You’re saying that a western narrative about DPRK that spread like wildfire in the internet is probably false?
You’re saying that a western narrative about DPRK that spread like wildfire in the internet is probably false?
Any MTG player should know that WOTC can always get worse
Never played 1e, but my favorite points for 2e are:
For players: The amount of freedom you have to create and run a character can’t be overstated. The system is feat based, so two players with the same race+class combo can have vastly different characters. There’s actual options to combine races, not just “human+elf and human+orc are the only mixed people in the universe”. The three actions system is so clean and streamlined that once you use it you can never go back to the weirdness of dnd 5e. Also the classes are actually balanced, if you are a fighter player you won’t feel left behind because your mage friend learned to conjure meteor storms at the same time you learned to attack for the third time in a round.
For DMs: The game has real rules and restrictions, you won’t need to magically divine bonuses and penalities if your player decides to do some weird action or create rulings on the spot.
This just reminded me that the transformers wiki has a page on Jesus Christ and it’s written using solely information you can gather from the cartoons, as if the page author never heard of Jesus outside of the series
Not even correct since Christian Occultism is a thing
TIL Biden is a Tall boy
Marçal:[…] spent millions,he keeps making up stories every time, but Brasil wants to know - São Paulo wants to know, when you’re going to stop, you didn’t answer the question. We want to know that you are a coward, you crossed the debate the other day to slap me, and said that you wanted to - but you’re not man enough to do that, you’re not man -
(Someone screams “No, Datena No” as Datena hits Marçal with a chair")
(Hard cut to debate moderator, who says “pause for ads, please” as datena calls Marçal “son of a whore” in the background)
Longer video on Reddit, gonna post a translated script soon
Brazilian chuds have been flying israeli flags alongside brazilian flags for years now, this is absolutely not surprising
The english signs is pretty sus though, I agree on that
I dunno about worst, but I fucking hate 300. It tries so hard to insert Snyder’s american fetishism in the setting that it quite literraly inverts reality to show the brave, patriot, manly, free, christian americans Spartans facing the evil, godless, deformed, queer, arabs.
Pesonally, I usually can ignore shitty politics when watching a good movie, and sometimes even good slop, but 300 even fails to be a good action movie because it had to add a shitty slow motion effect every time Zack Snyder jerks off to how smart he is
It already happens, just search “jetpack joyride” on youtube and open any comment section
Hazel! Her videos are just “let me talk 1 hour about a very specific obsession in old anime/ video games”, it’s great
Lol. Lmao, even
Not enough obscure racial slurs from blue checkmarks to qualify for "twitter nowadays’
This has become a Problem of Evil for libs. How do you believe that 1) Trump is a fundamental threat to US democracy, 2)Biden is capable of defending US democracy so you should vote for him and 3) The SC decided to make any official act of the president legal and not come to the conclusion that Biden should do a very funny thing?
TBH I wouldn’t expect a ML algorithm to “figure out” that addition is commutative, even a good one with acceptable errors (unlike this one); it’s a big logic leap that it is not really suited to get by itself (ofc this just means it is a silly way to try to do addition on a computer)
Funniest part is the guy didn’t speak a word for the rest of the debate, Hasan truly shut him up
More rational than 99% of “china dying” arguments
No, it’s she