Critics slammed the segment as a low point in “modern American political discourse” while some suggested that The Late Show might have inadvertently cast Biden in a villainous light.
“Skibidi biden is the harbinger of the apocalypse, the lamb has opened the first of seven seals.”
New site tagline material
Forcing people back to work during the pandemic didn’t do it, taking part in genocide didn’t do it, but this skit is what will have Biden remembered as a villain.
Marketing himself as “Dark Brandon” with red lasers coming out of his eyes while doing all of that. Totally normal and wholesome grandpa.
I’m not sure Biden has ever opened a laptop, never mind keyed in on memes, so it was probably his unpaid failson interns
It’s definitely his team publishing it, but it’s official merchandise sold on his campaign website and he drinks out of it to advertise it:
Biden isn’t aware of a lot of things- person, place, time- but he definitely knows about Dark Brandon and personally uses it as a publicity thing.
HOOOOWWWW does this asshole still not have a single issue or policy listed on his campaign website?! Like, not even anything about first term accomplishments. Not even some vague building back better bullshit. Not even anything promoting his own fucking party which he’s the leader of. It’s ridiculous.
Meanwhile Trump’s website has a full spread, including a “mission” page and two types of issues pages, plus a “news” page where some of the “stories” are just dunks on Brandon.
I appreciate that the 404 screen if you do manually search for issues is Dark Brandon trying to sell you a t-shirt.
The “if this were Trump doing this” thing is touching the Earth’s inner core at this point but we’d never hear the end of it if he were the one with nothing but donation links and a merch shop on his website.
I love how Biden’s official website is just a merch shop and begging for donations, and literally nothing about his actual policies.
I made sure to archive it for future genocide scholars to confirm that indeed he is selling this mug as of 24 May, 2024 when Israel is invading Rafah.
Have you noticed that our mugs have got little pictures of a ghoul with lasers coming out of his eyes on them…? Hans… Are we the baddies?
Perfectly encapsulates American politics tbh
lmao this might be the best thing to come out of the Late Show in a while
Those eyes are nightmare fuel.
I feel so bad for whoever had to animate that. The shit that creatives are forced to do under capitalism.
Need a Skibidi Biden emote
No the fuck we don’t.
Well Stephen Colbert finally found the floor on the whole “hexbear will make an emoji out of anything” thing lmao
I love this website so much.
I upvoted both of you
That’s dialectics right there
That is not very Skibidi of you.
the solar flare wasn’t strong enough
Joe Bidet
It was right there and none of us saw
Woah, too personal!
only bolsters the argument that Skibidi Toilets is a legitimate part of our culture
I clicked onto a few of the latter videos in the series- the 73 episode series- and the youth of today were taking it as seriously as Warhammer 40k or Game of Thrones. There were intricate theories about which toilet weapon is going to counter the television weapon. Toilets had names and people hunted through every scene for clues and references to prior lore.
The Elsagate generation is going to have a fully sloppy brain.
The Elsagate generation is going to have a fully sloppy brain.
Enhanced by microplastics
Are you forgetting something?
the power couple
Gen Alpha is gonna be putting the 'Rona, microplastics, Skibidi Toilet, and whatever other horrors they have up their sleeves together like some twisted Exodia, and we should all be terrified.
*smooth brain innit?
Nope, a perfectly spherical brain that is full of nothing but slop. They have been breastfed by the Spectacle.
full of nothing but slop.
Then I guess it’s not really smooth nor spherical as much as their brains turned into the liquid consistency of baby food… Like a vomited mess on the floor
There’s still a dura mater membrane encasing the brain, but the sheer volume of slop has caused it to inflate like a water balloon.
Slop drifting through the void without the influence of gravity will naturally form a sphere due to surface tension.
The kind Vladmir Ilyich would’ve double-tapped.
To make sure
The better Josip Broz Tito would’ve cuckpit’d them, thrown grenades, and cover these skibidis with limestone…
Didn’t the creator intend the toilet heads to be a stand-in for fascism? Like I remember a post here a while back where the creator made flag with four toilets that “coincidentally” made a swastika.
If so, very accurate portrayal, mr.colbert
Also one of them is Dick Cheney lol
I am always too hard on myself with my own writing, I’m always worried when I make a reference to something that it is too lazy or too poorly thought out. But really, I’m doing fine. Seems like even just basic writing skills and basic self-awareness are all that you need to be a decent writer, well above whatever the hell the US media is producing these days.
Plus when you look at reality where there are translucent billionaires sucking the blood from their own children; how can anyone ever be heavyhanded?
wonder if he’s such a whipped liberal that he’ll wimp-out and apologize for it lol
Is this 2024’s “Pokemon Go the The Polls Moment”?
I said it in the last thread when this came out. Who is this even for? Only gen alpha care about skibidi toilet for its face value and everyone else thinks it’s either silly gmod videos or aren’t online enough to care beyond going “what are those millennials doing now, toilets of all things” and sticking Biden’s head in a toilet is read as disrespectful verging on obscene to anyone watching Colbert at this point
LMAO also, what if they’re trying to find a justifiable reason for Biden to win and they throw Colbert to the wolves over this in November?
He can join Susan Sarandon, Bernie, and Jill spoiler club.
What if I was just unconsciously hoping my pet lib would get a redemption arc?
Late to the party but I learned about skibidi when babysitting for my neighbor. She is from Afghanistan and speaks little English or the local language, but we get by. Her son, though, spoke the local language well at 4 and was trying, in 4 year old language, to tell me what skibidi was without mentioning YouTube, because the distinction of YouTube film and representing something real was not clear yet in his child brain.
The sound effects he used were so hilarious and confusing. If I can remember right he said "it’s this monster head that comes out of the [ground] and goes ‘bwaaaam’ ". Think of Sound effects for Interstellar lol.
I genuinely thought for a bit that this was some folklore from Afghanistan that I’d never heard of til I tried to ask his mom wtf he was talking about and she was confused but mentioned it possibly being something about a toilet and we looked it up hahahah
In any case, Marg bar amriika
Skibidi toilet is the reason Afghanistan is the cemetery of empires
Feel free to start slinging the shit towards me for my apparently hot take, but in the context of the monologue, Biden’s campaign hiring a meme person, it made decent enough sense and the fact that it was painful to watch was actually a plus.
When memes aren’t organic they’re usually cringe. This is where Bernie, despite all his faults, excelled where Hillary “Pokemon go to the polls” Clinton failed. Because Bernie embraced the positive content his supporters independently created rather than have a staff member try to to craft viral moments that they thought the youths would like.
Biden has already tried to coopt “dark Brandon”, ruining it, since the entire joke is that Biden is actually not radical nor a threat to anyone.
The more awful the skibidi Biden bit is the more it drives home the idea that a political campaign should not try to meme by giving us an idea of how much wrong could happen.
Jokes on you, Stephen was only pretending to be r-slurred!