you, the whole conversation
you, the whole conversation
modern day esoteric fascism is just rationalist post-human singularity freaks with a breeding fetish (eugenicist) so Elon fits the bill
Bro is 40 years old and talks about ‘gigachad respecters’
Mais à quel prix ?
“My good friend Kim told me they don’t pay income tax in beautiful North Korea, it’s tremendous what they are doing over there, Juuu-che, they call it, or as I like to say: ‘self-reliance’. My next, very powerful, executive order will be to cut funding to the no-good lazy South Koreans, Samsung is GONE, no more Chaebols, we’re gonna have one beautiful undivided Korea again, it’s going to be so red you won’t even be able to throw a stick without hitting a comrade”
It’s like he doesnt even understand kayfabe, the Dems weren’t really trying to destroy him, they were just playing the heel for a bit. The trial probably helped him more than it hurt him, but he’s still too egomaniacal to let it go.
Apropos of nothing:
I only know that from sewing machines and I was picturing Milei getting very slowly beheaded while onlookers awkwardly shuffle around waiting for something to happen
Journalism is when you speculate, right?
“The Earth, likely flat, considering I can’t see the curvature with the naked eye […]”
so you searched using English on a Chinese platform and you’re confused about the results?
Also cantopop is great, but I don’t know any bands by name
tbf having a giant restaurant grade mixer with a dough hook is doing a lot of lifting here, this dough also gets really slack if I don’t mix it right or use too much AP. Had one batch go completely gloopy because my starter was old, way too sour to develop gluten
Yeah it’s nuts how stiff the dough can get, even with a lot of water.
Right now I’m doing ~83% hydration, feels like a good balance between open crumb and ease of handling.
Thank you! Right now I’m doing a quick autolyse and then a quick saltolyse (?), around 10-15 min each, I’ve tried with a longer autolyse where I mix it at the same time I’m making the levain, but couldn’t see a big difference. Keeping some water back and dissolving the salt in that before mixing helps with the distribution a lot. Gluten development is not a problem right now, I actually had to cut back on the Manitoba flour, replacing a third with AP because it was getting too tight.
Charitable interpretation: Biden knows he has put the US on an irreversible path towards destruction and he’s saying that’s a good thing for the world.
the average anti-communist in 1944:
I think the arm reduction candidate was Biden, on account of all the bomb-related amputations and all
In Israel, prostrate surgeon.
Number one. Steady hand. One day, genocide boss need prostrate removed. I do operation. But mistake! Jewish Hitler boss die! Mossad very mad! I hide fishing boat, come to America. No English, no food, no money. Darryl give me job. Now I have house, American car and new woman. Darryl save life.
My big secret. I kill genocide boss on purpose. I good surgeon. The best!
Tutorial Pop-up:
Watch out for that high priest! He has levitation powers and is immune to cancer, but picking up his organs gives you a +50 HP buff for the round.