Hassan made a really good point about “from the river to the sea” on his show the other day when he was talking to that chud that wouldn’t shut the fuck up about Hamas. On the topic of that phrase, he said "What about the phrase black lives matter? Would you ask a white person or a black person if you wanted to know what is meant when they say that? Obviously a black person. Apply that same logic to this" or something to that tune.
Wasn’t that Ethan Klein, he was talking to?
Ethan is stupid as hell, so that would track.
I genuinely think Ethan is at heart a nice guy. He just has many brainworms
Both things are true at the same time.
She joined the crowd in chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” – which is largely regarded as an antisemitic slogan that implies the decimation of Israel – before addressing the group herself.
Interpreting “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” as implying the decimation of Israel is a self-report because it means they would rather see Israel decimated than try a 1-state solution between Israelis and Palestinians
The words “largely regarded” needed back surgery as a result of all the heavy lifting they did
And you know that actual fascists and Nazis are gonna start saying this specifically as a way to express antisemitism with plausible deniability, assuming they haven’t already
Nazis ruin everything
it’s also not anti-semitic to want to see Israel decimated. Israel should be decimated. It should cease to exist. That’s not anti-semitic. You can’t be anti-semitic against a state.
I don’t want Israel to be decimated, I don’t want 9/10ths of it to remain. I want it annihilated.
Absolutely hate the discourse that her second quote there generated. Could she have phrased it a little more carefully as to not imply antisemitism was justified in any way? Yeah, maybe. Is she 100%, unquestionably correct, just absolutely on the money, to call out that any public sentiment of antisemitism in the US is close to nothing next to the completely deranged and well funded phenomenon that is Islamophobia? Yes!
If antisemitism and Islamophobia were anywhere close to equal in the US, George Bush would’ve been Nuremberg’d for starting a war that killed a million Iraqis. Instead, he’s celebrated as a reasonable, pragmatic (if a little dumb) public servant. If they were even close to comparable, the media would have celebrated the Charlottesville Nazi rally the same way they celebrate the current Zionist rallies calling for the deaths of more Palestinians. If they were even close to comparable, we’d bother to teach children about the Nakba, and about the war on terror which killed around 4.5 million people, the vast majority Muslim. Instead, we teach them racism was solved in the 60s and we had a Black president so it’s all good now.
Not trying to play oppression Olympics btw, both social forces are very reactionary and need to be opposed with equal levels of
. But to claim that antisemitism is this strong, culturally embedded problem in the US so bad that another Holocaust could happen at any moment, all while the US kills Muslims in the Middle East by the thousands yearly, is clearly detached from reality.
I love how “From the river to the sea” is just carte blanch branded as Anti-semitism now. I wonder if we’ll see some pro athlete or pop star kick off a media firestorm for saying this at a championship game or an awards show.
Don’t let Zionists force the narrative. Give them an inch and they will take a mile and all that
Stop killing everyone and give Palestinians their rights and land back.
That’s anti-semetic!
Yeah what the frothing fascist said!
I know I should never put celebrities on a pedestal, but I used to only like Susan Sarandon. Since 2015 my feelings for her has grown to pure love. I absolutely adore her
Zionists: doing literal genocide
Also Zionists: WAHHH people are saying I shouldn’t do a genocide that makes me feel exactly like the people I’m genociding!
aspire to have the same level of unabashed passion about something materially meaningless as liberals have for susan sarandon
I choose Jane Fonda
“Largely regarded” citation needed
But imagine the biceps those two words will get from all that heavy lifting
The wheels of the consensus manufacturing machine keep turning
Look adl agrees with us, whatcha mean. Citations can be made up by thinktankies as needed for whatever purpose
deleted by creator
Thelma & Louise is iconic for a certain type of person.
Imagine being mad at your silly idols because they found what’s objectively the moral floor
Using the word love for any celebrity is just sad anyway. Except maybe Stalin. That’d be alright
Libs are still malding at Susan Sarandon huh