Times like these I’m glad I grew up catholic before switching to atheism because it makes me completely immune to all this trad bullshit. Like a vaccine, I guess.
Yeah I was totally checked out by 5th grade. I found my old schoolwork once, and on “religion class” tests the questions are like “what do you/we believe about x” and all my responses after a point in 4th grade are like “Catholics believe…”
I feel like protestantism was even better for this, my parents are 0/5 for raising kids into religious adults lmfao huge L for the anglo church
As hardcore as my mom is in the lutheran church not one of her kids go to church. She forced us to go to sunday school every week and then church after that while dad, who was raised catholic as a kid, sat at home watching Friday the 13th and enjoying his 2 hours of peace. I was always so jealous of him.
Every former Catholic turned atheist I know still have some lingering positive feeling about some elements of the faith, even if overall they say “fuck the church”.
Every former Protestant turned atheist I know thinks every church should be burned to the ground and sowed with salt and every priest should be flayed alive.
“you only joined atheism so you can sin.”
- People that joined Catholicism to sin
Same, I was really into Christianity and liberation theology in my teens, so now I’m like “Wtf this is not at all what I was into, no thanks”
Lol me too, being naturally contrarian in a catholic conservative home made me fall into the right side of history.
“You can literally eat anything.” - Not if you observe all the fasting days. That includes not eating any land animals on a friday.
In the XVII century church officially classified beaver as fish, based on the Thomas Aquinas classification of living beings based on their habitats. Though the precedents were older, some decisions at local level were reaching at least XV century. The reason was of course that monks (especially Cistercians) tried to circumvent the friday fasts by the explanation that beaver tail is covered with scales therefore specifically the tail is a fish and can be eaten in friday.
I love church history, such great argumentations.
Theres some chronicles of Spanish Catholic missionaries debating Aztec priests in an honest attempt to convert them. Whenever it the debate turned to predicting the natural world, (the only shared reality) the Aztecs would consistently be more accurate. This flustered the catholics who’s only recourse was “well if your gods are real how did we conquer you”.
Catholics being salty losers never gets old.
I was going to say, most of the Catholics I knew would have restrictions during lent, sometimes not eating any meat. There have been Christian groups throughout history that didn’t eat meat because that would mean killing, it’s weird to me how many people are against vegetarianism or veganism in a predominantly Christian nation.
A significant portion of Catholicism is setting rules and then coming up with ways to get around them
it’s weird to me how many people are against vegetarianism or veganism in a predominantly Christian nation.
It also probably has to do with how many of those people actually know nothing about their own religion and purely go off of vibes
Are birds land animals? What about a duck?
Ducks that hang out in my backyard.
Forbidden. Only fish, capybaras, beavers, water rats and otters are fine on a friday.
I believe that penguins and puffins count as fish though
Penguins and Puffins but not Ducks? What about pelicans and gulls?
Not entirely sure. It’s all deeply bizarre
And how come capybaras get excluded from this prohibition btw?
Because the conquistadors had no luck with fishing, so they got a papal dispens. Capybaras were declared fish and thus fine.
When material conditions disagree with God
AFAIK capybaras wade in the water, they dont swim.
Everything is a fandom. Catholicism to these people is being racist on Twitter and posting epic Little Dark Age edits of Jesus to Tiktok. They “get into” religion the way other people “get into” Star Wars.
Hey there, it’s your hip local pastor! Did you know that under Catholicism you can eat
I don’t know if Catholicism has pastors, whatever.
They have youth groups and youth pastoral leaders, either seminarists or lay people who have been working evangelizing the youth.
And priests among all of those.
I myself went to a Caritas school, so any and all school camps were extremely religious in scope. Like all the time. Going to mass on Sundays, praying before every meal, singing Christian songs, listening to sermons (never did lol).
In short, shit fucking sucked and was the worst part of the camp. I wanted to go swim in the river damn it, that was the best part of it… Or I dunno, just hike in the woods. Or do archery… Anything but this stupid fucking nonsense.
My life mission is to eradicate
the USACatholicism and perhaps Abrahamism as a whole. Because it wasn’t just boring. Shit irreparably scarred me.
dae le epic bacon eucharist
there is an emerging subculture of tradcath gymbros who are extremely toxic and imo worse than reddit atheists ever were. i am not going to defend this position btw so please agree with me
A lot of those reddit atheists turned into tradcath fascists. So it’s very likely the same people. There’s something about internet culture war stuff that attracts ghoulish people
We need a new new atheist movement, these guys all suck.
Yeah I was gonna make a big post saying this but I feel like I’m mostly speaking from my own very subjective experience of hating Catholicism.
It’s like half of the Reddit atheists became tradcath fascists, and the other half went on to foster a new generation of Elon simps
Seriously it’s bad. I am in my 40s and I went back to school, its bad with the young ones. I have to say it’s just the lack of parenting and letting their kids on YouTube.
Yea its pretty shit. Lack of parenting or lack of attention has been a problem for a long time but kids suppressed this with healthier activities, nowadays with social media kids are one click away from having their feed full with a nazi like pewdiepie.
POV you enter a hate competition and your opponent is wearing a chain cross and has a “god first” tatoo.
This isn’t even arguing that Catholisism is good. You can chose what you want to eat or drink yourself? You mean just like every secular person can?
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Cannibals: eat human flesh while pretending not to
Catholics: do not eat human flesh while pretending to do so
setting aside the
for a sec…
hinduism doesn’t have a religious objection to alcohol? it’s a social objection - it makes you behave like an ass. there are some philosophical points like how it makes you less human and more animal because it clouds the mind and brings out your baser nature. there’s no religious prohibition that I’m aware of. some sects of Brahmins might treat it as a religious prohibition but there’s no shot this is any kind of blanket ban by the religion as a whole. it’s not very prevalent because there was a religious prohibition by the Mogul empire for a very long time.
people try to treat Hinduism like it’s one religion with a completely unified and consistent belief system when it’s more like christianity - there are quite literally countless different religious doctrines made at different times and that are accepted or rejected by various groups at various points of history. there isn’t anything quite like a central church, at least since the collapse of the Indian empire, so it’s more about which line of scholars and sages/saints you adhere to. hell, one of the major schools of Hinduism historically is literally atheist - following the Buddhist tradition, they deny the material world as real and seek truth in philosophy and spirituality. while this school isn’t strictly alive today, it forms much of the backbone of Hindu philosophy in the present.
even not eating meat isn’t a universal. it’s a relatively common prohibition but one mainly kept by particular social classes (Vaishnavite brahmins in particular, though many others as well). for example, a lot of Shaivite families do eat meat - especially fish. it’s beef that’s totally unacceptable in pretty much all contexts and that’s because people drink cow’s milk. milk comes from mothers so to eat a cow is like eating your own mother.
it’s very weird to me to consider any of these religious prohibitions, to be honest. the reasons are all framed philosophically and they’re accepted or rejected by various scholars contemporaneously with each other. and it misses weirder stuff like certain religious groups prohibiting garlic and onion because they make you more physical and lead you away from a path towards yoga (union with the divine soul of all things). but again, this is only done by very particular groups and at very particular times. my grandparents adhered to this and the rest of my family did not.
I think a lot of what gets confused here is that Hinduism incorporates so many different belief systems - I’m not sure I’ve ever seen any other religion that absorbed quite so many, not by treating other religions as heresy and wiping them out (though that obviously happened too) but more often just because some sage decided to study the other belief system and came back and said “I tried this and I was able to achieve union by following their path - their beliefs are Hindu”.
as a contemporary example, there are sects of Catholics in India that the Catholic church refuses to recognize because they’re convertees who invented their own fusion of Catholicism and Hinduism that has Jesus as a previously unrecognized avatar of Vishnu, or names Krishna to be an avatar of Jesus, while adding a bunch of saints because, like Mormons, they believe Jesus came to live among them and converted some saints during his travels. this kind of local incorporation and reinvention is utterly commonplace.
(this is actually one of the more infuriating parts of the religious strife between Hindus and Muslims - Islam was decreed Hindu during the Mogul empire, just as Christianity was during the British empire. the British stoked the flames of religious war to serve their own ends - but the whole reason there are so many Muslim Indians is because the Hindu institutions welcomed conversions as entirely consistent with a path towards divine union.)
Idk, eating God is probably the most metal thing catholicism has going for it
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Who naads they Jesussy ate?
That is the stigmata yeah?
That’s not what the dharmic religions say. They don’t explicitly say “don’t eat meat” because that position is only held to the people on top castes. What they do say is that one needs to lower their foot print as a means to lowering the suffering in the world. A Buddhist monk could eat meat but then he’d be contributing to suffering but it doesn’t explicitly forbid it. The Buddha died from eating pork and he’s the person one should strive into becoming. Also it does explicitly forbid the eating of pork in the Catholic Bible. Shit they forbid you eating pork on Fridays because of some bullshit made up thing that isn’t on the Bible.
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If you meet the Buddha on the road, drop a boulder on him.
You cant est meat on the Easter week
That is a false catholic and must me punished
I fully believe that almost every Catholic under the age of 35 that doesn’t have an Italian, Irish, Polish, Hispanic, whatever surname solely joined Catholicism TO SIN.
I’m a non-practicing Catholic (am
) and I take the chuds love of Catholicism as a personal insult. My culture is not your teenage angst.
“Your culture is pure evil….and that’s why I want to join it! Tee-hee, I’m soooo bad!”
I take the chuds love of Catholicism as a personal insult.
Same, these people join Catholicism because they think it’s a radical conservative religion. Then they learn that the Church criticizes consumerism, Liberation Theology, giving to the poor, social justice (which was a term coined by the Church), etc…
It’s very funny when these people say that Liberation Theology is not “real” Catholicism. As if people from the Global South, who have been Catholic all their lives, were wrong and some chud was right.
I give massive respect to Islam for forbidding booze. As much as I love cooking with some wine or beer, I’ve seen too many habitual drunken drivers in my life to have the best regard for drinking culture.
I’m from a very catholic country where people have a less than healthy relationship to alcohol. However, In the 90s there was a series of really rough PSAs about drunk driving plus a heavy crackdown on drunk driving, and nowadays it’s extremely rare for drunk driving to happen, people will not even have a beer if they expect to drive, and there’s even a service where you can call someone to drive you home in your car if you had a drink. It’s got little to do with religion, and more with effective public policy.