Unsurprisingly the Muskrat lied about everything else too
At this point it’s just like how much can the worlds richest man fuck up before he suffers consequences
Yeah, but the cheap $60,000 dollar ones are still a ways off.
Please daily drive one, Elon
In todays world Homer would be regarded as a fucking genius for that car. Sure living standards are collapsing but there has also never been more dumb rich people to grift from.
Though I also would buy the Homer.
Bruh at least Rivian makes shit that looks nice.
Seriously the only way this thing was going to compete with rivian was by being 20k cheaper.
Now it’s an uglier shittier less practical worse made vehicle for the same price with the added benefit of anybody who sees you in it is going to assume you’re a dumbass at best and a tool.
Calling it now, it will run at least $85,000 ($90,000 to activate the heated seat feature that is already installed in the seats) once they actually start making them, and running over a pothole in one will instantly shatter the spine of the driver and front passenger
Check out this test crash. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Zg34aSkuuY
They only showed it at 35 mph because going at a real speed like 65+ will get this thing obliterated unlike most other cars that deal with physics and not just “ME HAVE STRONGEST TRUCK.” Crumple zones are for beta cuck soyboys.
“Because of the low center of gravity, this car won’t tip over!”
proceeds to show car nearly rolling over at 16mph
Also “if you get in a disagreement with another car, you win”
Literally admitting were just in an arms race of who can drive the vehicle that’s most dangerous to other people.
it reaches at least 40 degrees if not 45 degrees
this was probably the highest speed rollover test they could get that wouldn’t fail
Even worse, wasn’t
’s original plan to not have airbags at all?
edit: I bet Elon’s asked why they don’t make the planes out of the same material as the black boxes.
No, the concept renders just didn’t have airbags.
I hate that I love it so much. Too many vector graphics video games when I was a kid.
I have an affinity for the aesthetic it’s trying to have, but it doesn’t actually succeed at hitting that look anyway. From most angles it looks like a shitty cardboard Halloween costume version of itself.
really? it like a shitty mark up of a sedan. I don’t understand who this is supposed to appeal to
Me, apparently
Love the honesty
It’s more like $61k, but I’m honestly surprised he didn’t make it start at $69,420
That’s reserved for the prememium model
Did you just invent ‘meme-ium’?
I can imagine a couple guys in Tesla’s marketing department talking about it.
“Elon’s putting out a premium model at $69,420.”
“That sounds about right for his middle school mindset.”
“It has a WeedHolder and a SexButton among other features.”
“Really? Or did you make that up?”
That would be in keeping with all these HECKING EPIC features Teslas have: https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/modelx/en_us/GUID-79A49D40-A028-435B-A7F6-8E48846AB9E9.html
I wonder what percentage of Tesla drivers follow this warning.
Use these features only when Model X is parked. Always pay attention to road and traffic conditions when driving. Using these features while driving is illegal and very dangerous.
Fun can come in surprising ways. Select your preferred fart style and target seat. Use your turn signal or press the left scroll wheel when you’re ready to “release” your prank. For those lucky vehicles equipped with a Pedestrian Warning System, you can choose to broadcast externally when your vehicle is parked. But wait-- the fun doesn’t stop there! Use the mobile app to conduct remote emissions testing by touching and holding any of the four quick control buttons and selecting the fart button.
God fucking damn it.
So it has a virtual whoopie cushion under each seat. I don’t even know anymore, man. I’m going to bed
of course it is. All the chuds talking about getting this while driving their beatup pickup trucks will be in for a rude awakening.
I doubt they’re the ones cooming over this vehicle. Judging by the crowd of fanboys that paid out of their own pocket to attend this release party they are rich techies. And the market for vanity trucks costing over 80k in the US is huge and growing every year. Just in my apartment complex alone, there are now TWO Ram TRXs crowding our small parking lot. That is a $100k 700 hp truck with no practical utility for actual work.
but think of all the fun art you can scrawl on the sides with your keys
In their defense idk if there’s anything chuds love more than going into debt so they can drive a giant useless pickup truck they absolutely do not need.
Spend fucking 90k to walk away with a 4 foot bed that’s so deep you can’t reach anything un it without climbing into it
It’s poetically ironic how much the upper-middle-class will spend all that money just to look like us poors.
From the white-collar suburbanite that calls himself a ‘redneck’, to the CHUDs with sparkling pickups, I like to refer to them as ‘cosplay cowboys’. What’s worse is that they’re making their LARP somewhat real, look at how much cities, especially walkable cities are rapidly gentrifying, while the wasteful consoomery suburbs that cosplay cowboys prefer are now the closest thing to a place where us poors can live.
So in some sense, suburbs are where both the rich and poor live together for wildly different reasons.
Yeah but consider this: When you and your family die in an accident due to the lack of crumple zones, you can just use the intact cybertruck as a family coffin and save the cost of 4 seperate ones. The price makes total sense when you start thinking like a true businessman.
A proud and noble tradition for American industry.
Do you have a source for this quote? It is elusive and funny. American engineering.
I got it from the national interest link emizeko posted below, and I didn’t want to link to that rag. However, that sentiment pops up pretty regularly in actual history books by credible authors but I didn’t have any copies on hand.
ahh but if the battery explodes on impact, you’ll also need to buy coffins
But when the fire department takes 5 hours to put the lithium fire out you get a free cremation
don’t people still put a coffin in the ground after a cremation? I was really confused when I learned that.
The only people buying this are collectors. I cannot wrap my head around the concept that the pictures are of the production model. Did Elon draw this himself?
And the collectors are tech bros who have never touched dirt in their lives who want to pretend they’re rugged blue collar people. No actual worker in the trades or construction will buy this junk
I am pretty amped to get an electric truck. If it really was 30k I’d get one tomorrow. Gas is a huge overhead cost.