If only. There were people who said Jamaal Bowman deserved to lose his primary for pulling the fire alarm that one time, and these all sound along those lines.
If only. There were people who said Jamaal Bowman deserved to lose his primary for pulling the fire alarm that one time, and these all sound along those lines.
This one! This one!
What did Trump say?
Ya I don’t remember where I read it, some list of North Korea myths or something, and it said that the myth that they can’t get any outside media in the DPRK is false. Of course it’s probably heavily censored, but it’s not like they’re in a complete bubble. The example they used was that apparently they enjoy Squid Game in the north, probably because it shows the negative sides of capitalism lol. But like I said, don’t remember my source so consist this just a random anecdote I heard.
NOAA mostly does weather forecasting, protecting fish and marine animals, an IPCC working group, etc. As far as I know, they do good work that actually helps the world, not just the US.
I highly recommend the game Soma if you haven’t played it already. Don’t want to spoil too much, but this whole line of conversation reminds me of that game.
Just read the article and it turns out it’s even weirder than a weird sleep cycle thing!
They believe every person is actually two people (separated by the left and right hemispheres) and that they can put one of them to sleep, by making only one half of themselves to sleep. So they get comfortable, but keep open one eye, and keep that half of the body stimulated. When the half with the closed eye, which stays relaxed, goes numb, that half is asleep. This way they can separate their two halves or something. Apparently you can actually come out of that thinking you slept, but idk how, it sounds very disorienting and not restful at all.
Same. Sounds like there’s some news articles I missed or something? I have a journey to undergo in this thread.
Wow I’m behind on movies. Basically haven’t watched anything anyone here has mentioned. I’m going to have to add them to a list or download them or something. I used tok watch movies all the time, and I’d like to get back into them.
This feels like it should be a big deal but I doubt mainstream press will report on it.
Or one of his 19 year old incel interns.
I don’t think they read this kind of news, do they? Or they do and they think it’s good.
So I’m guessing it is weaponized by them threatening funding if they don’t listen to orders like this one?
Shit, was just about to get a mini computer from China to self-host some stuff (I was thinking of a BeeLink). Hopefully there’s still some stock in the US I can take advantage of without these fees, or just as cheap US alternative. I need to order it soon. Damn.
Huh. I can kinda see it. Neat.
Saudi Arabia finally doing something good?
What’s the evidence that it was switched?
Wait, seriously? I remember hearing that rumor, too, and eventually also dismissing it. Now I’ll have to go find videos.
@mar_k posted some good stuff above of what she’s done so far