My sincerest sympathies to anyone who gets seasonal depression…but I don’t get it. I actually loves the winter season. I love dressing in layers and going for morning dog walk breathing in the cold air. Doing a run in the cold with the air slicing through my lungs is the best. Slow cooker meals and soups. Staying indoors under thick covers with warm coffee and tea. Holiday decorations and movies/my music. God I love this time of year and I swear my mental health improves a whole grade level.
Anyone else on this site feel the same???
I live in a tropical Australian state so I get summer depression because it’s FUCKING HOT AND HUMID MATE.
Also my summer last like 9 months
I hate this country
Move to Tas before climate change gets ya
I’ll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Tasmania!
My one crank position is Tasmania should be stripped of statehood back to territory status. Lose 10 senators etc.
Though I’d settle for upgrading ACT and NT to state hood and giving them 12 senators too.
Tasmania: if the Rural US PNW was also bogan.
I am now suddenly interested in visiting Tasmania
It’s actually pretty nice to visit.
If you come to Perth it’s hotter but less humid. Just had our first back to back 40+ days this summer
No offense to you personally, but I feel like some people are oblivious and don’t understand that the holiday season is built on the backs of overworked people. I don’t even work retail anymore, but I see their pain.
Me personally:
- I can’t have a dog because I don’t want to force it to live in my small apartment
- I hate being cold all the time
- I don’t like that it gets dark so early
- I don’t have the luxury of staying indoors, I have to go out in it every day
- Everyone’s in a hurry with short fuses and terrible driving
- When I worked retail you were subjected to holiday music all day, every day and it got very old
I’m genuinely not trying to project these onto you or reduce your seasonal joy, just giving my perspective…
If this wasn’t the absolute fucking worst time of the year at work for me, I would be with you. Unfortunately, I’m working 10-14 hour days and I only get Christmas day and New Year’s day off aside from my normal weekend.
Yeah, summers are the worst for me mentally. Spring and fall are beautiful, winter is cozy, but summer is just hot and miserable. Everything burns and I am always wet. Hate that shit.
i fucking love a warm coffee during this season it makes my life 200% better dont need to worry about sunscreen as much all other seasons suck glory to the ice gods
I think I get this AND SAD…
Like, I love the winter and wearing comfy sweaters and drinking hot cocoa and stuff, but I still get depressive. Lmao.
Only when it snows enough to actually be bright outside. The grey drearyness really hits my depression hard. Vitamin d needs to kick in too. Then I’m alright.
I think my eyes are overly sensitive or something because overcast days legit cheer me up, feels like I finally have full use of my face when the sun isn’t smothering it all day.
Bright snowy days are absolutely wonderful though for sure.
Not this time of year because Australia upside down etc. But I do like late Autumn and Winter. Wearing jackets and sweaters. Cooking hot roast meals. Not worrying about dying in a cataclysmic bush fire. Heavy duvets/doonas.
Yeah. It was 34c here today and I long for Scottish winters right now.
My tolerance for cold is way higher than heat and humidity, so I am with you, it’s always struck me as easier to manage cold with layers and modes of AC, when it’s hot out I am just fucked without any AC.
oh so it wasn’t just me? Winter make me feel good in my little head, and now it makes me feel extra good with estrogen!
I get horrible seasonal depression, but for some reason there’s usually a hole in it somewhere in late December or early January, right when it should be the worst, and instead I’m cool.
Late Jan and Feb are always harsher anyway
Same. It’s not winter in the southern hemisphere and I hate that. I don’t want to be hot
Come to the pnw and see about it lol just constant drizzle
my dream
I fuckin wish, man. We got dumped on in early November and then nothing for like three weeks straight. It’s been sunny every day for the past week! Disgusting! How am I supposed to go skiing or kayaking if there’s no goddamn precipitation!?
Mercifully it looks like our long bright regional nightmare is finally coming to an end.
as if thats a bad thing
I’ve spent my entire life here and the constant drizzle winter is exactly the damn way I like it
I get sadder when it’s gray outside, thankfully nowadays in portugal even winters get pretty sunny, it’s sunny right now but cold