for me it just redirects to a channel that clips and reuploads mr.beast videos
“indiscriminately” yeah something tells me its not white kids named brandon getting charged as adults
i like that he looks hexagonal. in fact i might name my website after him.
wow what a loser rofl. this post also gives the impression that they’re just constantly checking this site for shit to get mad at and when they saw it was down they thought somehow it was an opportunity to get back at us for being “tankies”
i dont see anyone here trying to buy “” so the anarkiddies are left without a community
bro needs to 1. get their priorities straight and 2. stop thinking “i hate my mom” is a legitimate political philosophy
first thought used to be once a week i think but now it looks like the channel is just for second thought style videos (which are good, just seems like they stopped doing the news)
bro i literally can not go a day without seeing people begging for money in the streets, without seeing people sharing gofundme’s for medical bills. this pigbitch dickhole wants to use our taxes so israel can have a tourist destination
fuck this shit
bird expert here, its kinda hard to make out due to the quality you mentioned but im fairly certain this is a type of hawk called a tony hawk. if you look closely you can see he has some bagel bites, indicative of just having filmed a commercial.
nature is beautiful.
saying you dont think brad pitt was the good guy in fight club on reddit
yeah something tells me all the cards are like “claim: black people commit more crime because they have elongated skulls where all of their excess aggression is stored. studies find this to be true”
“claim: women are just as intelligent as men and in fact if you compare IQ scores women tend to score higher than men. this is PC and false. also IQ is a lie, unless its weaponized against minorities to make them look bad in comparison to white men”
thats why he has to soy face so hard in his thumbnails. he has to try his best to not look like the walking husk he is so impressionable little kids will click his bullshit and buy his moldy lunchables knockoff
someone should just ask him “but why were the nazis fighting the communists?”
its because the communists were trying to stop them from killing a bunch of minorities
why doesn’t the saudi military come in and deport them all back to europe and america then? they really should. if you have a birth certificate not from palestine or “israel” you should be deported, then go back to the 1947 borders before the creation of israel
its crazy how much lifting “anti-communism” does for white supremacists and nazis. imagine if these people couldn’t just launder their image and arguments by saying they’re “fighting communism/communists”
if people werent brainwashed to hate communism 99% of right wing bullshit would just sound entirely unappealing to a lot of people
emptying my bitcoin wallet rn trying to make amends
tell her to quit buying so many dang shoes and hair straighteners
hawk tuah coin. i have a feeling its coming back
pokemon cards are a necessity
back on ps3 you didn’t
oh fuck reading this post informed ne of his existence and i’ve done nothing to help usher him in and now he’s gonna torture me for eternity of fuck
good review OP, i saw your post then watched the film before i read it so i really knew nothing going in. didn’t know what to expect and was surprised by how good it was. then read your review after i finished it just now