Farman [any]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 2nd, 2022


  • Good response. Agree. In general. I specially agree with the last paragraph.

    But it is also the case that diferent owner clases beneffit from diferent laws and ideology. The common example is the american civil war were feudal aristocrats favored low tariffs while industrial capital prefered protectionist tarifs and wage labor, and a strong state that invested in infraestructure like railroads. Views on ussury in feudal vs trade vs mixed societies is another example.

    Similarly labor relations as determined by the means of production influence the ideological positions of a society towards labor.

    No society has a single means of production, there is usually an amalgam of economic interests each of this benefits from a different law, ideology or coustom. My line of questioning was in this sense, wether diferent material basis of siciety for example pastoralists vs agriculturalists lead to different ideological spaces, and how much of that is pure idealism and how much correlates to differences in the mode of prodiction.

  • Does anybody have jerry pournelles phd thesis? I have not been able to find it. But its related to this type of horoscope.

    Now idealy each question should be its own axis of variation. And then you would do a pca or similar to define your political space with that basis. That method would be more objective.

    And could lead to interesting questions, how do these arrangments vary culturally. Both the spaces and their dimentionality. Maybe in some cultures the first “n” axes are all really similar while in others one axis sufices to represent most of the variation? How does these variations relate to social economic and other struvctural forces? Do diferent compositions and or historical pathways to capital produce diferent ideological relations in semengly unrelated isues? Etc.

    Or you could run all sorts of analysis to create your ideological space not just pca but network embeding or some of the fancy new shit.

    But in this case the space is asumed a priori wich is shit. I dont know if dr pournelle also pulls the space out of his ass or if he does some statistical justification. The psichological tests that look for protestant virtues like agreeablnes, concienciousnes etc serm to operate under a similar system are those categories aslo bullshit or is there a correlation analysis used to define them?

  • Its not an azeri goverment. It first and foremost persecutes the azeris. The azeris deserve to freely excersice their religion. The azeris are the same people as the iranians. And the iran goverment should protect its people.

    Also iran is one of the most free most rapidly developing countries. Second only to south korea despite sanctions. Anti iran rethoric is based on western chauvinism. Yes there are wrong things iran does and im the first to critizize them. But overal they are way better than almost anyone else. Who saved the venezuelan oil industry from lack of industrial equipment and chemichal precursors? Who saved assad? Who defeated isis? Who is suporting palestine? They even colaborated with cuba on one of the vaccines…