I guess calling it the CPC instead of the CCP could be considered one
“struggle session” apparently. I mentioned that casually at work on a teams call one day when everyone was getting pissy about something small. The whole convo stopped and they wanted to know why I was using that very specific phrase. it was actually an accident that it came out anyway.
maybe you’d not raise an eye if you said “crit{icism} session”
“struggle session” sounds a bit harsh, doncha think?
It was said in jest because it was an argument akin to deciding on the color of drapes and people were getting heated about it. Like super heated.
I am surprised anyone would know and not approve.
DPRK instead of “North Korea” thunderstrike
“Material conditions” and “productive forces”
I can feel the hours of reading secondary leftist theoretical works course through my veins.
Mode of production
Critical support? idk, but I’ve never seen this phrase outside of leftist spaces
Critical support
Quite demure, quite Leninist…
Not sure if all of these are shibboleths but they’re definitely things I’ve heard leftists say
Edit: Thank you Aernalingus
Paper tiger
Weeks where decades happenvv Cool zone
Workplace democracy
Harm reduction
Dialectical materialism
Enlightened centrism
Organize, educate, agitate
Manufactured consentI can feel the book leftover to read, while I read this all.
Same thing with linebreaks (you can click the little page icon under my comment and copy-paste the source back into your comment):
Paper tiger
Weeks where decades happenvv Cool zone
Workplace democracy
Harm reduction
Dialectical materialism
Enlightened centrism
Organize, educate, agitate
Manufactured consentThank you!! I feel like a gotdang boomer on this website
No worries! There’s definitely some things about Markdown syntax that can be counterintuitive, especially since every site that uses it seems to use a slightly different flavor. If you hit the ? icon (rightmost icon above the comment box) it links to an (incomplete) guide to the Markdown used on Lemmy as well as an interactive tutorial, if that’s of interest. Our own WhyEssEff also did a more comprehensive rundown of our particular Markdown features in this post.
More to the point: in my comment, I achieved the line breaks by putting two spaces at the end of each line. The simpler way is to just hit [Enter] twice after each line (as you saw, just hitting it once doesn’t actually affect how the post looks). I tend to use the two-space method for lists without bullets/numbers because it’s a little more compact, but they’ll all get the job done:
Two spaces 1
Two spaces 2
Two spaces 3
- Bullet 1
- Bullet 2
- Bullet 3
Enter twice 1
Enter twice 2
Enter twice 3
running dog is a good one
i have a bad habit of skipping lines when i skim so i only read the 2nd line of your comment and thought it was AI slop
Man, I really loved that movie, I tell ye hwat
Death to America of course.
Is treatlerite one? Cause goddamn it’s a banger
Getting the sense that shibboleth doesn’t refer to some obscure Cthulhu monster. Seems like i have to look up a new word every day on this website
Saying “what is to be done?” Is one I’ve used at times
“Brainworms” I don’t ever see anyone outside of the left saying this.
I heard the term on /tttt/ long before I heard any leftist using it, so it isn’t foolproof
I’ve heard multiple non-political streamers use this, so I don’t think it’s more an online term than exclusively leftist (and I don’t mean not “political”, I mean literally did not know the US presidential election was happening level of grillpilled)
We have a government official that actually has brain worms so maybe not.
Infinite 7/11s on the West
i pronounce it Sibboleth
Expropriation, exploitation, appropriation… sounds like a Marxist-economic version of delay, deny, defend.
Completely disagree. Delay, Deny, Defend are specifically legal tactics companies use, whiile expropriation, exploitation, and appropriation are, in Marxism, specifically two economic terms based within how one both proves and discusses the contradictions of capitalism, while appropriation is a much more widespread cultural and sociological phenomena, which in part derives from the economic base of capital markets.
Delay, Deny, Defend is a tactic that encompasses both expropriation and exploitation, but it isn’t an actual description of the economic metrics occuring and how it relates to labor-value and use-value.
Not disagreeing that the way we use them tends to be a shibboleth.
I stand corrected.
I was prolly smoked out of my head.
Np, it’s an easy mistake to make.
Narwhal, bacons, midnight