.
I will also add that the Nazi regiments, now fully incorporated into the Ukrainian armed forces, have never been prosecuted for their atrocities committed against civilians in the Donbass. They were glorified as heroes in state media.
6 ) Biden’s aggressive policy in Ukraine made Russia’s worst fear came true
In 2021, the new Biden administration began to pivot aggressively against Russia. After the meeting between Biden and Zelensky (who was elected as a peace president and was supposed to bridge the divide between Ukraine and Russia) in Washington, the latter started to spout aggressive rhetorics that increasingly alarmed the Russians, such as talks about Ukraine joining NATO.
That former Soviet republics joining NATO has always been the thorny issue for Russia since the end of the Cold War, and Ukraine was to be the center-piece of this increasing encirclement of Russia that has been ongoing since the 1990s. There is not a single government in Russia, whether they lean left or right, that will not be alarmed by this development, given their prior encounter with the Nazis some 80 years back. And it’s the same Banderites in Ukraine this time, not some generic fascists.
7 ) The last ditch effort to stop the war
At this point, at least for the Russians, it was pretty clear that the new administration is going to ramp up its belligerent foreign policy against Russia. There was only one last thing to do: a last ditch effort to persuade Washington to stop its aggression.
The Russian diplomatic team prepared hundreds of pages of proposal, hoping to convince the other side of the seriousness of its security concerns, and Russia-US summit was conducted in June 2021 to resolve the crisis. Instead, the US sent Javelins and Stingers to Ukraine, first in August 2021, then in December - completely laughing in Russia’s face about their security concerns.
Zelensky started to talk about joining NATO, commenting about abandoning the Budapest Memorandum that was the basis of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, the increased mobilization of military units towards the eastern front (Donbass), and the increased shelling of the regions by the Ukrainian side.
The diplomatic solution has failed.
Converting the libs with walls of text
finally, the one true leftist
The true tankie prefers converting the libs with seas of tanks
GOOD post
Zelensky (who was elected as a peace president and was supposed to bridge the divide between Ukraine and Russia)
There was a reason Zelensky won about 90% of the 2nd round vote in Donetsk and Luhansk, while his majorities got slimmer and slimmer the further you went West, until you get to Lviv (reactionary capital of Ukraine), the only oblast he didn’t win.
The whole thing is such a tragedy. There were so many opportunities to not do this, but DC and Blackrock wanted their meal of flesh.
Suck. It. Bitches.
Liberals don’t be misogynist challenge (impossible)
Also I upvoted this at first because I was absolutely sure it was a bit. I guess I’m still getting used to Hexbear being federated.
The current Ukrainian government exists as a result of the Maidan coup that ousted a democratically elected president. This war would have never happened if not for that.
Democracy means a western puppet regime, authoritarianism is when you don’t obey American marching orders to send half your country to certain death
I blame Vice and Netflix. People saw Euromaiden through Vice’s reporting and the documentary that was on Netflix and just assumed it was leftists in favor of democracy kicking out a Russian backed dictator.
The wiki page on the coup even lays it out plainly. Straight up Nazis like the Misanthrope Division kicked out elected officials.“Misanthropic Division” JFC never heard of that one before. as if they couldn’t make it any more clear they’re the bad guys
Hi, we’re the Skull and Crossbones Baby Killers.
Yep. A lot of the discourse around nazis in Ukraine focuses only on Azov battalion but i think that’s limiting discourse since it ignores Svoboda, C14, Misanthropic division, Kraken, right sector, patriot of ukraine, social national assembly, and countless others, many of which predate A.B. and go back to the 1990s or even earlier, like OUN-B, which goes back to nazi collaborators Yaroslav Stetsko and Stepan Bandera in WW2 and never stopped existing
If this is a bit,
If this is not a bit,
It’s not a hexbear or grad account. It’s legit
I would say you have an infantile conception of geopolitics, but I would wager that most infants are more knowledgeable by way of ignorance.
Let’s see, we have murderous dictator’s exile island, murderous dictator’s exile peninsula, Nazi shithole, etc etc etc
Pick up a gun and fight, coward
This. Is. An. Investment. In. Democracy.
Investing in Democracy by immediately banning opposition parties in Ukraine and the current government being the result of a manufactured coup against an elected government.
Actually, it’s a result of dissatisfaction with that Government. Zelensky got popular for his reformist Plattform after all, promising among other things improved relations with Russia.
He didn’t deliver, and before the war as I understand it, the popularity of “Servant of the People” was declining, as I understand it.
Hard to improve relations with Russia when you’re breaking agreements with them and shelling the separatist republics for like 7 years, lollll
Well yeah, that’s part of the problem. Also the utter failure to reign Azov’s influence in, Among other things.
in zelensky’s defense, it does seem like he originally told the nazis to stop shelling civilians but they told him to fuck off and ramped it up
That’s when he should have sent the rest of the army to take them out.
I don’t think he ever had that much control. There aren’t a lot of Fascist party members in the Rada, but there are always a lot of fascists around the members of the Rada. I guess you could call it soft-power control of the country. They don’t directly occupy many of the positions, but they have enough influence to be very influential, if not the dominant force.
the popularity of “Servant of the People” was declining, as I understand it.
The Wikipedia chart for polling on what was supposed to be 2023 parliamentary election (unclear when it will actually happen but it’s definitely not as originally scheduled because of martial law):
There’s at least rumors that the Banderites running the front told him to fuck off and remember his place when he tried to start negotiations to end the conflict.
Taiwan, South Korea, Poland
oh yeah, keep going
No thoughts, head empty, rattling off every good country the NYT has ordered me to support like the obedient repeater that I am
always the same map
Taiwan, South Korea, Poland
One of these things is not like the other. South Korea and Taiwan are both areas that should be re-unified with the countries that
cut them off of, if there is a Formosan population to return it to that may be a solution with Taiwan as well. What’s your beef with Poland?
South Koreans famously love capitalism, which is why all of their most heartfelt media is about how nightmarish capitalism is.
This is just like squid game omg
Anti capitalism is basically illegal there too, with immediate suspicions of being DPRK intelligence operations and the like
Poland’s Sabre-rattling a lot, I suppose. There’s a Wagner on the border hysteria in Both far-right State media and lib private media, As well as a detailed reporting on basically all battles in Ukraine, etc.
Like ai mentioned in a recent megathread, the government (Morawiecki, I think) announced the movement of 10k troops to the Belarus border.
Oh yeah, election season just started yesterday in Poland
Hoo boy
Ukraine? The west? Democracy? Were you born yesterday? Since when has the west ever cared for democracy outside of propaganda value?
Just going to post an excerpt of Samir Amin’s thoughts on this from the 2014 coup in Ukraine.
- The current global stage is dominated by the attempt of historical centers of imperialism (the U.S., Western and Central Europe, Japan—hereafter called “the Triad”) to maintain their exclusive control over the planet through a combination of:
a) so-called neo-liberal economic globalization policies allowing financial transnational capital of the Triad to decide alone on all issues in their exclusive interests;
b) the military control of the planet by the U.S. and its subordinate allies (NATO and Japan) in order to annihilate any attempt by any country not of the Triad to move out from under their yoke…
- The current development of the Ukraine tragedy illustrates the reality of the strategic target of the Triad.
The Triad organized in Kiev what ought to be called a “Euro/Nazi putsch.” To achieve their target (separating the historical twin sister nations—the Russian and the Ukrainian), they needed the support of local Nazis.
The rhetoric of the Western medias, claiming that the policies of the Triad aim at promoting democracy, is simply a lie. Nowhere has the Triad promoted democracy. On the contrary these policies have systematically been supporting the most anti-democratic (in some cases “fascist”) local forces. Quasi-fascist in the former Yugoslavia—in Croatia and Kosovo—as well as in the Baltic states and Eastern Europe, Hungary for instance. Eastern Europe has been “integrated” in the European Union not as equal partners, but as “semi-colonies” of major Western and Central European capitalist/imperialist powers. The relation between West and East in the European system is in some degree similar to that which rules the relations between the U.S. and Latin America! In the countries of the South the Triad supported the extreme anti-democratic forces such as, for instance, ultra-reactionary political Islam and, with their complicity, has destroyed societies; the cases of Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya illustrate these targets of the Triad imperialist project.
What is in any way democratic about the above? What is democratic about the imperial triad ruling the world by force and instigating a coup in Ukraine to serve their own interests? Seems very authoritarian and the opposite of democracy to me.
You can find the full summary here
Jingoist death cultist liberal to Fascist death squaddie squawking for nuclear Armageddon speedrun hardness level: One scratch away easy
I’m amazed how you libs always manage to write off anything that even moves slightly from the narrative provided by NATO mouthpieces as ‘bots’ or ‘shills’. It’s dehumanizing and only proves you’re so propagandized engaging with you is almost futile. Some comrades have taken the time to respond to your brainless comment with a wall of text giving a much broader view of the events that led to the war in Ukraine. I know you NAFO idiots don’t like reading, but please try. If you do, great. But I’m assuming you won’t, here is a pig. With. Poop. On. Its. Balls.
Why aren’t you at the front then, coward? You believe in the cause, yet you’re sitting here posting while people are being forced to fight and die on your behalf.
Bomb Iraq for democracy!
This has to be a bit
It’s not, we’re federated now, people really think like this outside our instance lmao
the bourgeois are not human
The bourgeois don’t use lemmy. This is just some brainwashed dumbass who never thought anything outside what is permitted by the state.
Please don’t do that. Let’s leave the othering to the fascists.
As revolutionaries, we don’t have the right to say that we’re tired of explaining. We must never stop explaining. We know that when the people understand, they cannot help but follow us.
—Thomas Sankara
Read a book besides Harry Potter
This. Is. An. Investment. In. Democracy.
Wow democracy defenders sure are bloodthirsty, how about we stop “investing” in the pile of bodies you’ve created in the name of a coup government that you call democracy?
then next comes Taiwan, South Korea, Poland
minus Poland
If anyone’s going to attack Poland (which they won’t.) it’s gonna be from it’s own sabre rattling. There’s nothing more that pleases people from PO to PiS and anything inbetween than it’s neighbors getting losses, be it Germany, Russia, Belarus and any country that’s not in its own sphere of influence like the rest of the Reddit Belt
👏 more 👏 female 👏 drone 👏 pilots 👏
Thanks for the psychic damage
it amazes me that there exist dumbasses on your level lmao
hahah oh my god are you fucking ignorant, jesus christ
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
Is this a bit?
Democracy is when you vote once every 2 years to pick which of the people (who don’t represent your interests) you want to represent your interests :)
Oh and then 9 people you didn’t elect will tell you what you can and can’t do
THAT’S what’s at stake
I don’t get it, is this comment supposed to be a joke?
it definitely scans like one, hits all the high notes, and it’s a 3 day old account. so my bet is on “bit”
Russia is more democratic than
see: Euromaidan, a coup instigated by the CIA to overthrow the elected government of Ukraine
edit: and the PRC is leaps and bounds more democratic than Taiwan
That’s a hopeful sentiment. If communism would win in Russia, they could retreat
Why would they retreat when the USA has to Narcan Ukraine with the entirety of the USA’s elementary school budget every other week.
Even if communists took power today, why the fuck would they? Crimea is still of utmost geopolitical importance, and Ukraine will go back to genociding Russians in the southeast if they “retreat”
we got a live one!
You genuinely think the USA, a country that repeatedly hands power to the person with less votes, really cares about all that ‘will of the people’ stuff?
They sure didn’t care about democracy when they were supporting military dictatorships in Taiwan, South Korea, and numerous other places.
Billions must die for glorious
US unipolar hegemonydemocracy. More blood for the blood God. More skulls for the skull throne.It amazes me the amount of people who don’t realize they could defend democracy better themselves by going to Ukraine and putting themselves on the front line.
If you think the Battle For Democracy is so important, and that it’s going to be won at the cost of hundreds of thousands of dead Ukranians, go put your money where your mouth is. Stop shoving them into the meat grinder so callously and claiming that they’re heroes for Defending Democracy, whatever the fuck that even means. Go jump in with them and make a real impact. If it’s a cause you care about go participate
it’s an investment in democracy. that means i front the capital and other people do all the work. and in return i get to keep the democracy, which is when i buy up formerly nationalized assets at fire sale prices!
Surplus Democracy for Me
War and Death for You
Did you know the US doesnt recognize Taiwan as a real country?
I wish someone would remind Brandon. The 21th century is going to be a nightmare unthinkable in human history no matter what, but it would be nice if we didn’t include a global thermonuclear war.
it would be nice if we didn’t include a global thermonuclear war.
I’m convinced they will
When the crumbling of the empire becomes too obvious, they will
South Korea
Ty nic nie wiesz o świecie na którym żyjesz poza tym że ci mówią które kraje są dobre a które złe
Question for ya, a legitimate one.
If Russia is so weak as to be apparently held in check and or clowned on by Ukraine, an army a fifth of its size, logically Poland or any other Russian border state would have nothing to worry about, right? They all have larger and better equipped militaries.
If that’s the case, why do you think Russia can possibly be a threat to the west?
Those are bad examples of democracies, since Poland is captured by the right wing and Taiwan and Korea only swing left when there’s a popular uprising. These countries have elected bodies, but they don’t reflect the will of the people.
I’d encourage you to take a look into the foundation of Taiwan and the Republic of Korea.
As far as defending democracy, call me when New Zealand or Bolivia are under attack.
Did their democracy start before or after their native genocide, dissident concentration camps and forty years of martial law?
If you think Russia is about to invade Poland you are absolutely out of your mind. Russia has neither any reason nor the means to do so
Democracy is when rich capitalist nations fight each other to the death of innocent civilians
name LITERALLY ONE TIME when the United states fought for and achieved gains for common people of a foreign land
WWII, by accident? it’s the only feasible example and even there I think you can argue that their actions after the war color the war itself in a less than positive light.
Even then it was the USSR not the US who ‘saved democracy’ by destroying the Nazis
Ww2 is interesting because yes that was the one war where the US was justified but they did it in a way that only benefited American interests. And also only after they were attacked first.
yeah, that’s what I meant by “by accident”. they didn’t intend to do anything but further American interests, but stopping the Axis benefited everyone.
next comes Taiwan, South Korea, Poland
“This. Is. An. Investment. In. Democracy.”
Imagine typing like this and not being wildly embarassed lmao like you are pretending to do a speech or something
Double your democracy in just 3 years with this investment grindset tip
Removed by mod
Was it democratic when Zelensky banned every socialist party in the country? Was it democratic when an unelected coup government in Ukraine banned the Russian language from official use, prompting the Russian majority regions to demand autonomy? Was it democratic when Zelensky was voted in on the promise of enforcing Minsk II which would have given autonomy to the Donbass and ended the civil war, but then he immediately reneged on that promise and continued to bomb his own country?
The Russian Federation is by no means a force for good, but if you look at the US it has never “invested in democracy” because it doesn’t care about democracy. It cares about client states getting in line. Pakistan is only the most recent coup they’ve encouraged.
You are aware that both Taiwan and South Korea were both US backed dictatorships that only embraced “democracy” relatively recent and after intense and sustained public pressure, right? And that the US/NATO had secretly worked to rig elections in Italy and Greece (at least this is what the CIA has actually admitted to)? The idea that the US or NATO cares about protecting democracy is a complete joke to anyone with even a basic knowledge of Cold War history. You really should do some serious research and educate yourself on the topic.
South Korean “democracy” is about as sketchy as it gets, given the influence of cults on the government and the government’s general use of crackdowns to control the labor force. It’s still a very heavy handed government, even if the faces change once in a while.
Didn’t it take untill Moon Jae-in for South Korea to have a president actually finish their term and not go to prison? Seems like a hell of a democracy if almost every leader goes to jail for massive corruption and being a puppet for Samsung / Hanwha corporations.
Remove the edit and This. Is. A. Legendary. Bit.
If you give up on Ukraine
then next comes Taiwan
South Korea
post-1991 Ukraine is a proxy of NATO. I feel bad for the people there, but not the government, or the US-backed reactionaries. The truth is, after the USSR was destroyed, former soviet countries like Russia and Ukraine became ruled by reactionary capitalists who bent the knee to the west, and the west did nothing in return but continue to expand NATO, and now pits former soviet countries against each other, getting thousands of people killed just to destabilize and privatize and loot the region even further. I hope one day you’ll be able to see through the veneer of “democracy” rhetoric and see this.
Its worse than that. They’re OK with soldiers coming into their country to rape and kill women. Well, they’re OK with soldiers going into Ukraine to rape and kill Ukrainian women anyway.
Yeah! Soldiers should be going into non-white countries to rape and kill women, as God and NATO intended.
Its worse than that. They’re OK with soldiers coming into their country to rape and kill women. Well, they’re OK with Azov going into the Donbas Republics to rape and kill Dontest and Luhansk women anyway.