Ah yes, Luke Skywalker, the character who famously checks notes saved Alderaan from the Empire.
Do these people actually watch movies, or do they just leave them on in the background while scrolling on their phone?
edit: okay this is a bit. got me.
This is a bit, right?
It’s got to be a bit. I mean the closest analgy is that the PLO is the Rebel Alliance. It’s got Saw Gerrera’s Faction (Hamas), Luthen Rael’s (PFLP), Mon Mothma’s (Fatah) etc.
Still pissed they made a guy who was too extreme about fighting genocidal fascist and then named him after Che.
I was desperately trying to find a way to view deleted reddit posts, but couldn’t figure out a way to make it work. I must know what the idea was.
I don’t know how I know this but it was definitely George Floyd
Change the domain from “www.reddit” to “reveddit” – note that you have to remove the
subdomain while you’re at it. That will work if the post/comment was indexed before being removed, and only if it was removed by a mod or admin. Self-deleted stuff is gone forever.I tried that one, but it was giving me some chud “THE COMMUNISTS ARE TRYING TO SHADOWBAN US” shit and asking for an API key that I was too lazy to bother with lol
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That one always confused me. Like, there is no good amount of evil, right? But people all across popular media prattle on about evil being necessary as though it makes any sense.
You can largely blame Disney for that one. Lucas has been extremely explicit and direct that the dark side and the sith are a corrupting influence on the natural balance of the force and the universe the Jedi serve.
Anakin’s entire fall was a decision to place his own selfish desires over his greater roll and duty as the chosen one and hence: it would forever dominate his destiny. Hence it took a supreme act of selflessness and of sacrifice to bring the force back into balance.
People got confused because “well guess balance can only mean equal parts light and dark” and Disney just rolled with it.
Luke is the chosen one who brings balance to the force by getting rid of vader and the emperor. People are just bad at media.
No. Anakin is the chosen one, and he’s the one who kills the emperor. His final redemption brings the force back into balance by making a grand sacrifice to let go of his own selfish desires and save his son.
Good point!
I really like that in Star Wars there are parallel military and spiritual struggles. The story doesn’t pretend that defeating the Emperor and Vader will resolve the military conflict on it’s own - That’s up to the rebels. They effectively take out the deathstar on their own. And then there’s a separate, parallel struggle between the force users, and it’s ultimately Luke’s resolve and compassion and Anakin’s moment of letting go of his hatred upon seeing his son’s strength in the Light that resolves the struggle.
For my own sanity, I refuse to believe this is not a bit.
It’s a bit. Checked the guy’s posting history. Here’s another banger:
Thank you for your through provoking response. I have not considered the existence Air People (Aetherocracies ). I will continue not to.
Anyway, while I was explaining my point she rudely hits me with the Thalassocratic stare (Sea person stare)
when someone says something so inlander that you just gotta hit them with that Thalassocratic stare
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I (32M) am a researcher in international development, and made a post last week about Joe Biden being a Jedi, and unfortunately I dont think a lot of people agreed. However this is okay. Academic disagreement is really important to having a lively debate about Global (Galactic) Politics.
I also have a change of heart. Much like Ben Kenobi, I have a mentor. Professor Ballard and I had a lively discussion on this topic. Continuing with the aid (force) debate, I think that we can look at it like lightside (aid to Israel from the Global Elite (Jedi Council)) and darkside (aid to Hamas from the Dark forces(Witches of Dathomir)). This analytical framework has a lot of explanatory power, and really aids in constructing a foundation for understanding Regional Politics.
Even though Joe Biden is a “Catholic”, I know he supports Judaism (Jediism) in the Middle East (Tatooine). When Air Force One (Warp Speed) landed in Tel Aviv (Alderaan), I really thought there was a new hope for a different ending for Israel than there was for Alderaan. If we flip the theoretical framework around, we may see that the structural threats to Israel have similar plans for Alderaan as Abu Obaida of the Al-Qassam Brigade (Darth Vader and Stormtroopers), even though they are Muslims, unlike Vader who is a Sith.
What do you guys think? It is important to understand our world through the lenses of theory. In this case, Star Wars.
aid to Hamas from the Dark forces(Witches of Dathomir)
i am fucking sent
oh man, I was worried this was real, but i feel safe knowing this is shitposting.
We’ve got a poster here folks
Let him cook
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from the Dark forces
unbelieveable that dark forces isn’t the star wars reference
They do this with every media they like, but at least this is a bit
it would make far more sense to call Russia the empire.
nope… this is too on the nose… can only be trolling… i will not accept the alternative
tbf mark hamil is unironically like this.
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Luke Skywalker never sent The Force to Alderaan. And also Tatooine is the middle east which would mean Alderaan is now on Tatooine? Balancing the force is about balancing power iron Tatooine? Did Leia fulfill the prequel prophecy by killing Jabba the Hutt then? Has this dude seen Star Wars?
aid (The Force)
This is 100% a bit. Not a great one but definitely a bit.
One must hope
you mean a new hope ???
Thanks now I want to kill myself.