Yeah, but in metropolitan areas it’s straight-up dystopian
Yeah, but in metropolitan areas it’s straight-up dystopian
Yeah that’s terrifying.
I love this website so much.
I hoped I didn’t have to go outside. I don’t want to touch grass!!
I want to make hate.
Yeah. Like I think it’s weird to consider the power dynamic at play when only wealthy people can safely host, especially if you’re queer.
Or the way racist sexual stereotypes dehumanizes people of color.
Way ahead of you.
What if I was just unconsciously hoping my pet lib would get a redemption arc?
No the fuck we don’t.
LMAO also, what if they’re trying to find a justifiable reason for Biden to win and they throw Colbert to the wolves over this in November?
Forcing people back to work during the pandemic didn’t do it, taking part in genocide didn’t do it, but this skit is what will have Biden remembered as a villain.
Real Upton Sinclair hours.
Also I don’t trust any officials of the meat industry, period.
A fifteenth type of liberalism.
Always has been.
Couldn’t even be clever enough to use SkiBiden Toilet
I hate how Colbert introduces this nightmare. And then the video of course references trump.
“trump is using hitler’s language”
Like it’s a warning? It’s not meant to be funny - just another thing for libs to remember shitty talking points that barely held to in 2020.
I already have a thing for redneck guys, so this would help.
Can gorillas in the Naruto universe perform jutsus?