Ericthescruffy [he/him]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • Comrades…I can’t…I just can’t. When I heard that they gave trump a “golden pager” I assumed it was some kind of statement that they had a direct 1:1 line of communication or some shit. My jaw hit the fucking floor when my coworker pulled the image up. What disgusts me so much about it is there’s actually real artistic thought and visual symbolism behind this “art” representing one of the most grotesque pieces of state sponsored terrorism in recent memory. The Tree trunk clearly represents not only the explosion of the pagers Mossad used but also, along with the pager at the center (the gold being an on the nose representation of Trump) is a twisted symbol of the seed they have planted together for what is to come in the region.

    This is straight up comic book, captain planet, final fantasy insanity villain level shit. I fucking can’t.

  • The real issue is they want to shove every round peg into the square hole of live service to try and get that sweet sweet monetization even when it makes no sense.

    I actually genuinely unironically believe that live service is the best option by far for fighting games in the future though. Make it free with a rotating available roster and then charge for a perma unlock and then monetize the hell out of skins/intros/cosmetics. Really excited for 2xko.

  • Genuinely was wondering: what food/drink actually uses red 3 today? Like definitely sounds like it should probably be banned from food one way or another but every food I can think of with red dye is red 40. Edit: like if it doesn’t go without saying you should probably avoid red 40 also just cause you should avoid processes foods with additives as much as possible…but still better.

  • I’m a pretty big fan of the PS5 controller personally. Plays well with steam. Most games natively support button prompts for it also and for those which don’t there are mods.

    This might not be the case at this point as I’m mostly focused on fighting games, but for most of my life the general rule has been that officially produced first part controllers are going to be the best bang for your buck you can get as far as gamepads. You can get 3rd party controllers of equal or greater quality but very few if any at that level of quality at a competitive price point. Most 3rd party controllers marked at the price of an official controller or cheaper almost always use inferior parts and won’t provide the same feedback or longevity. Unless you want to shell out for a premium custom build a current gen Xbox or Playstation controller is still likely the best option.

  • carries the entire arsenal but only uses two weapons

    One thing I really have to hand to the Doom 2016 gameplay loop: you can tell they really worked hard to make sure you couldn’t do this. At multiple points you’re basically required to use every single weapon just because it’s the only way you actually have enough bullets to do it.