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four hour harrisbomberguy video dropped
Made it through mostly, skipped a bit of the earlier segments. The video is good, but overly long because it has to show the receipts, so many receipts. I think the length also conveys the increasingly paranoid feeling HBG was experiencing while working on this video. What started as a simple concept eventually grew into a evidential flood and potential drama storm. It’s mostly a PSA of ‘Do Not Do This’, ‘this is the proper way to cite your sources’, etc.
Yeah, I personally feel like 90% could be cut. The economics, copyright discussion, psychology and behavior patterns, what the original authors think about it, are way more interesting than seeing 1h of detailed examples of how this one person used an article/documentary/book nearly 1:1 as their scripts. That could be like 3 minutes each for me.
Half of the comments on this thread is people claiming that they’re too important and busy to watch the video, while simultaneously taking the time to comment about how they didn’t watch the video.
Like who is this for?
Idk why people get so weird about media length. You don’t like movies or videos that are too long? Okay, that’s a totally legitimate preference, but just don’t watch it then?
If you wanna have a discussion about how certain market trends are encouraging creators to make their content longer and longer and how thats detrimental to media as a whole fine. I don’t get complaining about individual creators or pieces of media though, long media can be good, idk if anyone else has seen 1900.
But why have a thoughtful analysis of the material pressures on internet content creation, when you can be a heckin’ big chungus lefto, who bitches about it on the Bear website, cuz you don’t like a guy for being a lib? Upbears to the left!
Fr y’all, watch the video as background noise. If you can listen to theory audiobooks, you can do this.
Or, better yet, take the time you would’ve spent watch the video essay, or bitching about its length online, to read Combat Liberalism.
cuz you don’t like a guy for being a lib?
This is my issue. Most people here complaining about the length probably just think HBomber is a douche. Which is fine, but just say that rather than use the fact his videos are long as a sidewind to bitch about him. Most of you would probably watch an equally long video with glee of it was by someone you like on a topic you care about.
No, Breadtubers like HB and Contra would be fine if their videos are as short as Dunkey’s videos. But these 2+ hour monstrosities deserve to be shit on. Likewise, I wouldn’t want to watch some 2+ hour Dunkey video. That’s sounds like complete trash lol
Yeah dont like him for being a lib. And calling to bomb dprk.
Tbf plagiarism is just a boring topic overall.
Okay, that’s fine.
But I think most people here would watch a 3 hour BoyBoy or Hakim video NP
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Just watch his entire catalog twice
It doesn’t take me four fucking hours to shit on a Youtube video for being four fucking hours lmao
And yet here you are
won’t watch one 240 minute video, will watch infinity 2-minute vines
do the kids know about the ⏸ button?
Isnt he a breadtuber (YUCK) dude who claims to be a “leftist” (siri, plug in lenin’s “left-wing” communism please) and yet consistently shits on AES?
Four fucking hours too, i could read actual theory instead of watching boring patreon monarchy slop, no thanks fam.
i could read actual theory instead of watching boring patreon monarchy slop
Why don’t you then?
Am currently doing just that actually, i started reading a collection of stalin’s speeches this morning with a big pot of tea. You can go back to defending a breadtuber ig ✌️
Who’s defending a breadtuber?
i could read actual theory
Don’t lie
They could. They could also be out building homeless shelters. They could also be blowing up their nearest pipeline.
I have a feeling none of these will be achieved.
i could be posting
I dont know why that comment made yall so mad lmao, breadtube and the people adjacent to it suck and have always sucked. And please stop projecting your lack of praxis on others, you dont fucking know me, you dont know what I do when I’m not wasting my time reading comments like yours, thanks hun 😘
Tell me youre new without telling me you’re new
2,5 years of using this site accross several alts but i guess i never had this kind of reaction before lol
I wonder why you have alts
Opsec, god you people are assholes lmao, im never interacting with this com again.
bro you could just cut this up into 3 or more episodes it’s literally subdivided into the topics why is youtube like this now
I shared with my wife a video on transmaxxing yesterday and today she wanted more takedowns of transmaxxing content and we both desperately wanted a measured response to transmaxxing this afternoon.
She saw this within 15 mins of upload and we are now 90 minutes in. This is quite the monkey paw curling.
god… transmaxxers are something else
a video on transmaxxing
Spare a link? Would like to see this.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
I feel like most of this would still happen under communism. The drive to become famous would still exist there.
I do think people would care a bit less though, because no one would get rich off of this any more.
The drive to become famous would still exist there.
would it? whatever celebrity worshipers are around when the revolution comes will be reeducated and the rest of us are only interested in fame for the fantasy of having access to gratification and treats.
whatever celebrity worshipers are around when the revolution comes will be reeducated
Kinda feel like T Swift fans should be low on the gulag priority list.
reeducation doesn’t only happen in the gulag
How the fuck are you gonna reeducate people from being TSwift fans?
are they appreciating her skill and effort or are they creepy obsessives? there’s two different dynamics here: liking an artist’s art is fine. the rest of “fandom” is unhealthy and probably dangerous.
Regardless I’m curious how we’re going to ID and single out there people and compel them to attend “Don’t be a Psycho Simp for Celebrities” lectures
denormalization of obsessive fandom in general would be a public good. destroy celebrity gossip media and take down fan sites. infiltrate and disrupt fandom-cult affinity groups as practice for infiltrating and disrupting counterrevolutionary groups.
If they’re not doing it in a community they’re probably not a functional problem and hopefully changing social norms and a couple Very Special Episodes of some family sitcoms would nudge those folks into behaviors that aren’t as harmful to themselves or the people around them.
this video was fantastic. somerson is a monster.
Harrisbomberguy, I known you’re reading this. Before shooting trim your beard or have longer hair or film at a 3/4 view. The line near the ears where it starts being beard and is twice as long is all I can see when you hare straight on to the camera talking.
Oh my god you might be my mew favorite poster on this site
Awww thanks. I’ve run with this crowd since the chapo reddit days and there has been no better group with which to hone the shitposting blade.
so-called “youtuber” creates a video about not trusting “youtubers”
great work team
y’all just don’t watch these videos while doing chores or playing minecraft or something? cmon this is prime slop content to listen to while doing something else. Not to mention listening to this type of stuff while drawing too like
starting a bit where i reply “300 pages long?!” under every post in the books comm
“State and Revoltion? States bad, revolution good. There Lenin, I saved you 100+ pages, you’re welcome.”
Flax > Linen > Coat, then we agree to share everything
deleted by creator
Laughing at the people raging at this being four hours long, knowing that I already watched it all this morning and am currently listening to the 10 hour Wendigoon conspiracy iceburg video
If you’re into long YouTube videos, have you seen the 6 hour Down The Rabbit Hole about Eve Online that dropped like a month ago?
I’m saving that for some off time around the holidays personally. I listened to down the rabbit hole a lot during the lock downs.
Always love seeing thus video being recomended.
The thing is that this isn’t much better and hbomb has a track record for being some high quality slop. This is a pretty big step down in addition to the length
im only 30 minutes in but the concept of ‘plagiarism’ is so undefined. is Brent Rivera even ‘copying’ ideas from other youtubers? like yea one can argue the ‘idea’ is an obvious copy but you don’t ‘own’ an idea of say of different priced hotels or whatever.
for example. when you are writing a research paper you use citations. aren’t these citations ‘copying’ text from another paper but worded a bit differently?
Please watch like 12 more minutes at least.
That’s what they all say.
Yep. But literary that question is answered. Plagiarism is about money.
Plagiarism is about money.
Why does it take the guy 4 hours to say that?
I can’t tell if you’re trying to be funny or are being an asshole.
What does he talk about for 4 hours? I sincerely do not understand why anybody watches a Youtube that goes on and on and on for hours and there isn’t even a summary in the Youtube description. There’s only this…
What is plagiarism? Where did plagiarism come from? Who made plagiarism? Where am I, plagiarism? Can you help me?
If somebody told me I should travel 4 hours to eat the most delicious meal I ever had but would only say “It’s delicious,” to describe it - I’m not going. I don’t care if the meal is free.
Personally I love it because I hate being alone with my thoughts and listening to someone talk about some bullshit I don’t really care about directly into my ears for four hours at a time while I do other things tends to help my anxiety. Also great for falling asleep.
That said, this isn’t any kind of endorsement of the guy’s content or anything. If someone said this about some kind of essay or analysis I wrote I’d be pretty sad about that lmao
You know you can like watch in in chunks right? It’s not like you have to down the thing in one sitting.
The video consists of like 2 hours of some examples of youtube plagiarism, with discussion of content mills and the beginning of an interesting point about how plagiarists view the people they steal from as lesser, which is not expanded upon as much as it should IMO.
The other 2 hours are about James Somerston, a gay video essayist that basically Frakensteined a bunch (if not all) of his videos from queer authors, some well known, a lot of them not. By the end Hbomb makes a good point about erasure, and how young queer people don’t understand their history in part because of people like Somerston.
I’m generally not annoyed by length since I’m a zoomer and watch everything at 2x or more, but in this case I get the point because it actually took me 2 real time hours to watch and I felt there was a lot that could have been cut. I still won’t watch the 3 hour scorcese movie, fuck all of you, movies ARE too long now.
I went on a ramble about the video that should probably be a separate comment, feel free to ignore
So regarding video length I think there’s some value in going into detail about how plagiarism takes place. Some of this context is also relevant as a way to preempt any shitty response (for example he took the time to explain that Somerston’s assistant writer is most likely not in on it and how his boss has shown signs of setting him up as a scapegoat).
He also seems to genuinely care about James’s plagiarism because he’s bi himself. I’m currently having a bout of insomnia, and was reading The Gentrification of the Mind before making the mistake of opening hexbear and seeing a new hbomb video was out, and while these two are not comparable in content, I found it interesting to experience them back to back, and since a bit of the vibe is there, I believe Harris is sincere about why he cares about it (also Vito Russo’s name popped up in both, so I guess this is a sign that I should add The Celluloid Closet to my reading list).
However, the video does feel petty. Hbomb has this mean streak to him that served him really well when he was directly responding to right wing talking points, but is a lot less useful when talking about stuff like this, which becomes a problem when it’s a large chunk of the video. He kind of recognizes it too, saying this feels like a drama video, and how he’s donating all ad revenue to people James plagiarized from.
It does feel more appropriate when you consider that most of these people are reactionary pieces of shit and that should have been a much larger part of the video. He mentions it a bit (the first guy is a chud, internet historian tries to hide that he’s a chud, Somerston came from business school and seems to hate women) and talks about contempt for the people they copy from, but I feel there’s a lot more to dig into. What about contempt for the audience? What is the frame of mind of people that trend chase for years, sometimes decades, in order to garner an audience? That think regurtitating Wikipedia is worthy of other people’s time? He says it was always like this mentioning AVGN copycats, but was it really? While the incentive structure didn’t change how plagiarism takes place, didn’t the kind of people that did the plagiarizing change? I think exploring this thoroughly is a lot more interesting than “showing the receipts” by comparing the copied work to the original for most of the runtime.
I still think it was worth a watch, but that’s because I was already familiar with Somerston and some of the other people and they gave me the video essay equivalent of the ick. This should have been 2 hours at most.
If somebody told me I should travel 4 hours to eat the most delicious meal I ever had but would only say “It’s delicious,” to describe it - I’m not going. I don’t care if the meal is free.
This is wild to me. Of course I’m going, are you serious?! What if they’re right and it’s the most delicious meal I ever had? I wouldn’t want to chance missing that. Even if the meal isn’t particularly good, it’s an adventure. You get to remember the time you trusted some weirdo about a delicious meal and then they were extremely wrong and you got a bit of a road trip out of it. Maybe the difference is that 4 hours of travel time just doesn’t seem like that much to me? I used to live in the desert southwest, everything is hours from everything else.
Also, this is how I suggest games to people sometimes, especially something like Outer Wilds. I can’t explain to someone why Outer Wilds is good without ruining at least a little bit of its magic, so I’m not going to explain why it’s good, I’ll just insist that it is one of the best games I’ve ever played and an absolute masterpiece that I think everyone should play.
I haven’t watched it yet, but IP, copyright law, and plagiarism already in a strange place with materialism and what could be considered art.
Yeah, I’m only 14 mins in with the game review guy who is pretty obviously guilty but like, it’s cause he sucked at it. I could watch a review of a game and write my own review based on it without playing the game and totally get away with it. Plagiarism to me seems like just being sloppy at rewrites.
Paraphrasing with a citation isn’t plagiarism because you are citing the source of the idea. If you leave out the citation it is plagiarism.
but part of the video deals with overusing a single citation. at what point is one citation too much? say you had a 1000 word article and only two citations where and no ‘original’ text from your own ideas is that plagiarism?
its the homework meme of ‘change it up a bit so it doesn’t look copied’. i guess there is some effort done to change up the words.
the Melania Trump example was mentioned in the video, is this plagiarism?
Where the subject is youtube stuff here it seems that all these plagiarism really are guilty of is being too shit at writing to restate something in their own words.
There are some situations where this is more clear cut than other times. I don’t think I’ll watch this whole video so I don’t know what examples he is using, but
say you had a 1000 word article and only two citations where and no ‘original’ text from your own ideas is that plagiarism?
Maybe. Depends on the specifics.
its the homework meme of ‘change it up a bit so it doesn’t look copied’
Literally copying someone else’s homework and changing it a little is plagiarism.
The image you attached isn’t plagiarism. It’s just similar dresses. If one designer copied another dress pattern and passed it off as their own, then that is plagiarism.
The attached image was when Melania Trump exactly copied a Michelle Obama speech from 8 years earlier
Oh yeah, that was plagiarism
thank you for the yearly video mr bomberguy
He also made a MYST video in April that is unlisted https://youtu.be/IuQ3dV_cfcA
Now THIS is the slop I want from him
Are their other full length patreon-only vids? I’m not gonna give him money but if there’s a playlist or a torrent out there that’d be great.
I don’t think there are that many the only other I’ve seen linked is the vid about mirrors in video games https://youtu.be/Z0ztk_R25HI
fuck yes and I was just considering doing a playthrough of MYST
That sounds a lot more interesting than this
I wonder if wtyp is the same lazy plagiarism as many examples in this video, they certainly do joke a lot that all they do is read wikipedia out loud
At least with them you could make the argument that their content is mostly them faffing about (which is the reason I don’t listen anymore). I also remember that in some earlier videos of theirs Justin would use his civil engineer cred to pull blueprints of what they were talking about from the relevant archives.
I feel like they’re pretty open that they just read accident reports or whatever and then contextualize it from an engineering standpoint, a nerd standpoint and also a drunk standpoint
Fun fact: That famous Oatmeal comic about Tesla blatantly plagiarizes from a biography when describing the “Edison buying pets to electrocute” incident. I have no idea if people have talked about that or if it’s old hat, I just happened to read that biography a long time ago and recognized the phrasing.
And now I need to go back and listen to that other video on the AVGN plagiarism thing to see if HB stole from it