The consumption is the point. They just want candy not a meal. They want fucking marvelslop not Cinema.
Inb4 let people enjoy things, the mindset on display is a perfect member of capitalist society. A mindless consumption machine.
as a non-native speaker it’s still crazy to me that the word ‘consumption’ is used about media
Moviegoers who VORE
it drives me fucking nuts… its such a derogatory word that the capitalist class uses to refer to the rest of us as if we’re festering leeches, when in reality they’re the leeches.
But it’s seriously disturbing how readily people accept the moniker and incorporate it into their own vernacular.
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lol seriously
If you don’t mind me asking, would you be ok with sharing the connotations of the word used in your native language regarding the “consumption”/“use”/ect of media?
I agree that the eating connotations of consumption are weird when applied to a movie.
you watch a movie, you read a book, you listen to music etc.
we have words equivalent to ‘consumer’ and ‘consumption.’ they’re generally used for products and services, not media. and they don’t have a connotation to eating. a ‘consumer’ can buy an apple, but we wouldn’t use the word consume about the act of eating the apple.
Thank you for explaining.
Hexbear is my mindless slop
feel like people value their criticism of media as though it is any less slop than the media itself. unless the criticism actually matters in some way - criticizing sexist tropes, the CIA being the good guys, working conditions of animation studios, or just the overt politics being espoused by the media - i don’t really care whether someone else thinks the cinematography is fancy enough. the acting is unnatural? i’m autistic as shit, i act unnatural. a lot of this is really is just malding that other people do not value the same things in media, which gets sillier when its asceibed to some immaterial lack of fulfillment as though the only way to be fulfilled is to be obnoxious about movies.
i have never watched an MCU movie. i have watched every niel breen film. the latter is a favorite because i enjoy it explicitly as a social activity.
but yeah i also am generally critical of dunk culture as it seems to just further alienate people and i don’t see how this mindset doesn’t just further alienate someone from these lower-than-pigs subanimals that watch popular movies. and so i too get mired in the pointless dunks on people as we all get emotionally exhausted.
I despise what Marvel has done to the movie industry but I have literally no reason to despise or hate those who continue to watch the movies. As long as it sucks it sucks. This one person not watching the movie doesn’t magically make it not have any control over the industry, and literally bullying people for watching it is not some sort of cool gamer move. It’s just weird and antisocial. Bullying works with veganism, yeah, but that’s because most people don’t have entire social networks that are partially dependent on eating meat. These people are literally addicted to Marvel. Removing it from their reality would be akin to just making them unable to participate in… maybe at least 60% of conversations their friends have. It’s more akin to trying to bully someone into not eating around other people- You’re not going to be able to do it no matter how hard you try, not without removing their incentivize to in the first place (socialization).
What bothers me is that shitting on people for liking X thing has become it’s own kind of “treat”, a form of slop that people absolutely shit themselves in anger over when someone points out how it’s flawed. Like, Jesus Christ, I am not saying that you can’t criticize the movies I’ve already criticized like 4 times in this thread alone, just maybe don’t be an asshole to random people you’ve never met who are doing nothing wrong? Criticizing works of art, hell, even insinuating that the mere consumption of it is problematic, does not require you to actually consider those who consume it as bad people and in most cases they just blatantly aren’t.
Watching these sorts of weird, reactionary-tasting anger over X person who consumes Y thing is like watching people complain about water flooding all their crops, so they shout at the waterfall until it stops moving. It lacks any sort of analysis, it’s like a ironically and hilariously mindless substitute for actual concern over what these movies do to people
I understand we need to vent our emotions somehow, but actual systemic critique, analysis, and finding solutions to how Marvel has entrenched itself into society is right there and if you aren’t going to do it just because it’s too hard, and would prefer to do something more mindless, then… Yeah! Fair! But maybe don’t criticize other people for not always consuming leftist theory instead of brainless slop, then.
Edit: I’m just tired.
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Ok I was trying to be vulnerable and you’re just going all
in here.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you have any empathy for other human beings whatsoever?
Seriously, Jesus fucking Christ, do some self crit. I was trying to be patient and I still stand by that the way I said what I said was toxic and bad, but holy shit stop being a smug asshole and just… actually care about another person for once. I was angry at you because I legitimately cared about you not being an asshole because I respected you. I don’t see any reason to continue respecting you if you’re not going to be willing to step back and consider why I’m saying what I’m saying here.
Not everyone who gets angry is doing “treat defense”. I’m a human being and the reason I’m getting angry is because I’ve seen numerous times now of people just completely disregarding that what I’m saying has any value whatsoever, while never really explaining why I shouldn’t care. Do you think I just shouldn’t care about how people act to each other online?
Do you really think I’m so stupid that I know that will be used to repress any weird mannerisms or behaviors I accidentally have the moment they show up? I know how this works. I’ve been autistic for literally decades. It’s the same shit people pulled with the furry fandom, it’s the same shit people pulled with videos of kids getting angry online, it’s the same shit people on the internet pull every single day so they can legitimize their desire to repress and control others.
Yeah, I’m pissed about it. Yeah, if the “treat” I’m defending is my own ability to be myself online in a space I like without being ridiculed or made fun of because I made a single misstep and acted “cringe”, then I am a “treat defender”. The fact you can’t even try and realize that the person on the other side of the screen isn’t even trying to defend any piece of media is the most frustrating part of this. I don’t care about marvel, I don’t care about this person’s obsessive interest with marvel, I don’t care about any of that. I just don’t like how toxic this community has become and it’s been getting more and more frustrating with people basically fucking gaslighting me every time I bring up how uncomfortable it is.
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I didnt try to dodge any of it. I acknowledged all of it I could think of and left it up explicitly because I wanted to make sure anything I didn’t leave up was left for people to see when I apologized.
What are you even talking about? I have no idea what you think I’m dodging. I know you were linking my comment over and over but I just… didn’t respond because I thought I had already covered it with what I said. I know that’s a dumb way to apologize but I mean I’m not really that smart
I know I should have responded to that individually, at least in retrospect, but my apology was over my general tone and everything. I didn’t know you were angry at me over the three question marks specifically and thought you were just angry about them as an example of the tone I used.
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it got worse when you did rhetorical backflips to simultaneously say you didn’t insult
If I did this, I didn’t even realize. I know that’s not a great excuse but I legitimately don’t know what you’re even talking about
And all those things you pointed out, yeah? Those were the things I was apologizing for? Except for the “this is not treat defense” thing which is just me saying that I’m not defending a treat because there isn’t a single consumer item I’m actually defending or even care about relative to this conversation?
Does “treat defense” mean something other than someone vehemently defending some sort of piece of media? Like does it just mean anyone angry online? I’m not being sarcastic I might legitimately have just misinterpreted what it meant
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When did we all start “consuming” everything? I’ve never consumed a media in my life. I’ve watched a lot of movies and tv shows. I’ve read a number of books, magazines, and newspaper articles. I’ve played lots of games. But why do people insist on using capitalist slang to describe their own habits. It’s bad enough they call everyone “CONSOOMERS” for everything in state media, but why bring it on yourself too?
I never understood it. I consume crap sometimes the same way I eat McDonald’s sometimes, I suppose because I’m poor and sometimes I’m also weak and depressed and lazy, but it always makes me feel like shit afterwards. What’s going on with these people that pursue and process McDonald’s the same way they would a five star meal, metaphorically speaking? I dunno.
Probably McDonald’s is not the right metaphor. I’ve said it many times but I really think entertainment is the 21st century opium of the masses. It’s a way to tune out. But holy shit you would have to be a cynical, hopeless wretch to uncritically embrace it.That’s fine, though? A big part of relaxing is just turning your brain off and embracing your inner potatoe. There are certainly many people that deserve your criticism, but this one seems like a self-concious statement that the person just wants dumb slop, like 90s action movies or whatever
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I don’t care that he has a lack of artistic interest in film. I’m glad the movies make him happy
that said I do hope that the recent marvel failures results in an end to the trend of everything being a cinematic universe
that said I do hope that the recent marvel failures results in an end to the trend of everything being a cinematic universe
The studios will probably give it a rest, and then bring them back with a plan to run them for the exact amount of time for a maximum profit - like all those Netflix shows getting dropped after two seasons.
No, everything has to be serious at all times and we cannot find any humor in the absurdity of hell world. The last time I smiled was on August 19th, 1991. I wear a dirty ushanka at all times, do not shave, and only take cold sponge baths because hot running water is bourgeoisie decadence. Every day at exactly noon I have the same meal of an expired Maoist MRE I store in a pit covered in old issues of a revolutionary newspaper. I sleep in a bed made of flags from every failed revolution so that they are never forgotten. In the evenings I stare at a picture of vodka by candlelight, but I do not allow myself to drink because there is nothing to celebrate. Every local org has banned me after I attempted to split it by assassinating the leadership. There is no plumbing in my house I shit in a brass bucket with a picture of Gonzalo and Deng french kissing in the bottom of it. My house is actually an overturned T34 in an abandoned junkyard in Wisconsin. I have a single friend in this world and it is a tapeworm named Bordiga that I met after ingesting spoiled borscht on 9/11 in the ruins of building 7 (I blew it up after finding that a nominally leftist NGO inside of it wasn’t sufficiently anti-imperialist, the attacks on the world trade center were a perfect revolutionary moment for me to enact direct praxis against liberalism). My source of income is various MLM schemes in the former soviet bloc that have been running for so long no one remembers who I am, they just keep sending money. I have not paid taxes since McGovern lost the Democratic nomination for president and my faith in electoralism died more brutally than my childhood dog after it got into an entire jar of tylenol. I own 29 fully automatic rusted kalashnikovs and three crates of ammunition entirely incompatible with them or any other firearms I own. My double PHD in marxist economics and 18th century Swiss philosophy (required to understand Engels) sits over the fireplace of my home, my fireplace is a salvaged drum from a 1950s washing machine that was recalled for locking children inside of it. I chose that washing machine model on purpose because I am anti-natalist. During the latest BLM protests I firebombed a Nikes outlet in the middle of a peaceful candlelit vigil. William F Buckley and I wrote hatemail to one another for 47 years until my final letter gave him an aneurysm. The only water I drink is from puddles. George Lucas and I dropped acid together during an MKULTRA southern baptist summer camp and he went on to write the movie Willow about our time together. The best way to test whether an electrical wire is live is to drool on it and shrimp salad is racist. You can make an IED out of potassium and the instructions are online thanks to Timothy McVey, who was actually a committed antifascist communist slandered by the deep state as part of operation condor. Every time a liberal files a restraining order against me, I carve a mark into the wall. I am running out of walls. When Amerika finally collapses I will be ready to lead the revolution. I am very smart and people like being around me.
Is this a copypasta from somewhere or did you just make this up? Great bit
It’s a site tagline, I’m not sure where the original came from.
It was a copypasta back on r/chapotraphouse, but I’m pretty sure it predates that, as it was in full usage back then too. It wouldn’t surprise me if it was originally a leftypol 4chan greentext.
They just want candy not a meal. They want fucking marvelslop not Cinema.
shrug I don’t know why you need to get on people’s cases about this. They’re equating this to cheap candy bars, ffs. They know. We know they know.
Inb4 let people enjoy things
But you still should. There’s no point in ragging on folks for liking a thing you don’t like, even if we can say that it’s cheap and lazy and bad at an objective level.
Given how the franchise has slumped since Infiniti War, it feels like you’re kicking a dead horse. The production of these films is getting slowed down as their ratings tank out. “The Marvels” brought in a pathetic $6.6M its opening day. The Barbie Movie and Oppenheimer both proved people are interested in different slop. Finding the last guy on Reddit who is still into this shit and yelling at them… like, why, bro?
Have to say, though - very disapointed we got Monica Rambeau but it’s not Nextwave.
Honestly agree with the second comment because modern trailers basically spoil movies, and a ton of reviewers just write complete trash. Like sure I’ll look at rotten tomatoes scores just to check that what I’m going to watch isn’t complete nonsense, but I’m not going to read a review written by someone that might not even understand the movie themselves. See the original reviews for Starship Troopers, the reviewers completely missed the entire point of the film. Media literacy has never been great, and it’s honestly been at an all time low in the past few years.
The difference is that I probably won’t find superhero slop or Prestige TV slop entertaining/fun though. Honestly tuned out of the superhero movies after Age of Ultron. They’re not really movies anymore, just really long series episodes with a large gap in between.
When is the “let people enjoy things” struggle session?
But tbf, I understand where the criticism comes from if you have a deep belief that media partially shapes reality
partially, being the key word. I’m not going to die on the hill that marvel brain is accelerating our decline into fascism.
Because the good guys always win in the end, they’ll die on that hill, not me. Spielberg told me so
I wonder if when Marvel introduces Captain Israel (I’ve no idea what her name is; she’s IDF too) if she’ll have as part of her backstory that she participated in the genocide of Palestinians happening right now; maybe she can attack a random brown family in America when she sees that one of them wears a Palestinian scarf (as some zionist person attacked a (Sikh) dad (who was wearing a Palestinian scarf) holding his kid, throwing hot coffee at him and allegedly saying she hoped his kid would burn in an oven).
The Palestinians will have superpowers provided by an evil god (Allah) and they need to feed off the souls of pure white Israeli babies for fuel
Please be fucking normalllll and yes let people enjoy things
Don’t hate on fans and Marvel’s popularity because the movies lack cinematic sophistry or is artistically stagnant
Hate because it’s propaganda and infests people with
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Art consumption is a form of literacy and the vast majority of people are functionally illiterate. This makes capitalist propaganda easy and communist propaganda harder.
Edit: I still don’t blame people for consuming their slop, though. The anti-capeshit vs let-people-enjoy-things discourse is just the most inflammatory version of much more interesting conversation.
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It’s such a standard framing, yeah. Same with the “follow your dreams and never give up” bullshit that amounts to “commodify everything that makes you unique and quietly endure the harrowing conditions you’ll face along the way”. It’s the grindset. It’s capitalist realism. It’s a motor for the reserve army of labor. And importantly, it’s false consciousness. You can essentially encourage the portion of your population who’s most likely to rise up (young educated adults) to instead spend that time dreaming of becoming a small business owner or an artisan. And you can do so without provided them a material base for those ambitions. 1 in 1000 makes it and the working class loses twice.
I hear what you’re saying but like Garfield > art by any of the ninja turtles; there’s a lot of it and the characters talk too so you know what the cat is trying to say, just saying.
The curtains are blue and the cat likes lasagna