In which a former CEO of Google defines winning as “having another unsuccessful counteroffensive and ceding territory to Russia.” Goalposts are moving folks.
Originally posted to c/news but I think between it being an opinion piece and my editorializing it probably belongs here.
99% of pro-Ukrainian dogs quit just before they annihilate Putler!
Attention all Congress patriots: Vlodymyr Zelensky is in great danger and he needs your help to wipe out the Russians in the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant, but to do this he needs an F-35 Fighter Jet and a couple thousand of artillery shells. To help him, all he needs is your credit card number, the three digits on the back, and the expiration month and year. But, you gotta be quick, so Vlodymyr Zelensky can secure the bag and achieve the epic NATO Membership!!
Just one more counter offensive bro just trust me bro
I think that’s the most grotesque thing. He acknowledges up front it won’t work, they need to throw a generation into the blender so they can learn that they can’t win the fucking war and need to see negotiating as winning.
Fucking terrifying.
deleted by creator
My legions are DEAD
I just want to FUCK
have witnessed the terrible human toll of the war in Ukraine. But Putin refuses to make peace unless Ukraine surrenders its sovereignty.
Bruv they’ve already lost their sovereignty, just not to Russia. Also, these liberal ghouls seem to think that war is fought between autonomous artillery systems? How many Ukrainians must die before enough have been sacrificed on the altar of NATO and western capital?
More like Eric Shidt amirite
Russians just DISAPPEARED! Ukrainian victory in 29 days! It’s started! $850,000,000,000 arms shipments to Azov! Russian DEFEAT in 27 days! Things won’t end well! $1 trillion dollars of US aid GONE! 25 days! “No opposition party is safe”! $3.7 trillion immense success for Ukraine! 7 days! stop. $7 trillion aid! 0 days!!! War OVER! $28 trillion stunning success! Russia has FALLEN! END.
War is a crucible of progress, and Ukraine needs the support necessary to give it the time to innovate.
That guy is doing some ai drone business/grift. Of course he wants the war to go on. He gets attention, funding, human test subjects. Writing these articles is like a free advertising for him.