What kind of barbarian puts a space in their password?
What kind of barbarian puts a space in their password?
Is he e getting Russian money? Did he just promote the assassination of the American president? I’m just asking questions.
I’ve never seen so many people just ignore the double entendre of this whole conversation.
Don’t feed the communist.
Hundreds?!?! Ok, just name one hundred.
The executives don’t seem interested in quality standards. Maybe the union will.
Hey now we don’t denigrate vim and nano users. For the nano users, denigrate means to put down.
Emacs is a way of life
Did O’Rourke win? No. Then shut the fuck up.
Why is that important? If you want to separate the two, the strategy is obvious.
As far as I can tell, the whole thing was praising the dad.
Well, you’re supposed to make out with a puffer fish if you want to breath longer.
<insert argument about labels here />
Honestly I worry about the use of ChatGPT on programmers. Training your eyes and brain to see things takes time. I know the suits just want production but I’d rather have better programmers.
Of course, I could just be old.
The trick is to get project managers to automatically pad you time.
Can we build an AI manager that just keeps asking for different shades of red?
These scientists aren’t schmoozing for a paycheck. Research is expensive. They’re getting funding for equipment and personnel.
I’m sorry, but this has nothing to do with capitalism. If we were under a king, you’d still have to schmooze the king. Socialism may give you money to feed yourself, but it won’t pay you to do science. An economic system doesn’t prevent you from needing interpersonal skills.
Categorizing stuff hard
So you don’t trust me, but you trust McAfee to give it full control over the system. Yet my software doesn’t work because something is blocked and nothing is showing up in the logs. But when we take off Mafee, it works. So clearly McAfee is not logging everything. And you trust Mcafee but not me? /s kinda.