bonus: the admin’s goofy ass response a few minutes later:
>knowingly create situation where people will act out against you in an uncivil manner and abuse your authority to manifest it
>get mad at the people acting out, shut down discussion regarding what you did, act victimized
yeah that’s a certified Israel classic if I’ve ever seen one
“Oh so I’m the bad guy for stealing this family’s house, locking them in the dingy concrete slab basement and feeding them whatever left over tablescraps, then shooting them when they try to attack me?”
pressing the big red childmelter button unprovoked: “you made me do this, children”
why do they think that ethnic cleansing = population decrease? is hasbara made up of highschoolers? when you have an indiginious population massively replaced, that means you have “cleansed” that place of that indiginous population. here’s the wikipedia verison for the libs:
“Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic, racial, or religious groups from a given area, with the intent of making a region ethnically homogeneous.”
: “Well, they were 12 year olds but actually they’re 16-17 year olds so its okay to relentlessly bomb them”
“What would you do if someone kidnapped your nana and your pop pop and your baby and your best friend.”
“I would would direct planes to bomb every structure and obliterate everything that moves anywhere they might be held until there was nothing but rubble and corpses.”
what is with these people who saw the flashback scene in Usual Suspects–where Keyser Soze blows away his own wife and children in his origin story–and thinks, “yeah man, that’s how everybody cool would deal with that situation.”
if i can’t have nana and pop pop then no one can
This is the guy calling you a genocide denier online for saying that the Uyghur situation is complcated
The third point about all the dead kids actually holding AK-47s is just insane
air force tactically carpeting the Gazan rubble with drop guns to ensure maximum Moral Army status
straight-up calling israel an ethnostate isn’t the brilliant defense these morons think it is
if one of the rockets fell 20 metres to the south east, i would not be able to speak with you now
missing this loser is the worst thing hamas has ever done
Do better
big lie
Once you realize the true history of last 100 years of Palestine’s history, and you come to the conclusion that an outside, non-indigenous, mostly white, mostly European/American population migrated there, killed, stole the land from, and expelled the indigenous Palestinians, these weird Zionist narratives become hilarious jokes.
Except for these narratives are cover for genocide, so in that way, like many of the Nazi ideologies and myths and shit and like the myth of American Exceptionalism, in a vaccuum these things can be hilarious because they’re so absurd.
“Wait, so your family was in Europe for 300 years and then moved to a place that a book says you were in 3000 years ago, so that means it’s ok to murder the current occupants and take their house and land?”
It’s as ridiculous as Americans and Germans who claimed God or whatever the fuck racial superiority gave them the right, by use of their might, to take land, do genocide, settle the now-cleansed lands, and establish new governments which ensured that any remaining indigenous would never be equal.
The only difference being the Nazis were stopped part way through the “cleansing the land” part, while America succeeded basically completely. Succeeded to a point that indigenous Americans in the US will probably never, ever be considered any sort of legitimate power or threat to the US government and now it’s been “settled” (literally settled but also in the way of law) for long, multiple generations, that seeing any other future where tribes are given land back or even offered some proper form of reparations is gone from the picture.
So Israel is at the “cleansing the land” stage as of now. Their obvious medium term goal is cleansing Gaza and then immediately doing the same to the West Bank and move “settlers” in to both areas, squat on it for decades, and eventually the world goes “goddamnit… what can we do at this point?”
deleted by creator
i hate a lot of things about discord, but the emoji reaction feature was revolutionary
(yea i know slack probably did it first, but i’m not a PMC karen)
Those reactions are pretty good though
much better response than I expected out of g*mers
if you look for the spectrum of the ages of the dead children you will notice the 90% of them are at the ages of 16-17
almost all of those children died with ak-47 in their hands willing to murder
Source: I made it the fuck up
Also has this asshole ever met a 16 year old? They’re absolutely children fuck this guy.