Immediate thought looking at this is “Bayonetta is a christian theological educational game”
JK Bayonetta may be
but it’s actually awesome
It feels like it may as well be occult to give more of a shit about believing in this hierarchy of heaven stuff beyond “hey they have things figured out up there.” Like you’re expecting to go there anyways so beyond treating it like a travel brochure, whats the purpose?
Contemporary Christians definitely just yearn for the occult anyways, look at shit like angel numbers where it’s just pure vibes based numerology with a new label on it.
I’ve always thought Christianity has a cool mythology
Used to be a lot cooler. Gnostic Christians leaned into a lot of the esoteric and mystical aspects of Jewish myths. Reading the Book of Enoch is like reading lore from the Diablo franchise.
Real talk honestly; Gnosticism is the only way studying Christianity as a mythos is interesting to me.
Oh yeah definitely. Though I find Celtic and Slavic mythologies far more interesting.
yeah “powers & principalities” in Ephesians 6:12 was definitely referring to a special type of angel and not like, the government.
Not even correct since Christian Occultism is a thing
Christianity does get pretty wack sometimes, with schema monks and cofraternities of penitents