See. This I can study
Look, when you figure out a better way to do it, you just send carcosa a picture of your dick and let us know.
Using the word love for any celebrity is just sad anyway. Except maybe Stalin. That’d be alright
Why’d you go in his bedroom?
Somebody brought little bacon rolls. I assumed it was wrapped around cocktail weiners. It was liver. Why the fuck would you do that?
No. I will not be thinking of that. Thank you
Typical Bethesda
Charlie kirk looks like someone hit random on oblivions character select screen with silly haircuts mod installed
I shudder to think the price some natives just paid for that colonial’s freedom
Hey, remember that month when I only ate boxes of tangerines?
Also intentionally calling someone something they find insulting because you know that they find it insulting and then instructing them that they shouldn’t be insulted by it is just a silly waste of time.
Its like calling someone a removed and then pontificating about how actually vaginas are beautiful and important. They’re not annoyed because they’re a misogynist. They’re annoyed because they knew what you meant by it
He also never cringe posts on Xitter
Then in proud American military tradition they named a helicopter after them
Be a shame if I were to not vote for Biden 200 million times then.
Hah hah hah
As an urban theorist and historian how do you think this would be less difficult than bombing a suburb?
Taking power in a system that empowers horrible people doesn’t make him any less horrible
How does that make it not his fault?
Its all the same list and everybody’s on it. Just try to keep your name from being too close to the top
The genocidal octogenarian