Yes, yes they’ve “always turned on minorities”… I’m talking about the kayfabe, you know that thing that quite successfully co-opted and dismantled the 2020 rebellions, the thing leftists have been smashing their faces into since Bernie ate shit in 2016, that THING that makes liberals bold enough to even come in here and talk to us as if we’re fellow travelers
Well liberals in their mindless arrogance and racism have handed leftists the greatest recruitment tool since 2016, in fact probably since the civil rights era
Their continuing hate campaign against minorities for the failure of Genocide Joe and his zooted-out apprentice Harris is not showing signs of losing steam, this is the dems decided response to Trump’s victory and the new “Russiagate”
As time moves on they will consolidate and expand these racist narratives, because for DNC elites this is the path of least resistance (at least that’s what they think) in reality liberals are actively pouring acid on the binds that hold the Democratic coalition together
Naturally even if leftists generally remain in “woes is me” mode and feign undue shock at liberal racism, the reality is millions of POCs will still bear witness to this disgusting liberal hate campaign and make up their own minds accordingly
Our job is to seize this opportunity and leverage this mass mask-slip for the sake of generating a grassroots recognition of the fundamental difference between liberalism and the left, i.e. turn this shit into a popular meme that haunts the dems and libs for the rest of time and never let them get out from under it
People are pissed. My org’s local branch is quite literally getting more membership applications than it can handle. If even half of the interested applicants go through with it, we’ll double in size.
I have a friend in PSL whos almost doubled their membership in just a few weeks, its fucking insane
My org’s local branch is quite literally getting more membership applications than it can handle.
White liberals only find POC useful when they make broadway musicals that glorify slaveowners.
I’m still never forgiving Miranda for that revisionist ass bullshit he inflicted on this country; I want to see that mf stuffed into a locker by every single real emcee in existence except for the mfs that contributed their voices
I live under a rock too much to know what the good examples are of racist post-election statements by Democrats
Half the democrats support a federal trans bathroom ban, and the other half are telling latino trump voters to enjoy the camps.
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Start here. Collin Allred throwing trans women under the bus.
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Idk what you said but calling borscht “garbage” should be ban-worthy, it’s the official state food of this place.
I read his name as “Borschtis Garbo” like a very very stereotypical but incorrect Eastern European name.
My favorite minor Star Wars character.
Fuck now I want borscht so bad
I keep thinking that when I see this poster, how is it possible to hate borscht?? /lh