i’ve never been into these games, so i didn’t follow the pre release or anything or have any info on this game. i just randomly watched an IGN review of the new game, and to me it looked pretty cool. scrolled down and it’s like 20k dislikes to 4k likes or some shit, all the comments are complaining. i noticed the cast of characters looks ‘diverse’, is this actually a bad game or are gamers just crying because not everyone is a white guy?
Pre release footage showed an option for top surgery scars in the character creator and g*mers lost their minds.
I thought putting scars on a dude made him MANLY and BADASS and HEROIC. What changed??? I wonder…
Which way, western gamer?
One big scar across a man’s chest:
Smaller scars a bit below the nips:
It’s especially brave in medieval fantasy. Imagine how many leeches and jars of wine are used.
I have to assume a wizard did it, so it’s more to do with channeling energies from the demon realm. All perfectly safe.
In DA:I there’s a trans character called Krem who mentions that there are wizards in Tevinter able to do gender affirming magic but that he’s transitioning via non-magical means.
So I guess demons or leaches is a matter of personal preference.
If you like your leeches you can keep them
is there some “anti SJW” campaign against [insert any game here]?
The answer is always yes
Came to the say the same thing. My version
is there some “anti SJW/woke/DEI/Judeo-Bolshevik” campaign against [GAME]?
In the last like 10 years now steam “discussion” forums have been getting increasingly more disgusting…
Every goddamn game has a “Is this game woke?” and a “go woke go broke” message… Makes me sick…
Gamers should be systematically re-edcuated. So, so many nazis amongst them.
Is there some “anti SJW” campaign against
Idk prolly
The new door frames IKEA is putting out are so fucking woke
Billy the Bookcase has pronouns now.
Gamer types have hated Dragon Age for gamer reasons since Dragon Age II
They also hated DA1 for gay romance, but also given it a pass because elves were opressed and chuds love that (also one of reasons why i’m usually proelvish).
DAII was different since it happened to have one of the first online gamer hate campaigns directed towards it and its writers
And it wasn’t even bad game. Not the one you would play several times, but pretty decent. 3rd was much worse, one of the most boring rpg i ever played, though at least it was rpg.
Some of it is the usual racist bullshit
Some is from the reported change of genre and negation of choices made in the previous gamesI’d argue the vast majority is anti-wokeism. It’s just that the slightly smarter types understand that their fascist views don’t appeal to the general public, so they disguise them as genuine complaints about the game. You’ll see the same thing in the complaints about the fire in space in The Acolyte, even though it’s always been the norm in the Star Wars films.
Chuds not liking something for reactionary reasons does not mean the thing is not bad for other, legitimate reasons
The last of us, for example
Dragons Age: Inquisition had a huge gamer moment surrounding it. It was just around the time I was radicalizing and remembered seeing a lot of my friends complain about woke games.
Yeah it’s a cycle at this point. If a new game comes out and it has a single main character that’s
or a woman who doesn’t look like a porn Star you can bet your ass grummz or the quartering or whatever grifter of the week is gonna be online whining about it
I had to listen to my reactionary family member go on and on about how much this game looks like it’s gonna suck bc it’s “DEI everywhere” a week ago it so
Criminal of you to forget about Asmongold.
Criminal of you to remind people he exists.
YouTube makes sure to remind me, even though I’ve never watched any of the videos or anything related.
Its gamers being gamers. They’ve been whining since the trailer came out.
Its both gamers being chuds and it being like ff16 in that the game is now full blown hack and slash rpg.
in that the game is now full blown hack and slash rpg.
They always find a way to fuck up what what supposed to be good rpg. LITERALLY JUST GO BACK TO DA1 YOU SORRY FUCKERS 🤮 🤮 🤮
Also FF16 is fully hack&slash? I suppose it is still better than completely unplayable mess of combat in PC version of FF13 but regardless, welp, i guess FF only had 12 games for me (well 11, since one is mmo).
With how popular BG3 was, I can see them going turn based next. If EA doesn’t kill the studio, that is.
If they need BG3 to confirm the literal first thing that always was the base of crpg, they need to unfuck their heads. In fackt, unfucking the excessive action elements from rpg is way way way fucking overdue.
Also remember how this same studio killed Mass Effect in order to make a fucking Anthem of all things? Sure it was on EA but i don’t expect anything at this point. Note how 2023 was the best year for crpg’s since early 2000’s and it had basically just 3 good titles, one of which very niche.
tbh I’d rather have a hack and slash than one of those weird hybrid systems
I think the hybrid system of FF7 Remake/Rebirth is my favorite combat system of all time. I can see how people wouldn’t like it, but i think it’s great, to the pont where I was kind of disappointed when I played the 16 demo.
its a bioware game and they haven’t made a single good game in like a decade plus. who the fuck gives a shit if some chuds say or think anything about it, they always rage about some shit. it just another shitty game in a line of shitty games who cares
alright relax, touch grass comrade
wym they’re right
they got pretty aggressive over a question about a video game. i agree with their sentiment. they still need to chill
I’m pretty sure the chuds have been anti-Bioware for a while now.
why’s that? they make a bunch of nerd shit. you’d think chuds would like them. i don’t really follow their games tho
It’s mostly due to having gay love interests as an option in most of their games (every Dragon Age + Mass Effect 3) and an increasing number of LGBT characters in general as the fanbase and creative team grew to include more LGBT people, but also combined with the fact that all of their games for the last decade or so have been pretty widely considered mediocre which makes them an easy target for “go woke go broke”-style bullshit. Personally I’d say the last good game they released was DA:O in 2009, but a lot of people liked ME2.
I’m sure there is, it’s BioWare, they are a default target for that kind of vitriol.
That said the game seems like a step down from the previous from what some friends are telling me.
i didn’t play the previous ones. i wasnt even aware this one was out yet actually i thought it released in a few days
DA:V is probably the most inclusive game BioWare has made so ya, there is a massive amount of bigotry aimed at it
That being said, there’s def also a ton of actual fans who are pretty disappointed with how its looking so far, and to be real, I’m not perfectly sure it’s even physically possible at this point to create a Dragon Age game that isn’t controversial with the fanbase lol
Yep, and people who are mad this game isn’t whatever they wanted to think it would be.