The smol bean heckin democracy puppers need autonomous death robots to protect themselves from scary authoritarians 🥰
Also, bad wars is unacceptable, you need to
to make sure we get good wars!
On one hand, unimaginable destruction of human life, on the other, lower taxes. I’m torn 🤔
What kind of bio is “making the world a different place”?
Like people tend to want to make it better no? Scorching it with nuclear hellfire is different. I can make the world a better place by shooting him in the head
But also, throwing shit tons of money at the military industrial complex is the exact opposite of different. That’s about as status quo as it gets in DC.
Half the parts, half the production cost, and 95% less production tools means…
“…that when we continue to charge $1,000,000 for each one, our profit margins will be way higher!”
Means that a chump with hots for melania can lob it into whitehouse on a cheap.
I love war profiteering, actually. If you think about it, making money off of war (unfathomable human suffering) is the only moral way to profit.
The truth is simple and undeniable: it’s your fault this war is happening. Not only is it your fault it’s happening, it’s your fault we’re losing! I’m just making the autonomous death robots because you voted WROOOOONG, good luck next time, chump!
Also, I love killing people. It helps me sleep at night.
I don’t even try to make money off weapons production, that would take away valuable resources from our brave defenders of democracy. Instead I donate directly to Raytheon and Boeing, get a tax refund from that and then donate the tax refund to Palantir
its called Effective Altruism
very interesting now please face the wall and think about rabbits
Building an autonomous tunneling robot so the
cuck pit can travel to the end user! Efficiency! Now get in the pit
The last thing you see before getting devoured by a pack of autonomous robot dogs
A bit of a side tract, but ffs how shitty it is that these ghouls have just taken all these words and names from lotr and use them in their imperialism to make it sound cool and good actually. Our poor good western world just fighting againts the dark lords of the world, just like Aragorn. It is nauseating because it is so deeply disingenious (unless these people believe in their own bullshit).
“Palantir” as a surveillance company. Negl I have started having extremely lucid daydreams of handcuffing techbro and death merchant CEOs to rebar posts cemented in the ground; surrounded by kerosene-doused tinder and setting each of them ablaze, one by one.
Well, they ran out of all the cool names from the Cowboy universe like Apache and Tomahawk.
an underappreciated milestone of the modern era is when the settler-colonialists ran out of frontier and had to start naming their weapons and technology after fictional genocides
Because these people think of the world in terms of LOTR just like liberals think in terms of Harry Potter
Anduril means “flame of the west”.
So basically
The amount that Tolkien would HATE seeing weapons on mass death and/or surveillance take names from his work. The guy was really really not big on war
I think Palantir would piss him off the most. A spy company named after the evil mind destroying crystal balls that Sauron used to subvert Gondor and hurt Pippin?
It’s really on the nose. In the greater context the palantir were neat and useful before sauron got one, where this is just mordor producing their own
I’m torn 🤔
In better world he would be. 🐎 🐎 🐎 🐎
There’s also a trend of these guys just giving up on PR and directly coming out and saying the quiet part as loud as they’y can. I think they’re all just following in Musk’s footsteps and he’s beginning to feel the brain rot from the hairplugs
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Fake fans leaving the accent off of Andúril, these arms manufacturers I tell you they are not lore aficionados.
I bet they don’t even roll the r
So the Oculus guy became a Virtual Reality obsessed Ted Faro clone? Wow. He sounds like a science fiction villain. Someone needs to do something about all these death professors.
The good tech guys are weirdos like The Woz who have no idea how to do business and no interest in interacting with the public, so you never hear about them.
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The second bit with Mr. Nomad is much more infuriating to me than Luckey. Luckey is a ghoul but it’s typical ghoul shit: war machines, American exceptionalism, justified the two with the “threat” of Russia and China even though they’ll be inevitably used against “underdeveloped” nations no where near superpower status (which has a domestic equivalent in the creeping security state justified with the threat of terrorism but overwhelmingly used for the war on drugs).
Nomad, on the other hand, how willfully ignorant do you need to be to think efficiencies in the military industrial complex would lead to reduced government spending? When has that ever lead to anything other than more spending? This is the most
part of libertarians, they simultaneously think capitalists are good for putting the profit motive above all else but then also think “good” capitalists follow this morality play version of capitalism with all these rules that go against the profit motive.
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I hope somebody packs Palmer Luckey up in a swisher and smokes his ass like ditchweed.
strap that explosives-laden helmet he invented onto his head and he can live for as long as he can keep the Tetris gameboard from filling up
"Hello, Palmer. I want to play a game."
palmer luckey had been a fascist groyper for years. Didnt he get pushed out of oculus over something related to that…
A different, more explosion-filled place.
I sincerely hope these guys end up on the list