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It’s kind of fascinating how neolibs have captured western democracy. Nowdays at least even Boomers hate them, albeit for cultural rather than economic reasons. Everybody hates them. But they have control of all major political parties in all western countries. And still the left is weak. I wonder how much their ascent is reliant on the decades of Cold War anti-communist propaganda.
It was bad. A lot of ethnic Germans living in Russia got killed as well at some point around ww2, including communists that had fled Nazi Germany. All the ethnic cleansing Stalin did was bad, although every Western country was doing similar stuff at this time as well (US with their Japanese concentration camps for example)
Well they probably didn’t have access to books and the internet. Nowdays it really seems like school is just supposed to churn out workers. At poor schools kids are taught to knuckle down and eat shit, at elite schools kids are taught that life is a game where you work out which rules to follow and which to bend.
The correlation I see with Rome (and which could be applied to so many other empires) is that people, and in particular the elite gave up on the project of state. This was the case both when the republic shifted to empire and also when the western empire collapsed. ‘Rome’ at this time was just the status quo that let the elite ransack wealth, it didn’t mean anything beyond that, there was no more willingness to sacrifice to or even value the ideal it represented. So in the US nowdays with neoliberalism the same sort of process is taking place. Instead of ghouls that are nonetheless statesmen who basically want to preserve and strengthen America you have failsons and madmen but also intelligent people who nonetheless recognise the way the wind is blowing and that now is the time to fill your pockets rather than dream big. And of course the working class is also losing faith in the national ideal too, and when the Goths ransacked Rome it was because there was no-one left to defend it because everyday Romans just refused to serve in the military. And they refused to serve because there was no point, and when Rome collapsed, initially at least life actually improved for a lot of the working class and it didn’t even change that much for a lot of the elites either, other than they had to call the barbarians boss instead of the emperor.
At this point it’s just like how much can the worlds richest man fuck up before he suffers consequences
In todays world Homer would be regarded as a fucking genius for that car. Sure living standards are collapsing but there has also never been more dumb rich people to grift from.
‘The soldier of the future will be “flooded with pain-numbing stimulants,” cybernetically enhanced, and, one official sort-of joked, must be eventually “terminated.”
There gonna give them meth and a neuralink and then let them kill themselves once they get discharged
From an article in the guardian today about AOC’s first meeting with Nancy Pelosi:
“Ocasio-Cortez, who had made the slogan ‘Abolish Ice’ [US Immigration and Customs Enforcement] central to her challenge to Crowley, was particularly perplexed to hear Pelosi say that the phrase had been injected into American political discourse by the Russians and that Democrats needed to quash it.”
Liberals are just as insane as Maga conservatives, they are living in an alternate reality
Every American film I see is like:
It’s so weird how these people present themselves as anti-elitist when Sparta (which I think is what this weirdo is alluding to) has been a cherished ideal of elites for centuries.
Rhodesia does kind of fascinate me though and there are some interesting critical responses in that thread about what life was like there. It’s such a dismal, forgotten failure of a country - like I don’t think any country has been relegated to the dustbin of history harder or faster than Rhodesia was.
Like one of the interesting things I learned from that thread is that only 5000 big farmers had most of the arable land, and even among whites only those with significant land and income were allowed to vote.
I always wonder why do these weirdos imagine that if they lived in Rhodesia or Rome or wherever, they would be one of the elite (!) few. Like no you would be the cannon fodder dying in the jungle so that some guy that despises you can keep his servants and his stolen land
Yes that’s a great point.
It’s also the case in for example the Uk and Australia (not sure about US) that the trade unions are largely captive to the social-democratic Labour Party, which is itself captured by neoliberal ideologues.
And then you have some other more progressive parties that don’t really have trade Union support and are mostly made up of people that are I suppose ‘cultural’ elites (highly educated, urban, etc), and are regarded by many working class people as fantasists who would damage them via environmentalism and pro-immigration policies (or whatever other culture war boogeyman the media happens to be pushing)
Having said that we have seen repeatedly (Corbyn, Sanders, and I suppose technically even Obama) how effectively grass roots campaigning can overcome the media/bourgeois stranglehold when it’s done competently. You only need a relatively small core of people who are enthusiastic enough to campaign, to talk to their friends and family, and the status quo is revealed for the paper tiger it is. Because everyone already has the foundational idea that the MSM isn’t to be trusted.
But the right is exploiting this better than we are.
And when these grass roots organisations are set up by party machine politicians like Sanders or Corbyn, they fall apart as soon as the immediate aim of supporting the politician into power is no longer relevant
This is the thing, they fucking know they sold out future generations with neoliberalism so that they could be landlords and homeowners and go on holiday cruises. They know it which is why they are so defensive about it.
I think in a rational society if someone wanted to do something harmful to themselves - whether it’s fast to death, or use drugs, or whatever - then it could just be treated like we treat so many other dangerous activities. If you want to drive a car you have to take a test to prove that your competent. So I suppose if someone wanted to fast to death they could have an assessment by a psychologist or some kind of expert, to ensure they haven’t been brainwashed or groomed or whatever and understand what they are doing, and if they do, then let them do it. But if it’s some kid that has been raised by cultists that would be flagged and their application to starve to death would be denied
It was just an off the cuff comment not really a serious analysis, I guess the way I would put it is ‘humanist’ and anti-humanist, like a lot of the kind of aesthetic and intellectual concerns that modern white supremacists have do have a long history in Western thought, but there is also a counter-tradition that has always opposed them
Sure maybe it is a half assed dialectic but all I mean is these Return types aren’t interested in the heritage of, say, Montaigne or William Blake or anything from that strain of Western culture that celebrates and has faith in humanity, they are kind of aesthetically entranced by the aspects of Western history that degrade and narrow humanity, the Church, Empire, etc., - the ‘Dark Enlightenment’ is a pretty telling name for how they view Western history.
I don’t see how I made Stalin an imperialist, that wasn’t my meaning.
I only know about it from reading Robert Graves which is comparative mythology (his books The Greek Myths and the White Goddess are very interesting if not exactly solid evidence), although I know there are archeologists who have done more serious work on it. There is archeological evidence from before the migration, just no writing obviously. The Minoan civilisation is generally accepted to have had at least a partially matriachal society and religion, and they were a native/pre migration society.
I think there are two distinct lines running through Western cultural history, the one that results in imperialism and the other in Marx. Like one is idealistic and religious and obsessed with ideas like purity and order, the other is cynical and humanist.
Historically there’s good reason to think the West was Matriachal originally, and it was the indo-European invasion or migration that brought patriarchal systems and religions
When Indian society (to use an example of a quickly developing, capitalist country) reaches a level of development basically equivalent to the West, say a generation from now, how will it be any different from the West on its current trajectory?
If it will be no different then how is the primary contradiction between the West and the developing world?
Gender fluid illegals may be entering the country twice