Link for the morbidly curious. Burgerites really haven’t learned anything since 2000.
EDIT: Egg on my dang face for not noticing the bluetooth bar blocking out half of the evil things this dupe is saying.
Let’s just kill them, anyone that’s not a bad guy would realize that the US wants to murder them so they should just hide
These people are way too comfortable saying the wildest shit
LMFAO that’s really the same piece of shit that had the gall to try and hide behind lawfare w/rt the genocide charges leveled against Israel! “iLlEgAl? AcCoRdInG To wHoM? a cOuRt wItH No jUrIsDiCtIoN OvEr tHe uS?”
Motherfucker needs to be made a hood ornament for the missiles he glazes over.
Holy fuck, I forgot how well you guys dunk on fascists on lemmygrad.
I mean I guess there’s a consistency to the monstrosity of these takes. Yikes.
The more I read back through that cracker’s history the genuinely worse it gets. Since I had to read them, so do y’all:
I should’ve known he spoke in G*mergate. I don’t know why I expected better after that 🤓 ass lawfare invocation of jurisdiction shit. It’s such a redditor thing to do.
“dEbAtE Me dEbAtE Me i’m a dEvIl’s aDvOcAtE WhItE GuY WhO OnLy eXiStS To sUcK Up aLl tHe aIr iN ThE RoOm aNd wAsTe yOuR TiMe!”
Oh yeah, sure, the cracker knows what a ‘real genocide’ is based on the last 400 years of his history ig. I genuinely can’t with crackery of this degree; and I will focus my will into cursing him with arthritis in both his hands that he might never post no devilry like this again.
A+ for consistency
F- for humanity
straight to the woodchipper