This is too much snow and I would like to do things outside. I would like to replace winter with a second spring. If I get 10k signatures, Obama HAS to respond.
i like the snow it’s pretty
I went sledding in the back yard today
don’t worry. Oil companies are currently getting rid of winter for us
Their plan involves a forever summer. I’m simply proposing Spring 2.
Quito tried the forever spring plan, but oil companies are trying to get rid of it
I think you’ll get your wish next year seeing as this is a La Niña year and it’s still hotter than last year
This petition is independent of climate change. I’m filing a second one after it succeeds which will reduce the forever summer to a 1990s level and do away with August.
Pissing on Caesar’s grave?
He chose to have the sweatiest month and it’s time we update things.
more like got’em
The climate will stay the same. It’ll be better even.
I would do awful things for that 11 degree partly sunny day, here it probably won’t go above 0 this month
That will be a nice day for bike commuting. Short of Sunday though, every other day is bringing more and more ice to the trails. That’s unforgivable.
Can the mountain ls still have winter? It’s less fun sliding around on rocks than snow…
If so I’ll sign the petition
Especially not. I live in the Rockies. The mountains will have a permanent July where it’s still pleasant and the wildflowers are peaking.
The wildflowers in the Rockies are tempting… Totally the most beautiful thing. I got married in a field of them infact. Alright I’ll sign it.
Skiing is just snow golfing, change my mind
No I’m comfy
Granted. You now live in Texas
Hill Country at least? That’s kinda pretty. Don’t you put Dallas on me though.
Fine, since you insist, you can live in Richardson.
Fun fact: Richardson doesn’t use garbage cans, you’re expected to just put the bags in the street when it’s collection day
Richardson is even worse. I was a bike commuter there and people would throw things at me.
That’s ridiculous, it’s not even that uncommon for people to bike there. People are so entitled…
Albeit in like 2010. I was somewhere off Audelia and Walnut Street was hell to ride down. Even now it seems like that area doesn’t have bike lanes, albeit the sidewalks look more even.