Thorngraff_Ironbeard [he/him]

A.C.A.B (All Comrades are beautiful)

  • 11 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2020


  • The HR at my current job was so awful during my hiring process. I literally had to call them every day for like a week for them to do the shit to start the job I had already been hired for. Almost all of my coworkers have the same experience. Telling people the wrong days for things and the like. One guy was hired and told his start date and sold his house and moved several states to the take the job, they then told him there was a mistake and he actually would start in 2 months. So he (rightfully) raised hell and they put him in my department for two months and we told him just to play on his phone or whatever, we weren’t gonna make him work for HRs fuck up.