Are you on Windows? On Linux changing the hosts file worked just fine for me.
Are you on Windows? On Linux changing the hosts file worked just fine for me.
Well yeah but you’re dirt owl
Also that’s probably just because of things being cached in the device you’re using ATM, but eventually it will expire and it’ll all be “visit hexbear” images.
Pissing on Caesar’s grave?
I think you’ll get your wish next year seeing as this is a La Niña year and it’s still hotter than last year
Psst, it’s Removed by mod
Must not be very active if they didn’t recognize comradecmdrpig.
I don’t really see how this is different in any way to the savage privatization program that has already been at full force since shortly after the beginning of the SMO. privatization.gov.ua and all that.
This is a very millenial comment.
(which AFAIK was a left twitter original but our WhyEssEff made the iconic image)
The old “what the establishment truly fears” meme but instead of Malcolm X, the guy has a Turkish flag.
Well JT and Yugopnik literally have accounts here so that shouldn’t be surprising.
The Lathe of Heaven is an Ursula K. Leguin book so you’ll see leftists reference it everywhere. I’m surprised that it would be referenced as part of the common cultural corpus of knowledge though, it’s not exactly Star Trek.
More seriously though, maybe check out BreakThrough News? I don’t really like how they do everything to appear like a “regular” news channel, it reminds me a bit of the “alternative media” types that were basically just imitating American local TV news but with UFOs instead of law and order propaganda. The content is good though, and they have good guests super often.
It’s definitely still a thing. It might not be that easy to execute, but it’s 100% true that if you have some chatbot with the power to do something, there is no way to deterministically guarantee it won’t do that thing under some situations; the only thing they can do is add some other authentication system that works alongside the chatbot that would stop you from getting it to do something dumb unilaterally. i.e. if a chatbot knows a password and has a text output, it’s impossible to guarantee the chatbot won’t give any information about the password, but if you don’t give the password to the bot and you instead give it the ability to request a resource, they could make that request unable to go through unless some other conditions are met, which sidesteps the problem with giving an LLM access to a secure system.
The dialectical inversion to this is that the most demonic thing a r/destiny user could do is spend like $10,000 on buying it and specifically flaunt that they’re doing that instead of doing anything good with the money.