I didnt try to dodge any of it. I acknowledged all of it I could think of and left it up explicitly because I wanted to make sure anything I didn’t leave up was left for people to see when I apologized.
What are you even talking about? I have no idea what you think I’m dodging. I know you were linking my comment over and over but I just… didn’t respond because I thought I had already covered it with what I said. I know that’s a dumb way to apologize but I mean I’m not really that smart
I know I should have responded to that individually, at least in retrospect, but my apology was over my general tone and everything. I didn’t know you were angry at me over the three question marks specifically and thought you were just angry about them as an example of the tone I used.
If I did this, I didn’t even realize. I know that’s not a great excuse but I legitimately don’t know what you’re even talking about
And all those things you pointed out, yeah? Those were the things I was apologizing for? Except for the “this is not treat defense” thing which is just me saying that I’m not defending a treat because there isn’t a single consumer item I’m actually defending or even care about relative to this conversation?
Does “treat defense” mean something other than someone vehemently defending some sort of piece of media? Like does it just mean anyone angry online? I’m not being sarcastic I might legitimately have just misinterpreted what it meant