it feels like so much ‘news’ online is just looking at clips from fox, cnn, msnbc etc, talking about their reporting. are there any left wing news channels that actually just report shit and aren’t doing commentary on other people’s stories? preferably daily/semi-daily news.
thank uuuuu
Dropsite News
Electronic Intifada
Means morning news
Seconding Means, it’s a great program. They hide their power level a bit, but they used to have pics of Mao and Lenin at the beginning of one of their segments a couple years ago, so they’re legit.
Subscribe so Sam can afford another suit.
BreakThrough News has some good original programming. Not a daily per se but that have a few different shows they produce which are quite informative.
Democracy Now
Mint Press
Democracy Now
Remember when Amy had
on to tell us all about the Uighurs?
LOL yes. Not their brightest moment, to say the least.
Democracy Now is on the whole a good news source. It cares about world news, is not reactionary 95% of the time, and interviews primary sources of reporting regularly. Yeah, they have a few pratfalls but it’s not that bad.
Mint Press is solid, but word of caution to anyone who wants to throw them a few bones – use a virtual card because they absolutely will keep trying to charge you forever, long after you cancel
I always liked Abby Martin’s stuff for that but I haven’t followed her in a while.
More seriously though, maybe check out BreakThrough News? I don’t really like how they do everything to appear like a “regular” news channel, it reminds me a bit of the “alternative media” types that were basically just imitating American local TV news but with UFOs instead of law and order propaganda. The content is good though, and they have good guests super often.
Seconding Breakthrough. They’re kinda the best thing for that role. Unicorn Riot does some occasionally good stuff, but they can have some painfully lib articles at points.
Don’t visit their social media though, so many chuds in their comments seething about them. For some reason they never moderate it
Thanks for the advice. I’ve mostly kept to their main site and Youtube for on-the-ground coverage.
Other than that yeah, Unicorn Riot is cool.
Breakthrough is too, though there’s a weird trend of antisemitism in the comments (not the Isn’treali defined version) recently and idk why they don’t delete those comments and ban the accounts from commenting on their channel.
Why, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, of course. But I also listen to NPR to fill in the bits he fails to cover.
But yeah, like others have said, the news mega
Uh, I check the news mega
Sure but it’s nice to be able to answer the question “So where do you get your news from?” with something other than “a bunch of news weirdos (affectionate) on a fringe left wing internet forum”.
Status Coup.
Seconding Status Coup, they do a lot of on-the-ground reporting
Everything is just the one clip from inside of Bo burnham reacting to himself reacting to himself
To add to what everyone else has said, Some More News and First Thought (though not daily).
first thought used to be once a week i think but now it looks like the channel is just for second thought style videos (which are good, just seems like they stopped doing the news)
Yeah, they said it takes a lot of their time to produce. Makes sense, the production values are pretty nuts.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Foreign Exchanges
teleSUR English