UlyssesT leaves Hexbear and Kissinger dies.
UlyssesT leaves Hexbear again and now Dennis Prager is on death’s door.
Thank you for your service, UT.
If i just tell everyone I’m leaving and delete this acct do you think i can kill a ghoul or d’yall think there’s a minimum post count before i affect the material world?
You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers.
Their username (which is fantastic btw) is the_post_of_tom_joad, not the_posts_of_tom_joad.
The Hexbear Effect is directly proportional to your post counter. Once per turn tap account to increase post counter by one. When activated discard to the graveyard and take an opponent ghoul equal or lesser than the number of post tokens. This effect does not stack.
Lolol i comment furiously but I’m very post shy idk why
The dialectical engine: it’s easier for an idea to come about in dialogue and contradiction to another idea, than for an idea to come to be from the ether.
Interesting. can you tell me where to find more about that term, the “dialectical engine”? I goog’d and got garbage.
Edit: Other possibilities since i started navel-gazing after commenting “idk why”: maybe i think of posts too highly? Since they’re seen by errybody i keep thinking i need to have something valuable to say. Maybe i shouldn’t think that way, many of my favorite times commenting are on stupid shitposts… hmmm. gears grinding why don’t i ?
I don’t know if you’d ever find a precise definition of “dialectical engine” I’m mostly just referring to the general idea of Hegelian dialectics. I’ve never actually read Hegel either, just Stalin and Mao. If you’re interested in Hegelian dialectics specifically I don’t really know where you can get started since it’s infamously unreadable for people who aren’t super familiar with 18th century philosophy; maybe just take a look at Hegel’s wikipedia page.
Rephrasing what I meant: If you think dialectically, it’s very natural to take something someone else said, and contribute by developing the dialectic: remarking contradictory data, drawing the opposite conclusion, or just generally being a contrarian. If that’s how you think, it can be difficult to just think of a new meaningful contribution to discussion unprompted.
Edit: Here’s a few primers on (Marxist) dialectics:
Hmm, yeah i get it now, i was confused by my incomplete knowledge of the definition of dialectics, which i thought i had read, but had missed the important, deliberate contrarian process, so i didn’t know shit haha. Thanks, time to go read more
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
You need to build up your power levels via anti-treat-aktion first, sorry comrade
He needs to keep coming back and leave again over and over.
It’s the only way.
as a free market economist, instead if getting pneumonia, I would have instead purchased residential real estate.
seems like this Dennis fellow has spent too much time as a Prager U Academic and not enough time in the marketplace studying supply and demand.
Oh trust me I’m praying alright
Sending thots and Pragers
Pneumonia at his age? He’s done.
Yup there’s a reason they’re asking people to pray for his wife and not him directly.
Yeah, that’s an old people killer
Please Lord kill this man
Crabs are on standby
Just tickled pink to know he’s suffering and will die soon
Imagine the pain of his labored breaths…let the hate fuel you
I’m laughing till he’s blue in the face
And then I’m laughing more
He’s bad, but he’ll die, so I like it.
Praying for the speedy recovery of the rest of the world from this bout of Dennis Prager.
This was days ago, give me an obituary!
Die Bitch
Also, pneumonia huh?
unlimited die on Dennis Prager
Praying for his
speedy recoverydownfallA speedy recovery from the burdens of existing
I’m praying… towards MECCA ✊😎🤘
GOOD post