Great_Leader_Is_Dead [none/use name]

  • 153 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • So if we have a concept defined by opposition to hierarchy

    Here’s the thing, people have different conceptualizations of what a “hierarchy” is. Plus a lot of anarchists say they’re only opposed to “unjustified hierarchy”. I think how the AnCaps conceptualize it is that me declaring myself feudal baron over the parcel of land I acquired by being such a brilliant entrepreneur is a justified hierarchy, cuz I actually earned that unlike the evil guberment. That completely falls apart in practice, which is what we should be attacking them on.

    With NATO-Anarchists I think their logic is “lesser-of-two-hierarchy-ism”, they see NATO and the West as hierarchical, but Russian Nationalism and Chinese Dengism are WORSE hierarchies, so unless full anarchism is on the table you should support NATO in the short term.

    See the thing is these bull-crap pseudo-left ideologies usually have a kernel of logic to them, unlike the far right which is just willfully incoherent mind palace shit. We should be attacking them on the logic of it, not having semantic debates about what is and isn’t an actual anarchist.

  • those aren’t real anarchists.

    Hot take: I don’t really like this whole “they aren’t REAL [insert ideology]”, it’s a game anyone can play, and win, and feels like a bit of a cop out. The definition of a political ideology is malleable and changes all the time, anyone can come up with their own interpretation and the only thing really determining it’s validity is it’s popularity. If Vaush became as popular as Kropotkin was in his day and remained that way long enough his interpretation would be as valid.

    I think it’s better to attack them on more solid grounds than whether it’s a real/not real interpretation, you can say it’s ridiculous, contradictory, in contrast to pretty much every other earlier interpretation, but it’s not really “fake”, no more or less so than any idea floating in the human collective consciousness.

  • Fair enough, it’s just every well known YA author I can think of off the top of my head has shit politics. Also most examples of YA I know of have shit politics story wise too. Also I’ve found the whole existence of the genre kinda weird, what specifically about them makes them for “young adults”? People in that age range are generally mature enough they could just be reading regular literature, outside of them having younger protagonists (which there is plenty of non-YA literature with younger protags) idk what is specifically is “YA” about them besides maybe having a bit easier to digest prose?

  • I should have prefaced, as a socialist I think we should build more PUBLIC housing. That would address the problem more quickly and directly.


    landlords will charge whatever they “can” which is based off other available houses.

    Part of the reason they can charge so much is they don’t have much competition, any open space is going to have a lot of people competing for it so you can Jack up prices, somebody will probably be able to pay. If there was more selection people could go for cheaper options and landlords wouldn’t be able to ask exorbitant prices for subpar properties.