Torenico [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2020

  • The second issue is the delivery method. The only way of delivering the MOAB is to fly a modified C-130 transport aircraft directly over the target, and drop it out of the back of the plane. Israel have C-130s, but flying one over Iran would be a suicide mission, it would be shot down instantly. So the MOAB would never reach Iran.

    Never actually knew the delivery of a MOAB is a fucking C-130, that’ll be an easy target in a conventional war imo. At least, this system against a conventional enemy is unreliable to say the least, like I can’t imagine one or a couple of slow C-130s trying to strike say a Russian grouping with a MOAB, they will never make it. This leads me to believe the MOAB was designed with COIN in mind, to be used against enemies that have little to no way of countering an air force’s operations.

  • Last week I joked on how Musk took inspiration from milei now that he’s carrying out his crusade against whatever remains of the “New Deal”-ish State. And I can see similarities…

    I think “DOGE” is kinda inspired in Argentina’s “Ministry of Deregulation and Transformation of the State”, an all-powerfull shady institution led by someone who was not directly elected, who is a massive piece of shit, who can intervene anywhere and who has political experience working with previous (failed) administrations, always on the heavy neoliberal side of things. Naturally there are differences, the extent of the “reforms” are going to be different depending on each country given that the US is institutionally and demographically seventy two trillion times bigger than Argentina, so the process of dismantling the State of certain elements is going to be different and will have different effects.

    But the principle remains the same: A specific institution was created to spearhead all the efforts to scrap the State and for that task is given ridiculous powers to do so. Both are led by somewhat unelected officials with free reign over anything they desire, neither Elon Musk or Federico Sturzenegger (the guy in charge of the dismantling of the Argentinian State) have clear specific roles within their Governments, they are appointed at the will of their respective Presidents and their actions represent their own will.

    The goals are also the same but will have different impacts. In Argentina the goal is to end, once and for all, the massive privatization campaign that began in the 1970s, continued heavily in the 90s, suffered setbacks in the mid 2000s up to 2014 and resumed with various degrees of intensity after. The complete privatization of all “public” aspects of the State is to be carried out by this shady Ministry and they cannot be hold accountable. The same goes for “DOGE”: Eviscerate the Federal and “Public” institutions to pave the way for relentless privatization, whether that is education, transportation, infraestructure or energy, you name it.

    Whether this actually represents the end of both Argentina and the US as entities remains to be seen, in principle Capitalism at it’s core cannot reproduce itself for too long without the State intervening in certain areas, after all, a Ministry of Education is essential, and since both countries are intimatelly tied to Capitalism’s very existence, their own existence is therefore in jeopardy. However, perhaps, Capitalism is mutating into something truly hideous and new, it’s last mutation, perhaps being the "An"Cap one, before it finally succums once and for all.

    death to “israel” btw.

  • Thanks for the updates.

    I think a US intervention becomes more and more likely at this point, after all you don’t gather intelligence for the lulz. The thing is: What shape it’ll have? To me they might be seeking to deploy special forces to eliminate the Cartels they want to destroy (Because let’s be honest, the Cartels themselves are useful for the US). I don’t think they’ll do a massive bombing campaign, perhaps an “israeli” style “buffer zone” and complete militarization of a huge chunk of mexican territory to “stop the flow of people and drugs”. Either way, such move would be a direct violation of Mexico’s sovereignty and a massive escalation, perhaps even absolutely worsening the region for many years to come.

  • I think he can just veto the law through presidential decrees, as he has been doing with other laws thus far. But I think that decree must also be fully approved by Congress and stuff, I don’t think he can just bypass it unless he shuts it down. Not super well versed into this tbh.

    This crusade against the LGBTQ community and it’s allies follow not only an ideological “reasoning” (in other words, thirst for fascism) but there’s something else cooking behind the scenes. I think they must be looking at a very dire economic situation for 2025 which could completely undermine their middle term elections performance, so they start pushing for shit like this.

  • Dude can’t think of one thing by himself. Now he again copied Trump:

    Echoing Trump, Milei pulls Argentina out of World Health Organization

    ***Argentina will pull out of the World Health Organization, Presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni confirms, following in the footsteps of the United States. ***

    President Javier Milei has decided to formally withdraw Argentina from the World Health Organization, the government confirmed Wednesday. Presidential Spokesperson Manmuel Adorni confirmed the decision, which echoes last month’s announcement by US President Donald Trump that the United States would pull out from the UN agency.

    “President [Javier] Milei instructed Foreign Minister Gerardo Werthein to withdraw Argentina’s participation in the World Health Organisation. This is based on the profound differences with regard to health management, especially during the [Covid-19] pandemic,” said the spokesman. “We Argentines are not going to allow an international organisation to intervene in our sovereignty, much less in our health,” he stressed at a press conference.

    Gotta love that fake ass nationalism. I wish they had the same attitude towards the US, the EU and the IMF but no, these institutions can come in and take whatever the fuck they want.

    Adorni claimed that the WHO, along with Milei’s successor in office Alberto Fernández, led Argentina into “the longest lockdown in the history of humanity,” referencing the nation’s strict Covid-19 lockdown between 2020 and 2021. The WHO had “failed its greatest litmus test” by promoting “eternal quarantines without scientific support” during the pandemic, he alleged.

    Was the COVID pandemic mishandled in Argentina? Yeah, probably. The government’s role wasn’t as terrible they claim it was, it’s not like people were being executed for going out or something. The lockdowns were indeed long (but not the “longest in history” omg) but at the same time COVID killed a lot of people. What destroyed the government’s legitimacy and every effort was a number of photos and videos leaked of the President and his family hosting a party in the middle of the lockdown and the government handing out vaccines to VIP subjects for free before everyone else (something that happens everywhere but never goes public).


    Milei issued a statement a few hours after the announcement, denouncing the WHO as “nefarious” and claiming it had played the role of the “executive arm” of the “biggest experiment of social control in history.” Denouncing its authorities as “ideologues,” Argentina’s leader said its “quarantine” policies during the Covid-19 pandemic led it to be part of “one of the most outlandish crimes against humanity in history.”

    Literal Alex Jones moment.

    Milei’s top spokesperson claimed the withdrawal would “give the country greater flexibility to implement policies adapted to the context of interests that Argentina requires, as well as greater availability of resources and reaffirms our path towards a country with sovereignty in health matters.” Adorni added: “It should be clarified that Argentina does not receive funding from the WHO for health management, therefore this measure – unlike some have said at least on social networks – does not represent a loss of funds for the country nor does it affect the quality of services.”

    Unnamed government officials, cited by the La Nación daily said that the decision would save around US$10 million a year. According to WHO documents hosted on its website, an assessment of Argentina’s funding capabilities for 2024-2025 proposed the nation contribute 0.71 percent of the organisation’s overall budget, an estimated US$50 million. It is unclear how much of that is returned to Argentina via programmes and policies.

    A lot of it returns to Argentina actually. Argentina has access to the OMS’ common fund to purchase medicine and vaccines to combat diseases like HIV/AIDS, Chagas, Dengue and so many others, we need that shit. Now they’re out of reach…

    Following in Trump’s footsteps

    Milei’s decision is in line with the recent executive order signed by Trump ordering the United States to depart the WHO. The United States is by far the WHO’s biggest donor and its withdrawal will leave a major hole in the organisation’s budget and its ability to respond to global public health threats.

    In its last complete budget cycle, for 2022-23, the United States pitched in US$1.3 billion, representing 16.3 percent of the WHO’s US$7.89 billion budget. Most of the US funding was via voluntary contributions.

    The World Health Organization last week urged the United States to reconsider a decision to suspend funding for HIV treatment programmes in developing countries, after Trump ordered an almost-complete freeze on foreign aid.

    “We call on the government of the United States of America to enable additional exemptions to ensure the delivery of lifesaving HIV treatment and care,” the UN health body said on X, adding that it had “deep concern” over the funding pause. With regards to HIV, the agency said that its programmes provided access to "life-saving HIV therapy to more than 30 million people worldwide.”

    We are being governed by people who want to kill, murder and exploit to no end and by washed up versions of the former.

    Death to “america” and death to “israel”.

  • I don’t know, I feel like PZ is a lost cause and I feel this way because the development cycle of this game has been plagued by extremely long development times, weird development choices and general lack of direction for a lot of time (from an outside point of view at least). And this deeply saddens me because I fucking love PZ, I’ve been playing this game since I downloaded a pirated version a little over a decade ago when it was just Muldraugh and West Point.

    My biggest frustration concerning this game hovers pretty much around NPCs and TIS’ denial to work on them for many many years, pushing them further down the line to be added after animals and crafting and only God know really when that’ll actually happen, if at all. To me without NPCs the game feels empty and sometimes pointless after X amount of time, because you get all the shit that you’re supposed to do with fellow NPCs but there are no actual NPCs around. Like the base of the entire system will be added at the end instead of being their number one thing. I think they should have added basic but functional NPCs way back that would get upgraded with each big update, that way everything would make a lot more sense and would feel organic. Like for example to me there’s little incentive to engage in animal farming because I have to take care of that by myself, while I have other tasks like loot runs, securing the perimeter, cooking, organizing my loot and so on. Same goes with crafting, I can’t engage in all of that because there’s nobody to help me with it and because in the end there’s no use for all the time and resources you’ve sunk into these systems, like why get 300 pieces of butter from your cows when you don’t have to share it with your community or trade them? You’re fully alone after all.

    There are NPC mods which are buggy but also at the same time easily demonstrate how good this game becomes when there are other people running around in your world. If it wasn’t for the performance issues and barebones functionality they would be perfect. It’s no coincidence that the “Week One” mod got super popular despite the jankyness, because it seems to me that modders delivered what TIS couldn’t. And that opens up another front, mods. They’re all good, I love them, they bring so much life to the game it becomes essential to play with them (without mods PZ is really barebones). But I feel like TIS is going through the Bethesda way, just let the community fix things as if they are unpaid workers. You mentioned cars, yep, B39 was released in like 2017 or something and all vanilla cars still to this day have no animations, yet modders have figured them out and pretty much the standard these days for any vehicle mod is that they’re animated. Nobody can really convince me that they couldn’t spend the time to animate all 12 of their vehicles (don’t know the exact number, but it ain’t alot anyways).

    This game could learn a lot from Rimworld, where you can just freely build your colony and play indefinitely to see what happens, since the game is a story-generator above everything else. In PZ you play to see what happens and nothing happens, perhaps four months in you get bit and you’re done for (and goodbye to all your grind) or you abandon your world because there’s nothing to do. I really don’t know what kind of game they envisioned way back when they started to get things working, but I’m 100% sure they have changed ideas more than once.

  • Imma hit STALKER franchise (haven’t played S2) and Project Zomboid (with great pain because it’s an indie game but I have to)

    STALKER: The worldbuilding of GSC is not great to be honest. A place like the Zone in real life would be an insane mess of world powers and ridiculously big and powerful corporations butchering each other to control it. To think that a place that can naturally warp reality, spawn science-shattering artefacts and control the minds of people like it’s nothing is not object of contest between AT LEAST NATO and Russia is insane to me. In the game the Zone is known to relatively few people and the Ukrainian state is able to more or less “keep it under control”. Everyone inside appears to be ukrainian or russian but most are freelancer weirdos who go there to be rich or hide from authorities. There is little to no foreign interference. It makes little sense that such place would go unnoticed by the world’s biggest powers. In the real world a place like this would have their weak “loner”, “bandit”, “duty” and “freedom” factions, among others (including the mutants) be swept aside by the sheer power of entire militaries called to intervene and control the place, all of this would have immense geopolitical rammifications. It is implied in the game that outside forces know about the Zone and are interested in it’s riches, but these outside forces do not intervene other than sending Mercs to do their shit and maybe finance the Monolith, but in general they leave that place alone and do not try to directly control it which is not very realistic imo. Yet despite all this I love the Zone as it is in STALKER, it’s just me being insufferable, that’s all.

    Project Zomboid: Best zombie survival game that ever existed but it has an awful development cycle. They released one update in two years and frankly it sucks, it’s broken and it added uninteresting stuff like animals and pointless crafting. Devs refuse to listen to players (who have been asking for NPCs since day ONE AND THAT WAS OVER A DECADE AGO) .Also the devs have left a lot of stuff just incomplete for years and years, from bugs to half-baked gameplay features. And tbh the game lacks a purpose and general depth, like one you get to your first month there is NOTHING ELSE to do other than finding your own way to just die or you’ll just get bored and drop the game. The game is easy when you figure out the basics and surviving becomes trivial unless you push it to the absolute limit.

  • ‘Make Argentina Gay Again’: Argentines hold anti-fascist pride march

    (Clever use of the MAGA slogan)

    The queer community’s call to march against Javier Milei’s Davos speech received international support

    Argentines hit the streets on Saturday afternoon for the Federal Anti-Racist and Anti-Fascist Pride March. Rivers of demonstrators clutching rainbow fans, waving smoke flares, and dancing on protest trucks flowed through the streets of Buenos Aires, Tucumán, and more than 100 other towns and cities countrywide and major cities across the world.

    The protest was spearheaded by the country’s LGBTQIA+ community, but it was explicitly intersectional, encompassing marginalized groups from all walks of life. The march was a response to President Javier Milei’s speech at the 2025 World Economic Forum, in which he equated queer people with child abuse, claiming that femicide put women’s lives over men’s and accusing migrants in Europe of crime.

    Micaela Pérez, from La Matanza, is an activist with travesti-trans activist group, Las Históricas. (Unlike its direct English translation, the Argentine word travesti is a gender identity worn with pride.) Pérez survived the dictatorship and has fought for LGBTQIA rights, despite being jailed several times. She recalled that the travesti-trans community was long denied access to basic rights such as education, healthcare, and equitable access to jobs. Now, she believes, the queer community will consider seeking support from international rights institutions, if necessary.


    “This is an anti-rights, homophobic state that is playing cheap politics with our laws,” she said. “We are living memory. That’s why we’ll go out [to march] as much as we have to.”

    ‘Nunca Musk’

    Milei’s statements were just the latest in a series of comments that senior figures in Milei’s La Libertad Avanza government have made against the rights of women, queer people, immigrants, and other groups. He spoke just days after U.S. President Donald Trump’s inauguration. Milei attended the ceremony, at which Trump likewise made comments against trans people, migrants, and other marginalized groups.

    Many signs at the protest rejected — or poked fun at — Trump and Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of X and Tesla who is now heading up Trump’s newly-created Department of Government Efficiency. Trump allies have indicated that he drew inspiration in part from Milei’s austerity agenda. Milei, for his part, vociferously defended Musk in an X post after he was accused of performing two consecutive Nazi salutes on inauguration day.

    Some people wore pink baseball caps that read “Make Argentina Gay Again,” a slogan that was scrawled on banners and posters dotted throughout the procession. One sign, written in the font of the important post-dictatorship rights report Nunca Más (Never Again), read Nunca Musk (Never Musk).

    Carola Escolar, a queer English teacher at the University of Buenos Aires, marched with her union. “There were a lot of people in our union’s group,” she said. “The anti-fascist, anti-racist and LGBTQA+ cause really moves people […] It gives you energy to see people react. When you hear the president’s comments at Davos, they don’t just stay at home.” Protester Ale Bravío voiced concern that undoing progress in Argentina could have a ripple effect across the region. “Argentina has always been a beacon of LGBTQ+ rights, since the Equal Marriage law and the gender identity law,” she said. “We can’t go back 15, 25 years, because that means paving the way for other governments to take protections away from their people.”

    Demonstrations took place throughout Argentina and several other countries, including Mexico, Spain, Italy, the UK, and the Netherlands. In Buenos Aires, demonstrators were scheduled to march from Congress to Plaza de Mayo at 4 p.m. — but started to gather shortly after midday. In Tucumán, a huge march began in Plaza Urquiza. At around 7 p.m., demonstrators marched towards Plaza Independencia, where the Governor’s House is located, led by leaders of the local queer community, as well as social leaders and left-wing activists. There were chants against Milei, comparing him to the dictatorship, as well as Governor Osvaldo Jaldo, a Peronist politician who has been cooperative with Milei since he took office.

    An assembly that ballooned

    “I hope this march will be a celebration, a collective cry against fascism, and a turning point to push back against this political project that is trying to exterminate us because life is at risk, but we are alive, organized, and ready to defend it,” said Alejandra Rodríguez, a transfeminist activist of the Buenos Aires City LGBTQIA+ Antifascist Assembly, ahead of the march. The protest was decided by popular vote a week earlier at an open anti-fascist LGBTQIA+ assembly in Parque Lezama. Assemblies held simultaneously across the country put their own February 1 protests on the calendar.

    Rodríguez told the Herald organizers were surprised by the magnitude of the response, explaining that it started with a small meeting of friends and activists in Parque Lezama on the day of Milei’s speech and quickly ballooned to thousands in the same spot just two days later. “There were health workers, students, scientists, sex workers, artists, teachers, retirees, workers of memory and human rights sites, a whole range of struggles and conflicts that said ‘Enough, Milei!’” she said.

    “The fight for our anti-fascist and anti-racist LGBTQIA+ pride march is also for society as a whole, this march that has the support and participation of a huge breadth of affected social sectors.” Speakers at the assembly emphasized intersectionality and called for a broad coalition to combat fascism. Many groups and human rights organizations had, in turn, shown support for Saturday’s march.

    “We call on people to hit the streets to condemn this government that starves, represses, offends, lays off, indebts and hands over sovereignty,” said the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo in a communiqué. “To defend our jobs, salaries, freedom, and the right to food, health, and free sexual orientation.” Author and activist Marlene Wayar urged people to attend in an interview on radio station Futurock: “This is the time to be anti-fascist and go. Go! Ultimately, all these little speeches will be lost and will be summarized in an aerial photo that tells the world: where is Argentina going? Towards fascist sh*t or not? This is the time for antifascist pride.”

    I unfortunately was unable to attend to this protest. None of my friends called me and I was left pretty much alone and going alone to a protest sucks and is also dangerous, plus I work on saturdays which sucks. Lots of people showed up despite the terrible weather, nevertheless the unrelenting heat will not stop the anti-fascists.

    death to milei and death to “israel” too.