Things that are so obvious and ingrained that no one even thinks about them.
Here’s a few:
All US americans can go to Mexico EASILY. You’re supposed to have a passport but you don’t even need one (for car/foot crossing). Versus, it’s really hard for Mexicans, who aren’t wealthy, to secure a VISA to enter the US. I’m sure there are corollaries in other geo-regions.
Another one is wealthy countries having access to vaccines far ahead of “poor” countries.
In US, we might pay lip service to equal child-hood education but most of the funding pulls from local taxes so some kids might receive ~$10000 in spending while another receives $2000. I’m not looking it up at the moment, but I’m SURE there are strong racial stratas.
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Eh the expats thing is more about whether you intend to stay long term/make an effort to assimilate.
In my country we get a lot of Eastern European workers who come short-term for a job and then leave, they’re never called anything except “immigrant”.
British guys who have been in Hong Kong for 20 years are expatriates. Chinese people who moved to Hong Kong 10 years ago are immigrants.
If said British Guy has a kid, he’s not raising the kid to speak Cantonese and he’s gonna be sending it to some special “international school” segregated from the locals. Mainlanders in Hong Kong are Chinese people living in China. Anyone who calls them an immigrant is a liberal white supremacist. On the flip side some Russian family that’s been in Heilongjiang for 3 generations isn’t going to be called expat or immigrant, they’re ethnic minority Chinese living in their own country.
It’s a legacy of colonialism. Europeans came to China as colonists, and just as they did elsewhere, did not and will not consider assimilating. An expat is simply a colonist who has failed in his attempt to eradicate the local culture. I will bet you actual money your hypothetical British guy speaks poor Chinese (if at all) and spends his spare time posting about how he wants to genocide our language and eliminate our writing system. I’ve met so many of these people. A great many of them are open white supremacists. I won’t call these people immigrants because they aren’t immigrants, and the word expat should remain as a term of contempt for these people that should not transfer to actual immigrants.
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We done played the uno reverse card on the fucking crackers
Acting like the US is the only country with diversity and treating every other nationality in North America that isn’t Canada like a race.
Some people realize that the US is very big and lots of people immigrated to it, so of course it’s a very diverse place but can’t apply the same logic to China, Russia, India or Brazil.
to be fair, our education system teaches that everyone emigrated from those places; however, the one i can’t understand or be fair about is canada.
This is pretty insignificant, but it fucking drives me nuts. Whenever a couple goes somewhere and takes the woman’s car, the man drives. It’s like some silly power dynamic that is built into all M/F relationships in the US.
I usually drive around town because my wife is often high as shit, but she usually drives on road trips because we get there several hours earlier.
Your wife sound fuckin rad
Yeah she’s a keeper.
My wife hates being a passenger and I basically only drive if she has a migraine or isn’t present. I don’t know why someone would have a hangup about it, it’s nice.
Lol this happens often with me but my partner & I both hate driving so it’s an act of service more than anything.
I’m so happy my girlfriend prefers to drive, being high in the passenger seat is so much better. If I could never be behind the wheel of a car again I’d die happy.
I prefer to be a passenger prince. I love looking out the window and making an airfoil with my hand.
Out of my parents my dad is EASILY the worse driver, he doesn’t even put his seatbelt on half the time
It’s the little things like this that make me so thankful I got the parents I have. They’ve always split driving 50/50, or at least close enough that it never crossed my mind growing up that driving was the man’s duty or whatever weird power trip some guys make it.
Edit: also along the same lines, whenever you see a (outwardly hetero) couple on a tandem bike it’s almost always the man out in front with the woman staring at his back
My parents were divorced and both never dated or re-married, they sorta accomplished the same thing!
100% opposite in my relationship. Wife hates other people driving. I love having a chauffer.
Flexing and driving my boyfriends car because he gets tired.
In my experience this is more on a case-by-case basis based on the couple in question. Some people just don’t like to drive, and some other people really hate being a passenger while someone else is driving. Often it lines up that it can be win-win.
Holy shit how defensive my mother’s husband was over his NEED to ALWAYS be the driver, ESPECIALLY in his big truck, even as a child it confused me.
being driven around is gay unless you pay for it then it’s alpha because control fetish
Would really appreciate it if somebody would convince my girlfriend to help defeat gender norms by letting me be passenger sometime.
Me in my hetero cis relationship where my strong beautiful girlfriend drives everytime.
Coming out has made me realize there are so many little weird rituals and dynamics in straight relationships that just go totally unnoticed. Queer relationships are such a breath of fresh air
My mom’s (italian-american) husband is so on this tip. And he has to be the last person to order at a restaurant.
That’s a thing???
very true and usually, but not always, the man’s fault
I ask my wife to drive, no matter the car, but she only does it on long road trips. However, on long trips she’ll drive more than half just so I drive the bad parts like Chicago or Munising.
This one gets me mad, but just the base assumption that our Asian comrades and homies are inherently good at STEM. To this day I still hear people that Asian dudes are good at math as if it were a profession passive bonus in a game. It’s just so other-ing to me. It’s just kinda one of those racists stereotypes that I wish died away.
Good thing we’ve got Andrew Yang trying to build a political career around keeping that stereotype alive.
Exactly! It’s so slimey, like bro why would you want to play into that? Why make it harder for other people like you so you can get what? Some votes?
It’s just plainly racist and gross, and I think it’s uniquely gross towards Asian men as if they don’t already have enough weirdo racist tropes they have to deal with. I say this is a black man, i feel for them
Andrew Yang is a trailblazer breaking tropes because he’s actually very stupid
a true trailblazer
One very normalized thing that always infuriates me is the way news headlines report on major disasters. It’s always “Plane crashes in China, TWO AMERICANS DEAD”, “Nuclear explosions blows up populated city, four Britons confirmed missing”, like bitch all the people on that plane and in that city were valuable humans with valuable lives, not just people with the same colour passport as me.
People seem to be fine with hating Chinese and Indians where I live
When I found out Australians call telephone Chinese whispers I was surprised to find an instance of another country being even more casually racist than us
what do you call the thing where you twist the skin on someone’s forearm
Oh I didn’t say they were more casually racist then us, just that one instance. But point taken
no it wasn’t necessarily rhetorical, aus calls it the ‘chinese’ burn
Ahh. Its ‘indian’ burn here. About equivalently shitty, I guess. What do you call it when you ‘rig’ up something to work in a temporary and haphazard way?
jerry rig? Or bodge, kludge, but mostly jerry rig
Jerrys the nicer way we do it. The other involves our favorite racial slur
Straya (is also an example of a racist/chauvinist thing that is normalised)
Yes this. It sucks here. Xi pls help us.
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Aussies/Anglos: “Hahahah why don’t you go eat dog you chng chng”
Chinese person: “Eh, it’d still taste better than your food.”
Aussies/Anglos: “Wow, that’s uncalled for. That was just banter but this is just racist. How dare you?”
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Australia’s “happy go lucky” “banter friendly” attitude is extremely selective.
apartheid state says what
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“Violence isn’t the answer” period.
It’s fine to systematically oppress and destroy people slowly in a system designed to harness their survival drive to sacrifice their labor value but if those people realize what’s happening and fight back it’s unacceptable.
Also the whole idea of people saying “violence is never the answer” ignoring the entirety of human nature and calling into question why every single nation has a military.
Violence is pretty much always the answer
It’s a pretty common assumption that if people act antisemitic while fighting back against an oppressor, their struggle should be discarded and condemned by the international community. Thoughts?
The ENTIRE fucking reason America claims it was allowed to exist is that George Fucking Washington and his associates were SUFFICIENTLY OPPRESSED by the British government, to the point where it became permissible to fire 70 caliber lead balls into soldiers skulls.
But black and brown people should just fucking take it I guess
Not to mention, the american revolution happened because the settlers wanted to keep their slaves, keep expanding their colonies and genociding indigenous people, and didn’t want to pay taxes on shit. And it’s permissible and noble for them to revolt under those conditions
Meanwhile it’s bad when Palestinians rise up when they have been refugees and ethnically cleansed for 75 years
That happened a long time ago! We’re so much more sophisticated now (no we’re not just pulling the ladder up after ourselves).
because these white people would also be violent had they been born under the conditions of colonial subjugation
Gestures at the American War of Independence
And that was just the diet version of colonial subjugation.
When anyone tells you violence isn’t the answer, they are either ignorant non-thinkers or they are trying to manipulate you. Throughout the history of the world, violence has always been the answer. This place sucks.
And Palestinians never tried non violent resistance no just want to kill kill kill
Sure would be embarrassing for libs if there was some sort of Great March of Return within the last 5 years where civilian protests were shot with live ammo.
They got brain-washed by a combination of comfort and “peaceful” eastern religious influence by the likes of Gandhi.
This also goes with the States. we leaned about MLK jr. a lot in school and he “peacefully protested.” But we weren’t taught much about Malcolm X or Fred Hampton because they were “violent thugs”.
We weren’t taught that King was a socialist but some classes called Malcolm X and Hampton socialist or communist. Which rolled into how the Black Panthers were “a violent gang” instead of a group of inner city poor people doing mutual aid for impoverished neighborhoods and poor schools.
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This is a classic cartoon lol.
I’m actually reading Jesus and John Wayne and a lot of evangelicals tried to use him as one of their guys alongside Lincoln and other clearly not conservatives. It’s more crazy because as I read this book a ton of it echoes what we have going on currently in the evangelical groups around the country.
Reglious or not, I think it’s worth a read so far.
Meanwhile groups like the Italian mobsters get glorified.
Not if I have anything to say about it.
Treating the usian “founding fathers” as democracy-loving freedom fighters
Their deification in general gets on my nerves. Everything they’ve ever said or written is treated as infallible words of god and nobody may ever dispute them.
I suppose the British considered them to be rebels, insurrectionists, or maybe even terrorists. It’s all a matter of perspective isn’t it?
I consider them both to be colonialist, genocidal freaks deserving only of a pit
The British press and government explicitly called them terrorists.
But the other side of it is just as laughable. Whenever the framers of the constitution wrote about what they were trying to do, they would endlessly hand-wring about how bad it would be for everyone to have a say in government. They thought only rich land-owning men had proved themselves worthy to hold power. You know, them and all their friends. The american “revolution” had more in common with a coup than any sort of real liberatory movement.
It’s like Bezos and Elon being the “founding fathers” of an independent US West Coast, nothing revolutionary about it.
Well it was still a step in the right direction, distributing power a bit more locally instead of living as a colony under a monarchical foreign power. You may also recall that initially they went too far in decentralizing power before the Constitution replaced the articles of confederation. Even then voting rights were mostly decided by each state, some allowing non land owners and even free black men (though sometimes later removing that right) to vote pre 1800s. Whatever they may have discussed, voting and ability to participate in government was enjoyed by over half of the citizens, which is a significant improvement over the foreign tyrant they had previously. But regardless of how the British tried to label colonial rebels, and regardless of how much the rebels didn’t get right, I’m on the side of the historical revolutionaries.
I would love to know your opinion of the CPC within this context. You have made it clear that you support American revolutionaries if only because their system was ostensibly better than the one that came before. What about Chinese revolutionaries?
Hmm, interesting question. That depends if you think that the society they have now is better than the one preceding? The two situations aren’t entirely analogous since one involved separation from a foreign power while the other involved dismantling of the old culture and society in order to make a brand new one. I think that China is more powerful now than they would be otherwise, had they not gone through their cultural revolution, but it came at a great cost where centuries of culture was destroyed. I don’t think it was worth it, but that’s also easy for me to say because I don’t live there and because my perception is certainly skewed by Western perspectives. I think they lost something of great value with how the cultural revolution played out and the Chinese people are irrecoverably different as a result. Makes me a little bit sad, but we can’t change the past, so it doesn’t really matter.
You think “destroying centuries of culture” outweighs abolishing extreme poverty, ending feudalism in a country of more than a billion, redistributing land to the peasantry, taking the country from a cycle where every few years millions would die in a famine to being an economic super power, leading the world in space age scientific progress?
I couldn’t even be bothered to engage once they tried to imply that the Chinese revolution didn’t involve separation from a foreign power. what was the Shanghai International Settlement? they sure don’t know, maybe it was a floor wax or a dessert topping.
Also the environment was devastated and hundreds of thousands (if not millions) died. Also how do you feel about China’s current treatment of indigenous Tibetans? Maybe you should take off your red colored glasses and look around.
I always get a kick out of how silly they were and how bad at designing governments they ended up being. Like you pointed out their first attempt was a shitshow, and when you read the federalist papers he outright says the entire plan is for there to be no political parties, if we get those it won’t work and we’ll all be fucked.
And yet as soon as King George relinquished the presidency we had a two party system, in fact the Constitution more or less makes a two party system inevitable. And it has no provisions for the legislature being unable to legislate etc, basic stuff that the British had already had to solve with their Parliament.
And yet they’re supposed to be these incredible architects of a genius system of intricate checks and balances.
Calling the founding fathers ”revolutionaries” belongs in this thread.
if I hold you in chains and whip you for not picking cotton fast enough for me, would that just be a “matter of perspective” you smug liberal?
Lol what are you even talking about? How does that relate to my comment?
since you’re confused let’s trace the entire context of the conversation from the thread title down to here.
Question: What are some obvious racist and chauvinist things that are totally normalized?
Answer (from wombat): Treating the usian “founding fathers” as democracy-loving freedom fighters
Statement (from you): I suppose the British considered them to be rebels, insurrectionists, or maybe even terrorists. It’s all a matter of perspective isn’t it?
Question (from me): if I hold you in chains and whip you for not picking cotton fast enough for me, would that just be a “matter of perspective” you smug liberal?
Since the hegemonic perspective of the founding fathers in the US is that they’re democracy-loving freedom fighters, it doesn’t really matter what the British thought. We’re discussing the normalized racism and chauvinism of worshiping a bunch of slave owning proto-bourgeois settler-colonialists. It’s not just a matter of perspective. The shit they did to people had real material consequences. Hence my question to you which you didn’t answer: if I hold you in chains and whip you for not picking cotton fast enough for me, would that just be a “matter of perspective” you smug liberal? That is. If you were actually treated by me the way the founding fathers treated people, would it still be this vague “matter of perspective” or would you be justified in despising me?
If I were a slave, I would probably be less concerned about who exactly is holding the whip, and more so the fact that I was getting whipped. Whether the colonists were considered terrorists or some kind of freedom fighters would be largely irrelevant to me in that case, despite that perspective mattering a great deal to the rest of the world at the time and even still to this day.
I would probably be less concerned about who exactly is holding the whip, and more so the fact that I was getting whipped
John Brown, Nat Turner, and The Haitian revolutionaries would tell you that those two concerns are identical since the latter concern provides you with your target in regards to how to bring about a real material change in the former concern. If you are a slave, and you want to stop being whipped, you run away. But if you want everyone else to stop getting whipped as well, you fight the slave owners. That is how slavery ended in the United States after all. War with the slave power.
So do you think that slavery would have ended sooner if the American revolution never happened? Do you think there was any net benefit to humanity as a result of the American revolution? Is it possible for good men to do bad things or does bad things make them bad people?
If the guy whipping me was deified and seen as a paragon of a man I’d be fucking livid
Sometimes it’s more about what that person symbolizes. Take George Floyd for instance. By almost any metric he was not a good person, but he didn’t deserve to die, and the way that he died became a symbol, a representation of an entire people who have seen injustice at the hands of the police. George Floyd is practically a saint in the eyes of many, despite all his flaws as a person. So why not the founding fathers?
This is true. I wonder what the Iroquois thought of George Washington
Racial “preferences” in dating. No matter how they cut it, it’s racist. Yet people will say “it’s ok to have preferences!”
Yeah sure… I mean back in the day many people “preferred” to not eat with black ppl… jesus fucking christ the racial preferences in dating really ticks me off (especially when you see someone who is otherwise “liberal” and “hates hate” date only white people)
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This is so so widespread that I am very curious about it.
One hypothesis I have is that people believe their sexual inclinations are completely separate from social and cultural influence. That the sexual preferences are somehow innate or beyond influence–even though they clearly are heavily influenced.
At the very least fucking keep it to yourself that you don’t date black women or prefer dating east asian women you weirdo agghhh
“I got jipped” or however it’s spelled. We say it all the time in America, but a euro transplant informed me that it’s basically a slur for gypsies.
The term “g*psy” being used casually, in a way simply used to just talk about the Roma people, and it being the only term most people know for them, is also another racist thing that’s normalized.
It’s so normalized that they use it all the time in kids cartoons over here.
FYI the best term for the ethnic group is Roma.
True. Gypsy itself is a slur too, right? Sorry, idk much and European bigotry aside from the meme where Europeans scold us for being a racist country, then turn around and say they want to exterminate the Roma.
Yeah I think so. We have a lot of great threads on Roma culture in Hexbear, I’d recommend checking them out because their culture is really cool. I especially love Romani architecture.
Seriously, check out these sick palaces!
Those look rad. Like someone was building a traditional European house and half way up got bored and decided to finish it as a Chinese pagoda.
Holy shit it’s like the majestic sprawl of a plantation house with none of the vile malevolence of southern settler whites
And they always try to defend this position by saying “But it’s different with gypsies- they really do live up to their stereotypes!” while simultaneously faking for support for BLM from abroad.
When I grew up I never thought anything about where the term jipped ( maybe it’s spelled gypped? ) came from, but after hearing jew used as a verb in the same context got me thinking about where the term came from. Not all epiphanies feel good.
Always pay close attention to the epiphanies that don’t feel good
The police.
More specific answer, the very obvious racial stratification of any urban region in the US. How different demographics look from neighborhood to neighborhood and the clear relation to worse housing, education, everything really. But it seems very normalized.
When a mayo says, “Meritocracy”, they actually mean, “Every form of systemic oppression and violence ever conceived”.
The people in charge are the most deserving of power. As such, they can redefine “deserving of power” to mean whatever they want.
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Anytime you see shit like that just link them an article about Bhopal.
Bunch of westerners tried to set a high score for ignoring safety regulations at the constant protest of the local workers which, predictably, ended with chemical warfare against a population center “which the westerners then refused to alert the locals to”
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This infographic will never not be egg on the face of its creators.
It’s always the same map
According to WHO total COVID deaths in China were just over 10% the number of US COVID deaths despite China having greater than 4x the population. I’m not a math expert by any means but I calculate around 40x fewer deaths per capita in China compared to the US. Yet somehow China was determined to be less prepared for a pandemic than much of the west
And it started in China
As someone who works in a “safety” focused industry, I hear stuff like this all the time. It’s not entirely untrue that yes, working conditions in underdeveloped countries can be worse than in the West, but no one stops to examine why, it always comes across as calipers shit. Sometimes plainly so.
It’s so nice to hear someone agree that this shit is racist. I bring it up and it’s constantly defended as “just a fact”.
Almost started to believe it wasn’t racist :(
How tf is running around your car a fire drill, and what do the Chinese have to do with it?
There is actually history behind it’s origin…sort of.’s-origin-“chinese-fire-drills
Sigh… I was hoping it was something innocent, maybe an “egg corn”/acorn situation. But alas, it’s racism all the way down. Smh
”Declining birthrates” is considered a normal thing to talk about, even though it only refers to white people.
Condescending attitudes towards any non-
country, like I remember when the US left Afghanistan and a lot of people said stuff along the lines of ”We helped them so much and they still didn’t become a good liberal democracy!”.
”Declining birthrates” is considered a normal thing to talk about, even though it only refers to white people.
I encourage you not to read any comments sections about declining birthrates in Japan, South Korea, or China. They invariably read like cattle farmers complaining about a bad year, except usually cattle farmers aren’t chomping at the bit to go fuck the cows.
cattle farmers aren’t chomping at the bit to go fuck the cows.
Oh shit oh fuck not the Zoophilia article again
Yeah that part of Asia is NOT doing well. I think Japan has actually seen an uptick recently, but South Korea has had the same problem for a while now, and it’s probably never getting better unless they get liberated by the DPRK.
South Korea is mega fucked but Japan’s birthrate is pretty much in line with a bunch of developed nations. There’s something kinda gross and wrong when random crackers on the internet will write essays on how Japan is chaste and sexless (lmao) even though it has a higher birthrate than Italy. Could you even imagine someone calling the Italians sexless virgins?
Oh yeah, there’s a big-ass bunch of
involved in that particular idea. Europe has just been better able to mask it’s “sexless virgins” problem by bombing poorer african countries and taking the civillian population in as refugees.
Also I might just add that there was a sort of joke but not really in Denmark back in early 2022, where Denmark was trying to reform it’s immigration system (along the obvious
lines) as our industrial corporations were screaming for a bigger workforce, but our population is too racist to just allow “anyone” to move here and work those plentiful jobs. Suddenly the war in Ukraine was breaking out, and a danish comedian said on national tv, that strictly speaking Putin might have just saved the danish economy by creating a bunch of refugees who are highly educated and can thus work our industrial jobs. Immediately after, the danish confederation of industry (bougie union) went out and said that Ukrainians in general are not qualified to do the jobs that their membership wanted done.
Galaxy brain: putin attacked ukraine to save Denmark economy
Yeah, that one was kind of a headscratcher.
The only thing an italian man will fuck is himself, bada bing badaboom,
Could you even imagine someone calling the Italians sexless virgins?
wdym imagine. I do it all the time. Fuck’ em.
That reminded me of a really odd 8th grade social studies moment. I’m Canadian and the teacher was talking about our low birth rates leading to an aging population, and he concluded that we should try to take in more immigrants to make up for the gap. Dude was a passionate lib that said ‘democracy’ in italics with a hand gesture (even funnier cause it was in French and he’s Acadian descent, if you know the accent and speak French you’ll know, if not I can’t really get you there in text). We did a mock election on the day Harper got in, communists got 10% of the votes cause 3 of us voted for them.
My class (5th grade social studies) did the same thing when Harper was elected, except the cons won in a landslide since our teacher was an extreme right wing borderline libertarian guy who taught the class “conservatism is when you keep all the money you make, and liberalism is when you give it to the government in taxes, and the more taxes you pay the more liberal it gets”. I’ll admit I fell for that completely wrong explanation (in my defense I was 12) and “voted” conservative, but thank god I got my shit sorted out throughout highschool and into university
I will make 1 or 2 exceptions for the “muh birthrates” crowd, because I just listened to an absolutely heartbreaking interview with a school teacher in rural occupied korea who was lamenting that his school had been built in the 1960s and had rooms for 70-odd students per year, and his latest class had a total of 5 children in it, because cuck-Korea has had a total collapse in the amount of children that people are having. Obviously the proposed solution was not going to work, since Korea has banned all talk of improving society, but the story was still heartbreaking.
Honestly, not having children kind of owns in a way, theres no way capitalism can compete with people completely giving up on it and life. It’s just proving Marx right.