I learned from Radio Free Asia that every North Korean soldier must ritualistically burn their face off when they join the military to show their devotion to the State.
This shit would sound farfetched in a kojima game.
Every North Korean soldier must also wear pants with a bunch of holes ripped in them and can’t wear shirts because they breath through their skin and too much clothing will lead to suffocation.
Direct sunlight also resuscitates them.
Because their “Dear Leader” has a face, no citizens are allowed to lest they claim to be Kim Jong Un and confuse the public.
there are no bodies because they keep getting revived with juche necromancy to fight on another day
This man is singlehandedly depleting the entire European cocaine supply.
Bullshit. Everyone knows North Koreans are immune to fire damage.
This is only because of Juche necromancy
and all their teeth are missing because of no food and they have been too biologically experimented on for DNA testing and really all 3800 corpses are too far away to see clearly and you wouldn’t want to look at them anyway
it’s a good thing he’s a comedian because this shit would be too farfetched in a fantasy novel
Kim Jong UN implants napalm in the forehead of every citizen so he can remote detonate their faces when they’ve served their purpose.
They use Juche necromancy on themselves to burn their faces and then die again.
Also why does that text read so strangely? Was it translated from Ukrainian/Russian super literally?
trust me bro
North Korean soldiers, in this part of the world, at this time of year, localized entirely within Ukraine?
May I see them?
he’s correct
that’s pretty fuckin metal
advanced tech
A competent interviewer would have called bullshit, but that’s exactly why lex “rock with googly eyes” Friedman got this interview.
Where is this from?
https://lexfridman.com/volodymyr-zelenskyy-transcript/ I couldn’t believe it
fridman is a fed or fed asset