Gee, I wonder why Zionists have a hard time garnering sympathy from Western ethnic minorities and actual indigenous peoples.
What Hamas did was far, far worse than killing people in gas chambers
zionists wiping their ass with the memory of the holocaust as usual
Didn’t Bibi literally blame the holocaust on Arabs a few years back?
i’m going to pour napalm into my eyes
e: wait, no. his eyes
If you ever claim your opponents are “more sadistic than the nazis” I’m gonna have to call you on your bullshit and assume you’re the bad guy lmao
at best they dont know wtf they’re talking about and need a
or they do in which case they need the cuck pit
I’m gonna have to ask for an exception for Imperial Japan though.
You know, I really just need to set up a hotkey that automatically posts
every time I see one of these
Somebody pointed out the existence of the Dirlewanger Battalion to this guy and now he’s “well askcually”-ing SS atrocities.
Of course, the clean SS myth risen this year in Klanada and instantly the nazis jumped there.
Must absolutely suck to the few Baltic Jewish partisans still alive. Both the Baltic countries you fought tooth and nail to survive in and the “Jewish State” claiming to represent you whitewash the monsters who murdered your friends and family and forced you to be a “terrorist” just barely eking out an existence in the woods.
IIRC, Abba Kovner initially embraced Zionism post-war only to come to regret it later in life when he started linking the Holocaust to the Nakba in his writings. Something like this is just so on the nose in light of the fact.
lmfao it’s always the Comanche, Apache, Sioux, and Aztecs with these people. Maybe the Caribs for the somewhat educated ones. They ignore the many hundreds of tribes that were nowhere near as brutal as the ones they hyperfocus on. The disgusting part is that the more peaceful ones are mocked for being too weak to defend themselves and the whites were merely “conquerers”, but the ones that fought back are all brutal savages who deserved it anyway because they were already warmongering.
This is exactly how it is with Palestine. They like Palestine enough to feel sorry for them when they get brutalized but call for their heads the moment they fight back and casualties happen. It’s all “this is war” when the Israelis kill someone and “nuke the savages” when Palestine kills civilians.
i will forever be awed by the right’s ability to say correct things for 2/3rds of a post and then slip on a banana peel and fall off a cliff
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Said treats being revisionist westerns which were meant to deconstruct the genre and shed light on the racism inherent in it but were constrained by being chiefly from the white settlers’ perspectives as well as marketed to a white audience.
I did not expect to see the savage and bloodthirsty native Americans trope in the wild in the year of our lord 2023. What’s next, “Palestinians are like the Finnish, aggressive and carrying knives”?
_you don’t get it, we were so scared of the sniper with iron sights we had to blow up 5 square blocks. How were we supposed to know he was on the other side _
What’s about the Finnish and knives? Nowadays all i ever hear in the internet about them is how stronk and kool they are for killing some Soviet soldiers in the war.
It’s an old racist stereotype that nobody takes seriously any more. Allegedly the Finns carry knives on them and are quick to loose their temper and start stabbing people. The euros are not okay.
That’s weird, it’s coming from the Germans? They have some weird obsession about people with knives.
It’s probably coming from Sweden
Ah so that’s just axe chauvinism.
Never heard that one. I’m used to the stereotype on Finns being loner drunks. I suppose it’s a better stereotype to put in a tourism book than stealing Sami lands.
It is based on Swedish stereotypes of Finnish migrant workers from the 50s and 60s.
The only finnish stereotype I know is spending all your time in saunas
Sauna, vodka, doctor. And in that order, I believe.
despite the relevance of the latter comparison to the Jewish people
I’d argue comparing Israelis to European settlers and Palestinians to indigenous Americans is a pretty apt comparison, my guy.
That started out in an okay direction (comparing Gazans to other victims of colonialism) then took a hard right turn.
They had me in the first half
Then they turn around and get upset that native americans don’t support isn’treal.
The massacre of October 7 was more like a Comanche raid than like the Holocaust or a pogrom, despite the relevance of the latter comparison to the Jewish people.
The Comanches, like the Gazans, were more savage and sadistic than the Nazis and Europeans.
My thoughts exactly.
The Comanche raids on Mexico started after some Mexican territorial officials put out bounties on the ears of Native Americans that they didn’t like. In response, the Comanche ravaged Mexico as far south as Mexico City (as they should have). Not to say the Comanche were nice - there were plenty of other tribes they ruthlessly dominated.
Then in proud American military tradition they named a helicopter after them
I’m a white American and this makes me fucking cringe hard. I’ve even been considering the historical parallels between the Navajo and Gaza, and this sent it
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How to post your way into being called a Hamas supporter for being 2racist2soon