Probably just put it all on my leap card so I don’t have to pay for public transport for a long while.
Nah I’m lying I would buy Miku merch
Who up sauling they Goodman. Is that anything
Probably just put it all on my leap card so I don’t have to pay for public transport for a long while.
Nah I’m lying I would buy Miku merch
I live in Ireland and have done okay as a neurodivergent queer person. It helps massively that you work in tech, since that’s the main source of Ireland’s wealth and a lot of big American and British companies hire here. Housing is very expensive, one of the most expensive in relation to income in the world, so that won’t be easy.
No I don’t. Do I want to
Oh yeahhj, I wanna fuck the burger
Tragic to see such goonerphonia on the left
Oh damn that actually sounds good, I’ve heard good things about Fallout London so I’ll have to check it out
Fallout 4 is a terrible disappointment of a game. The writing is downright awful, especially following New Vegas. The factions are nonsensical, most of the companions are not interesting and the world building is so lazy (the institute just so happened to simultaneously invent FEV on the other side of the country from the Master). The combat is clunky at best. The base building is far to limited and inconsequential. Why can’t I stop playing this game.
Diamond was the first game I played and therefore Sinnoh is my favourite, its like the most straightforward Pokemon experience. If I wanted to get someone into Pokemon I would give them Platinum.
But ngl the regional dex is kinda stinky. Hoenn and Alola have the best dexes imo
Lol I have almost the exact same opinions as you except I love Oshawott (Dewott is the best middle stage, Samurott is a disappointment) and I hate Chespin. Gen 6 and 8 easily have the worst starters imo.
If I’m ranking starter selections, it goes Sinnoh > Alola > Hoenn > Paldea > Johto > Unova > Kanto > Galar > Kalos
How is this any different from what they’ve been saying and doing already?
I only do it during a movie if the movie is boring. But whene I’m playing video games or doing something on my laptop, I have a YouTube video or podcast playing on my phone. Also I have ADHD so that probably factors in
The electric vehicle is capable of traveling 330 kilometers with full charge.
It can be fully charged in just 30 minutes
Holy fuck, I haven’t really kept up with EV development but this seems really good
I think this is just being a non-practicising Catholic
woah hey explain what the hell is happening. what is deepseek what does this mean.
Reading this post in Measurehead’s voice is incredible
I love living in supposedly one of the richest and most democratic countries in the world! I love having a parliamentary system that means we aren’t dominated by two parties! I love the two main parties not being blatantly corrupt, and I love how they are completely different and aren’t just identical neoliberal parties! I love that they tried to deplatform the opposition by letting independents in government speak during opposition time!
Ireland is extremely corrupt, and everyone here knows, but no one gives a shit. They don’t call it corrupiton on RTE so its not a matter of national discussion. Fuck this country’s politics.
Also side note but I think its strange for the author to call it “Southern Ireland” although they’re presumably an Irish socialist. The country is just called Ireland, or Republic of Ireland if you need to distinguish between the Six Counties. The northernmost part of Ireland is in the country of Ireland, not the UK
trump has made the usa revert to 19th century colonial mindset instead of 21st century neocolonialism. its not “how can we install an allied government in this country”, its just “how do we annex this land. i want this land we should annex it”
I haven’t played any of the total war games since fall of the samurai, but three kingdoms kind pretty good
that sub is definitely overall a net positive but i dont think anyone there reads theory. back in cth days we would bully people who didnt read theory. deprogram just bullies liberals on twitter
I watched a bunch of Superbowl half time shows with my American friend recently, and the best one we watched was Lady Gaga’s. Last night’s show was the second best, I really really liked it