I distinctly remember Hillary saying she has something like a plain hotdog with ketchup for lunch most days. All of the money they’d ever want or need and they eat the most basic slop imaginable.
I distinctly remember Hillary saying she has something like a plain hotdog with ketchup for lunch most days. All of the money they’d ever want or need and they eat the most basic slop imaginable.
We’ve been screaming for years that we aren’t ok
It took roughly 3 minutes of scrolling before I got a socialist art account ran by an account with a Stalin pfp. I felt right at home
Critical support to the NY DA in intentionally sandbagging the prosecution to let the CEO slayer off
And they would have been correct to do so
I had fun with it. I have no interest in replaying
At her age that legit might be a death sentence
I thought Trump got rid of that? I haven’t been fined on that in a couple years
There cannot be this false moral equivalence in our discourse
Correct, the shooter killed one CEO whereas the insurance industry is responsible for ~70,000x as much death every single year. One is clearly morally worse
Insert the quote about Zhou Enlai calling himself and Khrushchev both class traitors but from opposite ends here but with Luigi and the CEO.
Absolutely correct and that is my fuck up on giving this parasite even a fraction of good will
Honestly same. The healthcare industry has ruined countless people’s lives, it’s almost shocking something like this hasn’t happened before
A healthcare INSURANCE CEO was murdered? Nature is healing
I will be getting drunk and ranting about communism the second politics comes up. I won’t start the fight but I sure as shit will finish it.
Possibly even more, I know for certain my vote has yet to be counted yet since my state hasn’t released their write in results yet
He resigned because he knew Musk was mad at him for not using enough slurs