So they did massive human wave attacks in Kursk suffering heavy losses but no bodies have been recovered? Damn, Juche Necromancy is real
Nice try, fed.
So they did massive human wave attacks in Kursk suffering heavy losses but no bodies have been recovered? Damn, Juche Necromancy is real
dont worry when it hits humans on a massive scale the Great Satan wont let anyone know.
the 90s UI design was fantastically awful since no one knew what the fuck they were doing. Control schemes fall into this category as well I guess.
the milk is so organic that they’ll tenderise the cow it comes from in shit first. what the actual fuck
the golden age of flash animations/games was a fun time to be a teenager
Godfrey was the ride or die for the King.
it’s just like me frfr
Tim Tool at it again
k/d is all that matters, bro!
plus i was no angel using a metro with no ticket
still less violent than the amerikkkan police.
they would light you up for picking up the can, actually.
oh god he could interrogate me any day
According to Ukrainian and U.S. officials it’s raining outside. The Russians and North Koreans have declined to comment on the state of the weather. What do you think?
motherfucker open the window and do journalism! these magical koreans just came along and now they’re gone? No evidence whatsoever?
Homan? goddamn the CHUDs are getting more clever by the day
this will certainly lower egg prices
death to america
DPRK instead of “North Korea” thunderstrike
i have a 1tb hdd that i’ve taken with me over a few different pcs now, it’s 10 years old and whined about dying to me like 7 years ago.
I only use it for backup stuff, but it’s still going strong. Mostly I leave it just chilling like the old veteran it is.
it’s a good thing he’s a comedian because this shit would be too farfetched in a fantasy novel
proud upholder of the communist to trans-cutie pipeline