That’s why B42 was delayed so long, gotta get the jiggle perfect.
A.C.A.B (All Comrades are beautiful)
That’s why B42 was delayed so long, gotta get the jiggle perfect.
Man I would need a team of researchers, pen bearers, poopers, pissers and feeders because I’m making the most of this. While I’m furiously writing they gotta tell me the names of as many slaves, victims of Massacres, anyone who died because of the evil of others. I’m trying to get 100,000 names at minimum in this motherfuckah.
Hmmm, almost every other country in the world has access to Chinese precursor chemicals, but as far as I know it’s only the United States that has a fentanyl problem. Wonder why that could be?
Good on this guy for doing what he can. I’m optimistic about the work of orgs in NC. The south is prime real estate for agitation, with a long history that some are coming to remember.
He did end up helping us quite a bit. But a lot of what we do isn’t something you can learn in two months. It was like if a surgeon was put into one the hospital’s bureaucratic department for two months. It’s a lot of learning our method that he might start picking up by the time he would leave.
The HR at my current job was so awful during my hiring process. I literally had to call them every day for like a week for them to do the shit to start the job I had already been hired for. Almost all of my coworkers have the same experience. Telling people the wrong days for things and the like. One guy was hired and told his start date and sold his house and moved several states to the take the job, they then told him there was a mistake and he actually would start in 2 months. So he (rightfully) raised hell and they put him in my department for two months and we told him just to play on his phone or whatever, we weren’t gonna make him work for HRs fuck up.
It’s the same deal as our unions in America isn’t it? Any actual trade-unionist/communist in leadership was forced out during the red scare and the leaders are collaborationist with the companies.
Yeah I don’t think the father or son (I can’t remember which is which) are wrong, the father has lost so much and just wants his son and people to survive, and the son has seen his people brought low and is full of rage. It’s a sad story that dutch manipulates.
Yeah that’s what I’m hoping.
Yeah I started pysching myself out and couldn’t remember which one was on lol, so I tried it both ways several different times and at different outlets.
Yeah I tried a couple different outlets, one of them being one I have had it plugged up to in the past.
I’ve been anointing it with oil for hours
Yeah it’s a computer a friend helped me build. It has an ATX, so If just replugging stuff doesn’t work I’m gonna try the bridge thing.
Yeah it’s a desktop, I’m gonna see about meeting one of my more computer-savvy friends and remove stuffikentou said.
He spent so much money on that colt AR to have one that looks like the M16.
Poor and Colored people had the audacity to march through their affluent neighborhood, where the mayor of St.Louis lives, during BLM protests.
Yeah the tooltip system is great. Most of the big mods like after the end and game of thrones are getting to the level of their ck2 versions.
I played a ton of Civ 5 and then a good amount of Civ 6. I really like the climate change and sea level rise as well as the map changes with flooding rivers and stuff. Also a lot of dope civs were added with a much less eurocentric focus.
The idea of a country called “The Savior” being a prison colony sounds like some very on the nose world building.