The writers of reality need to take a writing class, they’re way too ham-fisted with the symbolism.
They’ll never make you talk, because you know that if you talk, you’ll just go back to the Reddit atheists.
It’s easy to eliminate something when it’s just made up.
I wonder if Theme Park statues will have their paint worn out, and then will be seen as great works of art in a couple thousand years.
Drake’s career is already dead. This is Kendrick dancing on his corpse.
How do the reporters on this case NOT just put a whole bunch of egg puns all over the articles?
The police are scrambling to crack this mystery. These eggs have been poached to be hidden where the sunny-side-up don’t shine. Where the devil could they be? This certainly won’t be over-easy for them to find. When they make a movie adaptation of this, I think they should cast Benedict Cumberbatch.
Basically, yeah. There’s a reason that dictator types and wannabe dictator types love utilitarianism so much. They can use it to justify literally anything.
Roko’s Basilisk only is scary if you subscribe to their version of utilitarianism, which is purist, but also is a weird zero-sum version. Like, one of them wrote an essay that, if you could torture someone for 50 years, and that would make nobody ever have dust in their eyes again, you should torture the guy, because if you quantify the suffering of the guy, it’s still less than the amount of suffering every subsequent person will feel from having dust in their eyes.
But also, even if you do subscribe to that, it doesn’t make sense, because in this hypothetical, the Basilisk has already been created, so torturing everyone would serve no utilitarian purpose whatsoever.
I’m sure that’s a good representation of the argument made by the museum and not misconstrued in any way.
But watch the “Sit on your ass while an active shooter murders schoolchildren” event. US police absolutely CRUSH that event!"
The American version of the V2 rocket killing more people in production than it did in combat.
It’s always the people you most expect.
Burger King are MASTERS of ads that stick with you. I still think about that weird king mascot they once had sometimes.
The bikini model though? I remembered there was some fast food company that did that. Didn’t remember it was Hardee’s/Carl’s Jr.
It’s so cool how the state has so successfully created a mechanism to shield the rich from consequences that they managed to create an entire class of failsons who believe they’d do even better without that mechanism.
Yes, but the liberal analysis ends there, no material analysis, they’re just ontologically bad.
They do come across as “Fine, here you go”, when I don’t think Nintendo really thought about it that deep, just kinda put the same locations in the games.
Like, two parts of the split timeline in Ocarina of Time make sense (Zelda essentially created a time paradox by, after defeating Ganon, sending Link back to his childhood where he still remembers Ganondorf taking over Hyrule), but not the third part (Hero fails).
Simpsons Hatoful Boyfriend predicts reality once again!
In Warhammer 40k, vehicles such as the Land Raider or the Land Speeder are not named that because they’re land vehicles. No, they’re named that because they were invented by Arkhan Land, the techpriest who designed them.
There’s no way swastika t shirt sales are making up for the server costs.