CyborgMarx [any, any]

  • 154 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020

  • Cuba is most certainly not a settler country, it like Haiti was a slave society ruled by settlers, not a settler society with slavery, then it became a colony of the US; settler colonialism is a demographic land acquisition project, where population proportions become the metric of political development, its success relies on the proportions between demographics that make up it’s caste system, which is why settler colonialism failed in Southern Africa while it endured in Australia and North America and that is the crucial difference between the settler colonialism of the Anglosphere and Latin America, the Caribbean, and other European colonies (where religious confessionalism and late imperialist extraction was more important than Pan-European identification and land theft)

    Also Australia is a special case precisely because the demographic proportions were so out of whack, the aboriginal people had nearly been wiped out, and their numbers were too small to trigger the class-collaborationist defense mechanism among settlers living in southern Australia (far from the reservations), so during the post-war period tensions between working class settlers and elites settlers began to boil over as there was no racial release valve to vent the pressure of class struggle, since the 70s however with the arrival of POC immigrants, that settler mechanism has kicked in and class-collaborationism among settlers defines the modern political system

    The way American leftists talk about their how settler-nations are incapable of having genuine revolutionary activity

    That is a ludicrous strawman and is not an opinion anyone has ever held, the theory is pretty simple, settler colonialism generates a class collaborationist solidarity between capitalist and working class settlers centered on racialized identity politics (that is an historical fact) revolution in settler nations is possible, 1776 and Rhodesia 1965 proves that, but it’s the fact they generate counter-revolutions more often than marxist revolutions that is the theory’s crux, and again (that is an historical fact)

    Marxism cannot function without working class solidarity and settler colonialism is specifically designed to negate solidarity thru racialized solidarity among settlers, and it works, which is why settler nations are the most viciously anti-marxist bulwarks on earth

    Doesn’t mean Marxism is impossible in settler countries, simply means Marxists have to negate the negation, and to start doing that they have to first acknowledge the negation exists in the first place, basic materialism

  • That’s an interesting contrast to the new polls out of the US

    American media gives the impression of the public being far more progressive than it actually is

    British media on the otherhand gives the impression of the public being far more conservative than it actually is

    But the most interesting element is the proportion of white people; 76% UK vs 62% US, in other words further confirmation of the unique class character of settler colonialism and it’s vicious inherent drive toward fascism

  • I think the Russians are gonna call Trump’s bluff, they’ve been burnt too many times to take proposals by the Americans seriously and the manpower and equipment they’ve lost is too great to settle on a freeze of the current battle lines, it’s all of Donbass or its nothing

    In coming months liberals are gonna display a form of cognitive dissonance never before seen, when Trump’s “bluff” of sanctioning every single company on earth that does business with Russia becomes a reality and they can’t triangulate anymore as the premier anti-russian faction

    The proof lies in three facts; the Americans were willing to scutter crucial ideological scaffolding like USAID (which speaks to significant ideological derangement in the Trump regime)

    Second, the Europeans and their two-minded Russophobic mania which applies out-of-proportion pressure to the middle strata of American bureaucracy to replicate that mania; despite the fact it will lead to the US capturing Europe’s industrial base

    And third the personal element of Trump being told by Putin to eat dirt, with liberals adding fuel to fire by insulting his seeming impotence