For me it’s Dragon Ball Z, that was a pretty fucked up show tbh.
Like holy shit, all the characters are terrible people except maybe Gohan and Trunks.
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oh lord. I hadnt though about that movie in decades. yes it wouldnt had aged well.
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That scene in a decent country would have had the writers arrested
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It’s the only scene I’ve ever seen from the movie. It’s so absolutely cruel and repulsive to me. Jim Carrey should be forced to make a public apology on live television for his involvement with that scene. Treating a suffering minority like they are repulsive and monsters is… well I don’t want to
here but I will use a whole bunch of these emotes
This is a weird one but the nihilism of Robot Chicken used to really get to me. Just vignettes of characters dying horrible ironic deaths. Its funny I guess in a group setting but alone and stoned in my room, not so much. I think the elephant in the room is South Park. Especially around 2013/14 when they helped bring the term “PC” back into the political zeitgeist, which was the buzz word the right loved before “woke”.
Everyone realized South Park’s messaging was horrible even back then, but ”that’s the joke bro, they’re being misanthropic edgelords for the lulz!”, which in itself led to some even worse stuff from South Park poisoned people.
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The Harley f-slur episode did it for me. A couple years prior, my closest friends all got together and agreed to stop using the f-slur. We had no out queer friends (god it took me so long to admit dicks are good actually), and we were just “this is dumb to just use constantly”. The word was so ingrained in our lexicon and a bunch of idiot 13 year olds decide amongst themselves that enough was enough. Then like 2 years later that episode came out. Was a quick “well this is dog shit” realization.
I doubt South Park often makes fun of smug enlightened centrism, apathy as a lazy response to actual political issues that actually affect living people’s lives, or for that matter the rich white asshole libertarianism of Matt and Trey.
They embrace it. There was an ep where Stan starts drinking to accept things. It’s literally “caring will make you unfunny, lonely, and lame”.
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Or that time they popularized redhead hate in the US
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Watching this is definitely not one of my proudest life phases. I remember it really got to me with neurodivergence and how they chose to depict that. Also it’s incredibly violent to fat people, the way Cartman gets portayed and what the supposed reasons are for his behaviour.
Someone posted a Red Sails article here yesterday that goes over the way entertainment conditions us to the status quo. I think South Park is a perfect example of that, in making horrible be supposedly mainstream.
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Here you go:
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my mother will not stop loving south park
You how people talk about Rick and Morty? South Park is actually the show they say R&M is. They don’t actually have a problem with edgy nihilism.
Disney’s Aladdin is pretty racist in that ”if you steal, we’ll cut off your hand” depiction of Middle Eastern society, and it never questions whether having a monarch who lives in a massive palace and forces his daughter to get married is actually bad.
Plus, when Aladdin becomes Prince Ali, the song says he has slaves
Aladdin’s first instinct upon gaining access to incredible cosmic power was to catfish a sheltered underaged girl.
Do NOT rewatch Pocahontas
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There’s a much worse song that is just straight up about how the indigenous people are “barely even human”. That’s a line in the song! There’s also the moment where Pocahontas first realizes there’s white people invading and she’s all crawling around on the ground like an animal trying to spy on them.
There’s a much worse song that is just straight up about how the indigenous people are “barely even human”. That’s a line in the song!
It’s pretty obvious the audience isn’t supposed to agree with that. It’s still bad in how it both sides’s it, but the point of that line is to depict the people saying it as bad and racist.
I may be missrememberig but shouldnt aladdin be from china? Isnt the only middle eastern guy the wizard, because in the tropes the evil wizard is persian, maybe the djin is also middle eastern?
The story comes from the north west part of China. Yes, that part. Same as Mulan though actually.
You would think that. Because they are muslim. And he marries a petty kings daugther insted of the emperors daugther.
But there are muslims all over china and there were even more before an lushans revelion. i always figured they were raiding zhou zhengs mausoleum and as such it would be set in shaanxi.
Wich put things in perspective whoever was the original owner of the main djin built a great empire, and while aladin also becomes king his ambitions seem more reduced.
The original story takes place in China, but I think I’ve heard that it’s used by the creators as a shorthand for a faraway, unknown place. The Disney movie was originally set in Baghdad but it was changed to a fictional country. Still pretty awful either way, with all the inaccurate stuff drawn from countries outside of the Middle East on top of the racism.
Redwall. Such a fun book series, but when you think about it, it strongly endorses something that pretty neatly maps to racial essentialism (the “bad” species, e.g. rats, stoats, ferrets, etc, are portrayed as inevitably irredeemable, even when raised by “good” creatures).
Yeah, I enjoyed the books as a kid but there was always something about this that bothered me.
I still have a couple books I got Brian Jacques to sign when I was a kid. Haven’t read any of them as an adult though
Yeah I have a signed copy of The Legend of Luke myself. I still love the books, tbh, I just would never suggest that a kid read whichever one has the Veil character (the one that goes whole-hog in explicitly endorsing what I’ll call species essentialism). Apparently that was Outcast of Redwall (which as I recall wasn’t a very fun book anyway).
Yeah this is something fantasy suffers from in general but it just feels worse in Redwall. I remember finding it odd even as a kid (partially because I liked the Ferrets and wanted them to be good)
Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, which takes place in colonial India, and is about a mongoose defending a white settler family against evil indigenous cobras. The mongoose kills all 3 snakes and squashes the mother cobra’s eggs, then a bird sings about how that is good actually, and all the snakes never dare enter the white colonist family’s garden again, the end
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Good one
this definitely had no implications from the author whatsoever
The short story is part of The Jungle Book. He’s universally hated in India
as he should be
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I think I was 12 or 13 when book 5 came out and it clicked for me that it wasn’t setting up for anything, it was just creating obvious commentaries and then hand waving them. Nothing was coming about Potter’s wealth and the Weasley’s near poverty. “SPEW is a silly acronym” was everything we were getting about the house slaves. I hadn’t even made the Semitic connections to goblins and was uncomfortable with the implications of them being exclusively bankers. The bad people were bad because they were bad, and the good people were good because they were good.
At least by that time I’d discovered PTerry, so i already had better stuff to get on reading.
At least by that time I’d discovered PTerry, so i already had better stuff to get on reading.
It’s not usually regarded as his best novel, but “Jingo” is my favourite. It feels particularly relevant this past year.
That’s exactly where I was around that time, and when the last book came out it felt so half assed. It was the first time I really felt betrayed by a medium like that.
She obviously had no plans whatsoever about how to wrap this story up and made up a bunch things that didn’t really make sense in the context of the previous books for the last one.
Five is when I stopped as a teenager because I just got bored with it? I think at that point they stopped editing JK Rowling because they realized that a shitload of people would buy almost anything Harry Potter-related with her name on it.
a lot of that stuff went over my head cause I was pretty young, but the one thing that I couldn’t shake was the nagging feeling that hermione was always playing second fiddle to her doofus friends one way or another. even tho she was nice about it by the 4th book I was frustrated for her. she worked so hard and was so brilliant and caring but ??? I guess she’s not the golden boy and that’s all that matters
that bit from one piece where sanji gets forcefemmed by all the drag queens who it keeps going out of its way to remind us are manly and ugly fucked me up in ways i didn’t realize until a lot later
also, though i always thought it was bad, the real extent of eva’s misogyny didn’t sink in until later
has anyone rewatched Ranma 1/2 ? Its problematic right?
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As a kid I though the United States of America was the best country in the world. Hell I pledged allegiance to the flag nearly every day.
Turns out its just a racist fascist shithole run by and for corporations.
I once pledged allegiance to my neighbor’s flag on a saturday when I was in kindergarten
I still remember being like 12 and somehow thinking that Americans were especially self-critical compared to most other nations. I really don’t know how I even came to that. I have no idea
Because of
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damn and I was thinking of rewatching this one
That one scene hit me right as I was questioning my gender. I’ve floated the idea of playing the VN with someone else, but I really don’t know.
Oh boy, I started playing through the visual novel 2 years ago and I was kinda intrigued by the plot at the start, but as it went on the misogyny got so freaking bad that I quit and wrote an entire hexbear rant post about it. The people who made Steins;Gate absolutely do not see women as real people. I remember there is a scene where Kurisu is at the main character’s place, they argue about something (I forgot the details) but the conclusion is that in order to get Kurisu to do something, the protagonist and his buddy basically threaten her with sexual harrassment (“You’re alone in here with the 2 of us wink wink”) and it’s played so casually, and Kurisu’s reaction is basically just “ugh, fine” instead of being fucking horrified and never stepping in a room with these people ever again.
Anime frequently objectifies and infantitilizes women, but Steins;Gate shows outright contempt for its female characters. It hurts them, degrades them and “puts them in their place” at every opportunity and then pats itself on the back as those same female characters come crawling back to their women-hating protagonist because the authors are red pill creeps who believe those stupid females secretly love it when men treat them like dirt.
Fuck Steins;Gate.
I kind of resent that it’s thought of so highly, and that this stuff is very glossed over by people who like it. There might be parts of it that are good, but the misogyny was obvious and uncomfortable in the anime, so I can’t even begin to imagine how bad the VN is.
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007 spy shit, along with stuff like Mission Impossible and MacGyver being used to romanticize US imperialism and anti-communism.
There’s also Tomb Raider’s Lara Croft engaging in plunder of other nation’s indigenous artifacts and outright killing delicate, endangered wildlife.
There’s also the trend of rock, metal, and various other similar type bands showcasing nazi and white supremacist symbolism and rhetoric (Pantera’s lead singer comes to mind) (from nazi salutes to iron crosses (Lemmy’s guitar from Motorhead had these on them), to brown shirts and nazbol flags (Combichrist), to more subtle dogwhistles), stuff like confederate flags (Combichrist), and a few instances of members turning out to be perpetrators of SA (Tool’s lead singer), and even things like vulgar misogyny and anti-LGBTQ+ themes (also Combichrist).
There’s a lot of insidious far-right influences in a lot of shit, and it’s quite sad.
There’s also Tomb Raider’s Lara Croft engaging in plunder of other nation’s indigenous artifacts and outright killing delicate, endangered wildlife.
She also murders native people in Tomb Raider III.
Damn. I never finished the game, so I didn’t know this.
British legacy of colonialism. What a shame.
It’s in the pacific stages of levels and the game implies the natives are cannibals, so
Oh yeah she also shoots homeless people in the London Underground stages too, so double
I still love TR and Lara tho ;-;
Damn, it just gets worse the deeper you dig. Double
Yeah, there’s some games I like that hold themes and acts I despise and condemn, but still find enjoyment in.
The important thing is to recognize the harmful reality and openly call it out.
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I thought you meant like…people in your life for a moment
Funniest Home Videos. Some of those injuries people got would have been life-threatening or disabling. Basically LiveLeak with a laugh track in some cases.
Cw: SA
Agro’s Cartoon Connection also had some pretty scuzzy stuff going on that definitely went over my head as a kid, basically it normalised ‘humorous’ sexual harassment of the female host.
jfc agro was awful
As a kid I played a game called Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe, a flight sim by LucasArts designed by the guy who would later do X-Wing and TIE Fighter (I guess the latter was also bad because you fought with the space fascists). You could fly all kinds of Nazi planes that never saw action in real life like jet fighters, and it wasn’t until much later whenI realized that glorifying cool Nazi superweapons was bad, actually.
Same with Panzer General, which was a fun lite strategy game otherwise, but you literally played as Nazi Germany. I can’t believe that actually wasn’t considered a big deal at the time.
it’d be funny to have a flight sim like that where the plane just spontaneously explodes if you open the throttle too much or exceed a certain wind speed or fly for too long.
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 does it! and it’s very common with the Me-262. If you open up the throttle without caution, one or both of your engines will catch fire and possibly explode, that makes flying the aircraft somewhat difficult. Also I remember when I played IL-2 as a kid that I thought the 262 was an absolute beast and could beat anyone in the skies, and despite having high top speed and ridiculous firepower, the aircraft was a terrible dogfighter and I was getting clapped over and over by Soviet La-7 prop fighters lmao. Also I remember trying to solo a formation of B-17s and dying because .50 gunners would hit my exposed engine and it’ll catch fire. What a fantastic game, it was made by a russian studio so they never bought that wunderwaffe crap even if they added german “what ifs”, most of them are shite but fun to play.
Glorifying FAILED Nazi super weapons that never saw the light of day. Ones that took an American video game studio to bring them to life, 40 years after the war?
Meh. I try not to take such things too seriously. Like all those B movies that feature secret Nazi zombies under the ice of Antarctica. It’s for the lulz.
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As a kid I played a game called Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe, a flight sim by LucasArts designed by the guy who would later do X-Wing and TIE Fighter (I guess the latter was also bad because you fought with the space fascists). You could fly all kinds of Nazi planes that never saw action in real life like jet fighters, and it wasn’t until much later whenI realized that glorifying cool Nazi superweapons was bad, actually.
It’s kind of the same way I feel about anyone who’s hobby is WWII related. There’s such a fine line between historical realism and doing history justice and glorifying fascism.
As a toddler till like 13 I had a high amount of interest in ww2
specifically german military stuff
as a i dunno, 6-7 year old, i hero-worshipped america for its role in ww2 (and probably for ending the cold war. we were very deep in the propaganda in the mid 90s in former-warsaw-pactia back then)
i got over it.
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you liked clan wolf because their mechs were cooler
i liked clan wolf because i’m a furry (and their mechs were cooler)
we are (kinda) the same
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