(stolen joke) A transphobe, a racist and a antisemite walk into a bar. The bartender says: “hey arent you the woman who wrote those harry potter books?”
okay okay, i know jk rowling is horribly anti-semetic but i’d like to know how she is racist? i dont doubt it given the other info i have about her, but i’d like an example of her racism if possible
well there’s the (only) asian character whose name is literally “Cho Chang”
or the one black person (of two!) named “Kingsly Shacklebolt”
oh and just for fun i’m pretty sure the one coded-irish character is constantly causing explosions? but we’re getting into p fuzzy recall territory tbh, and i’m sure there’s plenty more.
He’s not just coded Irish, his name is literally Seamus Finnegan, and yeah he’s most associated with blowing shit up
technically there’s four Black folk in the Harry Potter books, but Rowling goes out of her way to not mention Lee Jordan despite Lee being a quidditch shoutcaster and allegedly the best friend of the Weasley twins, or Angelina Johnson, despite Angelina being Gryffindor’s Chaser (god what an awful name for a sports role in this day and age) (and didn’t she date one of the Weasley twins, too?) and she made Blaise Zabini a straight-up Death Eater-aligned Slytherin, so… Yeah, I’m gonna drill a couple more screws into the ‘racist’ sign she’s wearing
I’d say there’s five but I don’t have the spoons to have the “Hermione is a black girl, there’s no such thing as a tea cracker who needs a perm put in her hair for a school dance” argument with burger cracker liberals
Here’s one example:
The way she handled Native Americans in the Harry Potter universe was racist and got a lot of complaints at the time. Here’s an article about it.
horribly anti-semetic but i’d like to know how she is racist
european antisemitism is racist. it’s theoretically possible to exclusively have a problem with religious practitioners of judaism, but that’s not something that actually happens anymore. the goblins in her books are not shown to be practitioners of a bad cult, but bearers of undesirable racial traits.
Read the harry Potter books… Well don’t. But we got cho chang as the only Asian for example. What a name eh
I can picture the sticky note shortlist that name came from, and I’m receiving a psychic premonition that she chose Cho Chang after writing and then crossing out something else.
Read the harry Potter books… Well don’t.
Just listen to Shrieking Shack instead lol
Wasn’t she all in with that lady that was quoted in that BBC article that had a fucking manifesto to kill trans people and a history of doing SA to other women?
She has repeated sided with and supported men and women who assault women but also are transphobes.
It’s fascinating how Rowling projects her grievances with the patriarchy onto trans women.
it’s the final stage of liberal feminism. petty traumas with no systemic causes and no wider solution need to be vented at the most vulnerable populations available. also explains the Clintonite criminal justice project.
all transpeople are r#pists is certainly a take to have, i hope she drowns in her own blood
It’s becoming more common. We’re getting extremely close to a place where trans people are predators by definition to these people. It’s really scary
I have noticed that they are expanding how they define predator even further to include anyone who advocates for acceptance of trans kids. It usually goes something like (cw: transphobia):
“Being trans is inherently sexual. So anyone who tells a kid they might not be the gender they were assigned at birth means they are trying to sexualize children, thus a sexual predator.”
I blame millenials buying her crap for giving her such an outsized voice. Launch her into the fucking sun.
and everyone who bought her books, for good measure.
Never read one of her books or saw any of the movies, thankfully. Her stuff always just seemed like dollar store Tolkien to me, plus I guess I was slightly older than the intended age range.
My most regretted purchase ever, by the way, was a Kid Rock CD and I am deeply ashamed of it to this day.
When I was like 13 I bought a T-Shirt off of Sonic sprite comic artist “Psyguy” (well, had my mom buy it, but yaknow). Years later he turned out to be one of the internet’s biggest sex pests.
I also bought a ProJared tshirt at one point. His case is more complex I guess but its still a bad track record lol.
Daaamn, Psyguy. I thought I dreamed that
Help I was a child and it was my mom’s money 😭
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Guess I’m being :wesley-snipes-crying: 'd
We DO have it. thank you.
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@WhyEssEff@hexbear.net fix this one its all squwwwiished
Hey don’t look at me I was a goosebumps/Animorphs kid.
hope she’s killed and soon
Sure thing, Rowling. Why don’t you show us these supposed facts that contradict the statistics that show trans women are far more likely to be the victims of sexual assault than the perpetrators?
Not my art to be clear! Friend of mine made this for our big pixelbase project on everyonedraw. But I thought Id show it off because it looks real nice and Trevor was a real one.
my salute is to trevor and now also the artist, whomever they might be
Oh this is a good emote.
The final movie in the “fantastic beasts” series will have the protagonists actively trying to cause the holocaust and support Hitler because the villain in the movie is a camp trans character who opposes him. This will be demanded by Rowling herself.
Just a reminder for anyone who didn’t know, the main villain’s goal in those movies was to prevent WW2 and the holocaust
Excuse me what the fuck
Spoilers not that anyone should give a fuck
These movies take place shortly after the end of WW1. The second movie ends with Grindelwald, the big bad, holding an evil rally trying to convince the other wizards that they should reveal themselves and take over humanity, and he shows a vision of the future that will come if they don’t; Another war. He shows visions of tanks, of the Blitz, of Nazi victims in concentration camps, and finally a nuclear explosion, and says “we can prevent this.”
This could work if it took place in the modern day, or even if it took place after WW2 and he showed visions of nuclear Armageddon. But the villain of the movie showed visions of the second world war which we know does in fact happen and says “We should prevent this” and the audience is supposed to go “No that’s bad actually.” And yes, preventing WW2 is just a fig leaf for his actual goal of world domination, but ultimately it still means you wrote a story where the bad guy is the one going “we should stop WW2”
The scene in question. CW: Johnny Depp
It’s even more nonsensical, the character that attempted to prevent the holocaust (Grindelwald) is also implied to be roughly equivalent to wizard Hitler.
One of the side characters confronts some students who are vandalizing something with Grindelwald’s insignia. It’s basically framed as a swastika until we learn its actually okay because its an ancient wizard symbol called the deathly hallows and Rowling starts putting them all over her merch.
Grindelwald was also defeated in 1945, which is definitely intentional considering how much of a hack Rowling is.
Also, the supporting character who gets roped into the anti-fascist fascism is a Jewish woman who we’re meant to consider weak for not wanting the Holocaust to happen.
This is very true, forgot to specify that part. God what a stupid fucking series.
It’s such a bizarre thing to shoehorn into a children’s series, especially this clumsily.
Not really, Wizard Hitler is just the most evil thing Jowling can imagine - that’s why Voldemort was the same. I would not be surprised if the BBEG of Hogwarts Legacy was also Wizard Hitler.
I’m surprised she hasn’t been publicly jumped yet
When you’re as rich as her you get “the help” to do shit like shopping and stuff, so she most likely never leaves her home unless she’s going to some event that has security guarding her.
Then I’m surprised a whole squadron of black bloc hasn’t run up in her house yet.
you’d have to lay siege, she lives in a literal fucking castle
Finally an excuse to learn to build a catapult.
Trebuchet damn it!
One can use either of catapult or trebuchet to launch oneself into her fortress. The meme only states that trebuchet is superior to catapult.
Find a job opening in her house then kill her, simple as
Variations on that should work on any rich fuck
I’ve seen ads for like private bodyguard and shit just posted alongside regular jobs, that specifically is even better because they literally give you a gun
This sounds like an amazing long weekend activity.
that’s what makes it fair
same reason republicans can walk the streets
Why the fuck is one of the richest, most famous people in the world taking the time to say unhinged shit to random people on Twitter with like 200 followers? Does she just sit around all day looking for obscure people to put on blast with her deranged bullshit?
Because she is unhinged and wants trans people dead. She is singularly obsessed with it.
you’d think she’d have some rich people hobbies to do with her rich friends.
Imagine thinking rich people, but especially Joanne has any ‘friends’
i think some of the ultra rich relate to eachother and hang out, but i also think she and musk are particularly unlikeable even among their monstrous peers.
What a horrible disgusting person she is. I hope she chokes to death on her own vomit.
She sucks shit but that first sentence has a lot of juice and could be repurposed
“Good for you, Bill Maher. Some imperial apologists prefer to advocate for racist colonialism from behind an anime cartoon, but you’re doing it under your own name. Zionists need brave guys like you.”
you know i know where her boat that shes never been on is. just fantasizing.
Be a real shame if a hive of killer bees was in her room and the door got jammed
someone should parody her in minecraft