Lol. Little babies.
Lol. Little babies.
Majesty was the first game I remember caring about enough to be good at, I beat all but I think one mission on the expansion. Loved that game, I hope like you that a good sequel or successor can eventually emerge.
Lol they are offering to house inmates for a fee. Literally the foreign policy of a private prison.
They were pissed off, they were waiting a long time for the negotiations to end and when it dropped it was pitiful. I am shocked they rejected by such a large margin though, I thought it would amount to a large minority protest vote.
Cautiously optimistic. The contract sucked but arbitration might not be good if it comes to it.
Course in this admin it might just be kinda hopeless regardless.
“You guys asked me to substantiate my claim so I pivoted to saying I wasn’t actually claiming anything. That makes me the debate winner.”
There is something kinda cathartic about seeing these people funnel their money to the single stupidest and most insecure man alive, like a capitalist version of the god emperor from WH, just sucking the life out of all these people so he can seig heil on national television. At least no one with real material problems is participating in this.
Zenz Zenz Zenz Zenz
All politics is sexual pathology etc.
Yeah I’d largely burnt out of talking with chuds about anything serious a year or two ago, I would only ask things because I was curious about what unhinged answer they’d have to a weird question. But after the election I’ve had no urge to even do that, I already know what stupid things they’ll try and it’s not even funny anymore.
'“At this time I impose that sentence to cover all 34 counts," he said.
Merchan said he wishes Trump godspeed for his second term in office. ’
I just went down a search for where this comes from, I know it’s the intro for MDC but do you know who said this? Where they got the clip from?
I have no idea how to evaluate this, how serious are these people about this shit? Surely the empire just stealing land directly from the people who ostensibly benefit from its rule would provoke backlash?
Paid to lose. These people hate you, I hope that’s very clear to everyone.
I’ve been waiting on this one for a good sale, I had hoped it would get fixed up with time but even recent reviews are talking about how unhelpful the UI design is. Which might be why it’s not clicking for you honestly, changing the UI made Dwarf Fortress accessible to me and I’m afraid of dropping as much as they’re asking for a game I can’t figure out.
A lot to process, thank you for your thoughtful response. I’ll have to think about this stuff more.
I’d hope that at the very least being a country with a communist history and national origin story would help with their handling of things, being educated and aware of Marxist theory would help you think of the economy as a tool you can manipulate rather than a god you are at the mercy of, although your assessment undermines that hope. Maybe if nothing else the masses can be more conscious there than westerners usually are of their class interests.
I hear the rentals are booming.
So would you say that the animosity between China and “The West” is solely a realpolitik calculation between competing capitalist visions? Certainly the rhetoric between them is that they see their systems as incompatible, but that could just be theatre. And to be fair it’s almost exclusively directed at China by the West, the inverse is much less hostile.
He can still come back from this. I believe in him.
The key is specialization and happiness management. You basically want to have raw material provinces where you throw all your labour, and focus on things that reduce unrest in those places to minimize losses turn over turn. Concentrating them in the appropriate places and keeping those places locked down reduces the turn-over-turn loss.
I also usually end up sending out caravans mostly to get back labourers, a continuous feed into my machine that is better optimized and more productive than any of the trade routes could match. I end up with a surplus of raw materials so it can feed back into keeping labour up.