Tesla's long-delayed Cybertruck will be priced starting at $60,990, over 50% more than what CEO Elon Musk had touted in 2019 and a cost analysts have said will draw select, affluent buyers.
Unsurprisingly the Muskrat lied about everything else too
I wonder what percentage of Tesla drivers follow this warning.
Use these features only when Model X is parked. Always pay attention to road and traffic conditions when driving. Using these features while driving is illegal and very dangerous.
Fun can come in surprising ways. Select your preferred fart style and target seat. Use your turn signal or press the left scroll wheel when you’re ready to “release” your prank. For those lucky vehicles equipped with a Pedestrian Warning System, you can choose to broadcast externally when your vehicle is parked. But wait-- the fun doesn’t stop there! Use the mobile app to conduct remote emissions testing by touching and holding any of the four quick control buttons and selecting the fart button.
It’s more like $61k, but I’m honestly surprised he didn’t make it start at $69,420
That’s reserved for the prememium model
Did you just invent ‘meme-ium’?
I can imagine a couple guys in Tesla’s marketing department talking about it.
“Elon’s putting out a premium model at $69,420.”
“That sounds about right for his middle school mindset.”
“It has a WeedHolder and a SexButton among other features.”
“Really? Or did you make that up?”
That would be in keeping with all these HECKING EPIC features Teslas have: https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/modelx/en_us/GUID-79A49D40-A028-435B-A7F6-8E48846AB9E9.html
I wonder what percentage of Tesla drivers follow this warning.
God fucking damn it.
So it has a virtual whoopie cushion under each seat. I don’t even know anymore, man. I’m going to bed