His face creeps me out so much
Maybe he has resting sociopath face?
NVM there is no way that smile is natural.
I’ve heard that he determined this facial expression makes more people click his videos than others. So well worth looking like a soulless husk.
I’ve been looking into making video essays, and it’s crazy how much time and energy people can spend on thumbnails and A/B testing them, and it’s even crazier that it does work. FD signifier said that just changing the thumbnail on an old video made his views go up like 5x
oh ya, the TrueAnon episode about mr beast and how obsessed he is with stuff is wild
It does seem like a system that rewards obsession and borderline neuroticism.
I’m not gonna try to find it, but there was one thumbnail I saw of his with an angry expression while he pushed a button causing people to fall through a hole in the floor, it’s the only time his expression looked human and genuine though still very unsettling
I think I saw that thumbnail on the trending page. It later was changed to show him roasting someone alive over a fire. Also not smiling.
Dear lord ahaha, yeah I think that was the one, even more horrifying now. He is probably exhausted from hiding this true self
The Look
Jordan Peele had better get on this, I want to see a movie where youtube influencers knowingly unleash ancient evil magiks upon the world for the sake of viewer engagement.
You know what? Compared to the vapid, condescending and outright dangerous shit he’s done for videos, this is kind of ok? Exposing all of these children who would be very unlikely to be interested in egyptology otherwise to ancient Egypt, the same way many of us got exposed to it through weird Egypt documentaries in the 90s and 2000s, is not that evil.
I hate that this guy has been given what seems like infinity money, and that he uses that money to gain abusive access to archeological sites, but at its core I think it’s not that terrible?
Inb4 some article or expose about how his crew destroyed some 5000 year old artifact trying to get a good angle or some shit like that, and I’ll have to eat my words.
He brings up the stupid aliens created the Pyramids theory constantly in the video and the experts he has with him keep telling him he is fucking stupid.
So was the history channel in the 2000s. Still, a bunch of people like antiquity because of things like that. It’s not the best egyptology content there can be, but my point was that it’s likely to be the only ancient Egypt the sticky-handed, terminally online menaces who are his audience will actually be interested in.
The video is structured around it. The pretense of the video is basically disproving the alien theory, which they do. In the end Dr. Beast proclaims that the aliens couldn’t have possibly created the pyramids because of all the physical evidence he is shown.
I guess he could be blinding greek children for history content. So I agree this is rather low on the list of evil deeds the great beast has commited.
Yeah, he’s not making working class people grovel on camera for Healthcare, shitty houses or life-changing amounts of money, so that’s a marked improvement from his usual stuff.
His expression in these looks like he has some kind of soul too, he could legitimately do a lot of good for the youth. It would be the most fascinating transition if he became a genuinely alright guy just talking about interesting stuff now that he probably has more money than anyone would ever need.
I think it’s because this is shit he is actually into. He’s actually having a good time instead of erasing his humanity to obsess over an algorithm he has mastered but will never truly conquer.
Lets not white wash billionaires, BUT if they have to exist under capitalism, Id rather they mess around with fun stuff than usher in the Machine Apocalypse
It might be me being autistic, but he just looks really tired in these pictures. Like, the lower half of his face is the Mr Beast signature smile, and the top half is saying “I haven’t slept more than 4 hours the past couple weeks”
Dead eyes. Like a doll’s eyes.
He smiles only with his mouth and not his eyes, its very unsettling.
That’s the standard way of knowing if somebody is faking a smile, you look at the eyes
People can still totally fake smiling with their eyes if they put in some effort so it shows how much he really cares
mr beast is proof that phrenology is actually real
thats why he has to soy face so hard in his thumbnails. he has to try his best to not look like the walking husk he is so impressionable little kids will click his bullshit and buy his moldy lunchables knockoff
Whatever body he finds there will likely have more life in them than he has behind those eyes
Smiling like a chimp exerting dominance
social media is a goddamned cancer.
Mr. Beast and the tomb of the rictus grin
he is the son of shaytan, wallah
Of course Hawass was willing to go with him
Oh no, is Dr. Hawass problematic? I used to love Egypt stuff as a kid and he was in everything about it
my impression is that he’s mostly concerned with attracting tourists rather than doing science. Hence his sensational statements to the media about Khufu’s “undiscovered” burial chamber (and now the mr. beast thing I guess)
gotta respect the hustle
I do not respect the huslte. More and more history disappears in front of our eyes every single day due to tourism and vandalism while scientists are constantly barred from preserving this history. It’s really depressing to see
To be fair to Dr. Hawass, a lot of his work is actually around preventing archeological sites from degrading and getting vandalised. Dude is undoubtedly a media whore but he’s done a lot of good for the state of antiquities in Egypt.
In interviews, several Egyptologists said that most of what Dr. Hawass was doing for their field was long overdue, things as simple as installing air conditioning at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. He has instituted zoning around major antiquity sites and built visitor centers to prevent further degradation. He also has plans to build regional museums in Egypt, including a sprawling new structure beside the pyramids.
In addition, Dr. Hawass has pushed through a law making antiquity theft a serious crime, and he has limited excavation of new sites in favor of conserving old sites and artifacts. “I made rules for people to follow, for the first time,” he said. “People don’t like this.”
“People don’t like dramatic changes,” Dr. Hawass said. “But I am well trained, and I believe Egypt antiquities needs this passion. I know who my enemies are, and I don’t care. They are the amateurs who want to drill in the pyramids, and the antiquities dealers we put in jail. The failures who do nothing in their lives. They don’t like success in general.”
extremely respectable hustle
I don’t know that he’s problematic necessarily, just that he’s one of the most well known egyptologists so of course mr beast “donated” some huge sum to get him to personally lead it
Look maybe he gets the curse of tutankhamun type of discovery. We can only hope.
trying to return home
god speed mister beast
Comrade mummy’s curse, take my energy
He’s looking for an ancient artifact with immense magical power that will allow him to bend reality to his will and rule the world.