cynesthesia [any]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 9th, 2020


  • Another section of the slide provides an estimate on the percentage each country allocates to naval production in its shipyards, with China garnering roughly 70% of its shipbuilding revenue from naval production, compared to about 95% of American shipbuilding revenue.

    Because of China’s centrally planned economy, the country is able to control labor costs and provide subsidies to its shipbuilding infrastructure, allowing the Chinese to outbid most competitors around the world and dominate the commercial shipping industry, Sadler said.

    Sadler argued that the U.S. has not built a comparable shipbuilding infrastructure because builders only have the U.S. government as a customer.

    The federal government is the sole customer … your biggest customer where you get your biggest margin of profit is building the big high-tech expensive naval ships,” Sadler said. “That’s the only show in town for us. And unfortunately, **because that’s the case, no one’s looking to get competitive **and building better container ships or the next generation commercial shipping vessel, which is what we really need to be doing.”

    So the American naval yards derive much more revenue from the federal government than Chinese naval yards, yet they aren’t actually federally controlled. Also, they aren’t able to innovate or compete like china’s centrally managed naval yards.

    Sounds like a real contradiction brewing.

  • More forensics on Canada’s attitude towards nazi immigration post ww2

    Canada’s Immigration Department after the war determinedly and successfully prevented communists and other leftists from immigrating to Canada or even visiting the country. It also determinedly and successfully prevented non-whites from becoming immigrants to Canada between 1946 and 1962. For several years after the end of the war they also successfully prevented Jews, desperate to leave deportation camps in Europe and settle in permanent homes, from coming to Canada.

    Communists and other leftists were unwanted because they would threaten the power of capitalists more than because they were adherents of anti-democratic, authoritarian forms of government. Non-whites were unwanted because they would threaten notions of Canada as a “white country.” Nazis and fascists were wanted because their authoritarian impulses and often despicable pasts showed their embrace both of a class system in which capital ruled and of white supremacy.