I had high expectations and it truly met them
I had high expectations and it truly met them
Cuba and Russia are pretty far apart
As an Australian it’s weird to think that New Caledonia is closer to Australia than New Zealand.
What was that tweet from a few years back which was something like “I have heard there’s a good chance of a USSR 2.0 in the next five years”
My understanding is in catholic doctrine God literally turns the bread and wine into his flesh and blood but shields you from seeing or tasting this. It’s not a metaphor or symbolism.
But God/Jesus wants you to do it. So probably
Yeah, I used to love Bandits of the Acoustic Revolution : A Call to Arms when I was a teenager.
I think Bethesda said all the Fallout games are going to take place in the USA
I think this guys wife tweeted about he failed at every animal rearing/homesteading project he attempted I remember “his bees abandoned him”
Presumably machinery, computer chips etc but a train full of Banh Mi would be a funny image.
Nobody resurrect naval officers from the 30s until we have rail guns.
Another thing Cyberpunk 2077 got wrong is most of the cars are both reliable and practical.
Also I’m sure Vietnam, China and DPRK have similarly pragmatic interactions on many things between the three that they try to keep under the table from prying NATO eyes. There’s a lot of speculation that when Kim Jong Un travels to Vietnam by personal train, it’s not a security measure, it also makes it a lot easier to skirt sanctions and bring things back and forth.
My understanding in that if you are Vietnam or even China (who ha bought weapons from Israel too) you can’t buy US weapons and tech directly from them, but you can buy Israeli versions of the US stuff (or even literally the US stuff repackaged). So pragmatically if you don’t buy from them you miss out, and that’s intentional realpolitik from USA to legitimise Israel internationally. Which sucks.
Vietnam also still buy shitloads of weapons and tech from Russia before and after Ukraine
It’s endsville for that bum
OsamaCourier. Time to send him to the big casino. That Clyde can’t hide. When that crumb is gone, ring-a-ding
-Benny Fallout New Vegas
I’m reminded about how here in Australia one of my grandparents grandparents was supposedly very dark in both skin and hair colouring and they weren’t talked about by the rest of the family, in my parent’s generation speculation ran rampant from them being Jewish to First Nations. Someone did the research and it turns out they were Sicilian.
Israel providing cover so Ukraine can skate frictionlessly through the competition with a singer called Jerry Heil who wore a shirt referencing Stephan Bandera days before the competition and still giving no votes to Israel (while presumably dropping a y-slur)
In the so called mistakes of Stalin lies the difference between a revolutionary attitude and a revisionist attitude. You have to look at Stalin in the historical context in which he moves, you don’t have to look at him as some kind of brute, but in that particular historical context. I have come to communism because of daddy Stalin and nobody must come and tell me that I mustn’t read Stalin. I read him when it was very bad to read him. That was another time. And because I’m not very bright, and a hard-headed person, I keep on reading him. Especially in this new period, now that it is worse to read him. Then, as well as now, I still find a Series of things that are very good
That said Israel hosting Eurovision was a huge flop for them, they only got a fraction of the tourists they thought they would get, there were extensive pro-Palestine campaigns to discourage people attending, though how much was that versus Europeans just not wanting to go the Middle East no matter how hard Israel tried to convince them.
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There’s still a lot of real stunts in the film. Not as much a Fury Road. But I also thought where they used the CGI was good. The film is even more stylized and dreamlike than any previous film in the series. There’s some parts where the CGI is obvious but, in the way, a giant matte painting was in old school movies. The film is almost yelling at you it clearly isn’t the real events rather a tale told by a history-man around a campfire.